Latin Phrases - Pickle Chees

Latin Phrases
Latin phrase: homo proponit sed dues disponeit
Translated in English: man proposes but god disposes.
Latin phrase: flos unum nonfacit hortum
Translated in English: one flower does not make a garden.
Latin phrase: nemo in amore videt
Translated in English: no one in love sees.
Latin phrase: sermo mollis frangit irran spec
Translated in English: soft speech dissolves anger.
Latin phrase: numauam ex malo patre bonus filius neutares
Translated in English: A bad son does not come out of a father.
Latin phrase: timidus vocat se cautum avarus parcum
Translated in English: a fearful person calls himself safe, a greedy person calls himself
Latin phrase: Rues innsens fortum non testem timet
Translated in English: the innocent defender fears luck not a witness.
Latin phrase: homo locum ornate non hominus locus
Translated in English: a person decorates a place a place does not adorn a person.
Latin phrase: lupus pilum mutat non menten
Translated in English: wolf changes hair, not his mind.
Latin phrase: vanescit absens et nouis intrat amor
Translated in English: absent love vanishes and new love enters.
Latin phrase: de sole cauesus iudicat
Translated in English: a blind man is judging about the sun.
Latin phrase: immodica ira gignit insamia
Translated in English: a great amount of anger creates insanity.
Latin phrase: acta exreriora indicant interiora.
Translated in English: exterior acts indicate interior secrets.
Latin phrase: mulies recte olet ubi nihil olet
Translated in English: a woman smells right when she doesn’t smell at all.
Latin phrase: factum abiit monumenta manet
Translated in English: the dead has gone away the monument remains.
Latin phrase: culpam poena permit comes
Translated in English: punishment presses hard at the heels of those at blame.
Latin phrase: afflauit fues et disicant ur
Translated in English: God has caused the storm and they are scattered.
Latin phrase: non obit abiit
Translated in English: no he has not died, he has gone away.
Latin phrase: aequat omnes cinis
Translated in English: death makes all equal.
Latin phrase: ubi est thesasaurus tuus ibi est et cortuum
Translated in English: where your treasure is, there your heart is.
Latin phrase: cogito ergo sum
Translated in English: I think therefore I am
Latin phrase: bonis nocet quisquis perpecit malis
Translated in English: who ever is bad harms good
Latin phrase: illic eram unus universitas est vocat illic eram duos quod illic eram
Translated in English: there was one world he said there were two and there was.
Latin phrase: capitur urbs quae totem cepit orbem
Translated in English: the city that has taken the world has been taken.
Latin phrase: amicitia pares aut accuipit aut fecit
Translated in English: friendship either excepts as equals, or makes equal.
Latin phrase: in opem me copia fecit
Translated in English: wealth has put me in poverty.