Spanish 1 Culture Credit Sheet

CULTURE CREDIT – 1st year Spanish Classes 1st Semester
NAME _____________________________
Fifty (50) points of Culture Credit will be required during each quarter. The purpose is to experience the rich Spanish
Speaking culture that surrounds us and to grow in cultural awareness.
 Complete activities from the categories listed below. Items done more than six months ago
are not valid. Each experience is worth up to 10 points. You may use the categories twice per semester.
 A category many be repeated a 3rd time for up to 5 points.
 Be sure to briefly write a category description in the blank before asking the teacher to sign-off the points.
 Up to 5 points of extra credit will be allowed. Five (5) of those points may be awarded for turning it in early.
 To receive credit, be sure to follow guidelines carefully.
1st quarter DUE: October 20
1. Read guidelines carefully – don’t assume expectations by the category title alone.
Early turn in by October 15
2. All written summaries or reports must be neat & legible (no cross outs, etc.)
2nd quarter DUE: January 8
3. Write name on each page!
Early turn in by January 5
4. All written work will be in English
5. Culture Credit may be turned into the bin throughout the quarter and the teacher will sign off points.
6. To receive any points include photocopies of what you read and proof (written note from a parent NOT initials)
CULTURAL REPORTS – Write a minimum of one page (12 font, 1 inch margins, double spaced) about any aspect of
any Spanish speaking country. Must include a photocopy of the material you read. Must be in your own words – NO
plagiarism! Check with teacher to be sure subject and country are appropriate. A limited topic (food of Spain) will be
easier to write about than a large, general topic (Spain).
Teacher. Sig. / points
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
FAMOUS PEOPLE – Write a minimum of one page (12 font, 1 inch margins, double spaced) about a famous
Hispanic/Spanish speaking person. Must include a photocopy of the material you read, use your own words and picture
of the person. State where they are from, why they are famous, why you chose them and other important information.
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
CULTURAL T.V. PROGRAMS & LIBRARY VIDEOS – Watch a program about some aspect of the history or culture
of a Spanish Speaking Country. Write a ½ page summary stating what you learned. Must include a bibliography (work
cited) of the program watched and a parent note & signature. This does NOT include watching the Spanish Channel.
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
NEWSPAPER/MAGAZINE ARTICLES & SUMMARIES – Watch the newspaper for any article about any Spanish
Speaking country. Articles should be in English but about Hispanic countries. Write a ½ page summary explaining the
point of the article and your thoughts about it. Must also cut out the article or print a copy from the Internet. Short articles
will not be worth 10 points.
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
CHURCH SERVICES - Visit a Hispanic church. Write a summary of at least ½ page about the experience, how it
compared to the services you are accustomed to, etc. Must include a church bulletin or proof of your visit (parent
signature). You may visit the same church again. A presentation by missionaries about their work in a Spanish speaking
country may also count if it is a significant presentation (not 5 minutes).
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
PERFORMANCES – Watch the newspaper for events at the Seattle Center, International Festivals, Library
presentations, etc. Bring a program or ticket stub (proof) and write a ½ page summary.
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
STORES – Visit any Hispanic store. You don’t need to buy anything, but bring some proof of your visit, such as a
business card. (If there are no cards, a parent note & signature.) Write a ½ page summary of your experience. What was
the store like, what did they sell, was it different from the stores where you shop. Five extra points will be given if you
buy something to share with the class.
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
COOKING – Prepare something from a real, authentic recipe from a Spanish speaking country; see international
cookbooks in the library, use the Internet, etc. Must include a copy of the recipe AND proof you made it, either a sample
or a photograph showing yourself cooking. Five extra points will be given if you make enough to share with the class. If
you do you MUST bring the needed utensils; plates, cups, napkins, etc. (Making up your own recipe does not count. If a
Hispanic friend uses his or her own recipe – write it all down.)
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
RESTAURANTS – Visit a Mexican, Argentine, Salvadorian, etc. restaurant. Bring the receipt or a note from a parent as
confirmation. Write a ½ page describing what you ate, the atmosphere of the restaurant, etc. Order in Spanish (get waiter
signature) for five extra points. You may NOT visit the same restaurant or restaurant chain twice. Chipotle, Taco Bell,
Taco Time, Taco del Mar DO NOT APPLY.
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
PEN PALS – Write a letter or e-mail to someone who lives in a Spanish Speaking country. Letter must be ½ in Spanish.
Describe yourself and ask them about their life. For credit you must turn in your letter AND the response from your pal.
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
INTERVIEWS – Document your questions and their responses as you interview someone who has lived in a Spanish
Speaking country for at least 1 year (and can remember it!) Information should be about cultural differences, similarities,
etc. Full credit will not be given for simple questions that do not have to do with the culture. Must include a brief written
description of the person and how you know them.
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
INTERNET ACTIVITES – Go to the textbook website click on
Washington, student, Spanish, ¡Buen viaje! Level 1 © 2005, student center, choose a chapter at left side, web quest, then
click to open the worksheet. Print and complete. Make sure you complete all the pages that make up the activity.
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
REPORTS FOR OTHER CLASSES – Choose a subject matter that applies to both classes – a Spanish artist, an
Argentine author, a Mexican muralist, a geography report on Colombia, etc. Must include a bibliography (works cited)
and teacher note & signature from the class where it was used.
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
OTHER – Check with the teacher if you have an idea that you think would qualify for Culture Credit. Some ideas – items
to share with the class that come from Spanish speaking countries (know the country and something about the item),
language related cartoons, labels or instructions in Spanish (limit 5 points.), cultural artifacts (limit 5 points). These may
be worth 1 or 2 points and possibly up to 10 if very informative.
Teacher. Sig. / points
Teacher. Sig. / points
* If you go on a mission trip to a Spanish Speaking country you may use these categories when doing Culture Credit.
3 Cultural Reports = 25 points (1-Cultural differences you saw and experienced, 2-What you do did, 3-What you learned)
3 Stores =25 points; 3 Restaurants = 25 points (May include authentic homemade meals); 3 Churches = 25 points