Dear Parent or Guardian, Your child has been learning about geologic processes that shape the Earth’s surface. He or she has learned to define weathering as the breaking apart of rock and erosion as the movement of rock and soil. In order to extend your child’s learning, he or she will be required to design and create a simulation of a geologic process of their choice (weathering through freezing and thawing of water, weathering through human activity, erosion through wind, erosion through moving water, etc.). After the physical simulation has been conducted, each child will create and present a visual presentation of the simulation to the class. Visual presentations may include, but are not limited to, video clips of the simulation being conducted, a physical model of the simulation, photographs that will be shared with the class, PowerPoint presentations or poster boards outlining the steps that were taken to simulate the geologic process. While your child will be given time to research and design at school, the simulation and the visual presentation will be completed at home. Simulations must be completed at home by Friday, September 28, 2012 and visual presentations will begin on Monday, October 1, 2012. I look forward to seeing how creative our students can be in recreating natural processes that shape our Earth’s surface! Sincerely,