3-4 Peptide Bonds

The linear sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain is called the
_______________ structure of a protein. The secondary, tertiary, and quaternary
structures will be studied in future chapters.
The linkage formed between amino acids is an _______________ bond called a
_______________ bond.
The linkage is the result of a _______________ reaction between the _______________
group of one amino acid and the _______________ group of another amino acid,
resulting in the loss of a _______________ molecule. The resulting polypeptide has no
ionic _______________.
These reactions are not thermodynamically favored because of the abundance of water in
a cell, but the pathway of protein synthesis (_______________) includes reaction
intermediates that _______________ this limitation.
Linked amino acids in a polypeptide chain are referred to as amino acid
_______________. The names change, replacing –ine or –ate with _____.
Write an equation for the formation of a peptide bond between alanine and serine.
The product is named _______________ because alanine is converted to an acyl unit, but
serine retains its carboxyl group.
The free amino group at the end of a peptide chain is called the ___ – terminus, and the
free carboxyl group on the other end of a peptide chain is called the ___ – terminus.
Amino acids in a peptide chain are numbered from the N–terminus to the C–terminus
because this corresponds to the direction of protein _______________.
Both the standard 3-letter abbreviations and the one-letter abbreviations are used to
describe the sequence of amino acid residues. It’s important to know both abbreviation
Because the ionic charges of the carboxyl group and the amino groups are lost during the
formation of peptide bonds, most of the ionic charges are contributed by the
_______________ chains of the amino acids.
o This affects the _______________, _______________ properties, and because the
side chains interact with each other, the _______________and_______________
of a protein.
Some peptides are important biological compounds. For example…
o Hormones like _______________ (regulate pain in vertebrates)
o Food additives like _______________ (200 times sweeter than table sugar)
o _______________ from snake venom and poisonous mushrooms
Aspartame is the methyl ester of aspartylphenylalanine. Show an equation that represents
the formation of this dipeptide.