MEMORANDUM ___________________________________________________________________________ To: All Members of the Panel, officers named for actions. From: Legal and Member Services Ask for: Nicola Cahill Ext: 25554 My ref: Your ref: COMMUNITY SAFETY AND PLANNING CABINET PANEL 3 NOVEMBER 2014 MINUTES ATTENDANCE MEMBERS OF THE PANEL C Clapper, M Cowan, H K Crofton, J G L King, P F J Knell, A Lee, L F Reefe (substituting for E M Gordon), P A Ruffles, R A C Thake (Chairman), Upon consideration of the agenda for the meeting of the Community Safety and Planning Cabinet Panel on 3 November 2014 as circulated, copy annexed, conclusions were reached and are recorded below: Note: No declarations of interest were made at this meeting. CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENT The Chairman advised that following a request from the Police and Crime Commissioner that items 8 and 9 would be considered first. Following which a brief overview of items 3,4,5 and 6 would be provided by Julie Greaves. The presentation may be viewed at PART 1 ACTION 1. PUBLIC PETITIONS There were none. 2. MINUTES The minutes of the 10 September 2014 Cabinet Panel were agreed as a correct record. 3. MINERALS AND LOCAL PLAN REVIEW – PROPOSED WAY AHEAD [ Officer Contact: Julie Greaves 3.1 Minutes Tel: 01992 556227] Members considered a report which set out the main issues which need addressing in reviewing the Hertfordshire Minerals 1 MEMORANDUM ___________________________________________________________________________ ACTION Local Plan. The Cabinet Panel were advised that the issues would be subject to public consultation to inform the review of the plan. The report outlined the importance of planning for minerals at national and local levels. 3.2 The Cabinet Panel were advised that the County Council as Minerals Planning Authority had a statutory duty to produce a Minerals Local Plan for the county. The Minerals Local Plan sets out the apportionment of minerals to be planned for, identifies sites which have viable reserves for extraction and contains policies against which mineral planning applications can be assessed. The Minerals Local Plan must plan for a steady and adequate supply of aggregates based on information presented within the Hertfordshire Local Aggregate assessment. 3.3 Members acknowledged minerals as important natural resources which make an essential contribution to the nation’s prosperity, infrastructure and quality of life. 3.4 It was noted that Hertfordshire’s apportionment figures for sand and gravel was 1.39 tonnes per year, taking into account the seven year ‘rule’, this meant that at any one time there should be planning permission for a total of 9.73 million tonnes of sand and gravel. Members were advised that the level of the land bank was monitored annually via the Authority’s Monitoring Report and the Local Aggregates Assessment. Additionally it was noted that there was a requirement to maintain a landbank for 25 years reserves of brick clay. 3.5 The major issues to be examined and reviewed were identified as follows: 3.6 Minutes Hertfordshire’s Vision and Objectives for minerals planning Hertfordshire’s Sustainability Objectives for minerals planning The need to identify further sites for mineral extraction (sand and gravel) The need to safeguard mineral from being sterilised by built development The need to identify reserves of brick clay (25 years) The plan production was set to incorporate public consultation at several stages, the process would also be subject to consultation with all stakeholders in the minerals and local plan process which, in accordance with the Duty to Cooperate, would include consultation with district and borough councils. 2 MEMORANDUM ___________________________________________________________________________ ACTION CONCLUSIONS 3.7 The Cabinet Panel recommended to Cabinet the proposed way forward for the Minerals Plan and review as detailed in this report and in particular: i) That the plan period length be 15 years with the identification of a further seven years supply of sand and gravel to meet the requirements at the end of the plan period ii) The tonnage to be planned to be based on the national apportionment figure or other appropriate figure agreed by the East of England Aggregates Working party for mineral planning purposes. 4. LOCAL AGGREGATE ASSESSMENT [ Officer Contact: Julie Greaves Tel: 01992 556227] 4.1 The Cabinet Panel considered a report which provided an update to the Hertfordshire Local Aggregate Assessment (LAA), which provided an assessment regarding the local sand and gravel provision against the requirements set out in the national Planning Policy Framework. 4.2 Members were advised that the County Council had a duty under the NPPF (National Planning Policy Framework) to produce a Local Aggregate Assessment, the document is reviewed on an annual basis. 4.3 It was noted that the Local Aggregate Assessment had formed part of the Authority’s Monitoring Report in previous years, however it had been reported on separately owing to its importance in informing the evidence base for the Minerals Local Plan as it set out the details of aggregate supply and demand. 4.4 In debate members requested that officers ensure that the summary of the housing projections outlined for the district and borough councils were in line with current figures as identified in local plans. CONCLUSIONS 4.5 Minutes The Cabinet Panel considered the Local Aggregate Assessment to provide a suitable level of information to assist with the review of the Minerals Local Plan based on the most appropriate forecasted requirements of sand and gravel for the county, according to the latest national and local information. 3 MEMORANDUM ___________________________________________________________________________ ACTION 5. ADOPTION OF THE MINERALS AND WASTE DEVELOPMENT SCHEME [Officer Contact: Julie Greaves Tel: 01992 556227] 5.1 The Cabinet Panel considered a report which advised them of changes made to the Hertfordshire Minerals and Waste Development Scheme (MWDS) and the timetable for document production. 5.2 Officers advised that the timetable for the revised Minerals Local Plan, along with its key mile stones were considered realistic and achievable. It was anticipated that public engagement would be undertaken July- September 2015, with public consultation on the draft plan anticipated to take place between September and October 2016, it was expected that the plan would be submitted to the Secretary of state in August 2017 with anticipated implementation in July 2018. It was highlighted that the timetable for the implementation of the plan would include four intervention points for public consultation. CONCLUSIONS 5.3 The Cabinet Panel considered the revised Hertfordshire Minerals and Waste Development Scheme and the new timetable (attached as appendix 2 to the report) and recommended approval of the new timetable to Cabinet and County Council. 6. MINERALS AND WASTE DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORKAUTHORITY’S MONITORING REPORT [Officer Contact: Julie Greaves Tel: 01992 556227] 6.1 Members considered the Authority’s Monitoring Report (AMR) for the Minerals and Waste planning documents in Hertfordshire. It was noted that the AMR (previously known as the Annual Monitoring Report) had been produced in accordance with The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) (regulations) 2012. 6.2 The Cabinet Panel were advised that the AMR allowed for careful monitoring of progress of plan making in relation to minerals and waste, and assisted in the identification of gaps in the evidence base. 6.3 In relation to the Minerals and Waste Plan policies not implemented, it was highlighted that Regulation 34 of the 2012 Town and Country Planning Act required each local planning Minutes 4 MEMORANDUM ___________________________________________________________________________ ACTION authority to identify development plan policies that were not being implemented. It was noted that all 21 policies listed in the Waste Core Strategy and Development Management Policies had been used to determine applications in the period 1 April 2013 and 30 September 2014, as such no additional steps were required to ensure their future application when determining planning applications for waste management development. 6.4 In general discussion Members raised the following i) Concern in relation to the figures outlined at page 6 to the report which stated that 34.7% of waste arisings collected in Hertfordshire (local authority collected waste) went to landfill. ii) Requested that table 26 within the Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework – AMR be amended to include the previous year’s statistics in relation to the overall reduction in the number of yearly breaches of planning control. iii) Highlighted their disappointment at the 55% response rate achieved in relation to waste surveys sent out to all known waste operators in the county. Officers advised that the 80% target had not been achieved despite follow up telephone calls and reminders being sent in June, July and August 2014. The Executive Member advised that, pending advice from Officers he would give consideration to writing to the relevant Government Minister to request that consideration be given to requiring waste operators to respond to the Waste Planning Authority’s annual surveys. iv) Requested that additional focus be placed upon composing within the recycling stream. CONCLUSIONS 6.5 The Cabinet Panel: i) Commented on the AMR attached as appendix 2 to the report as outlined above, and; ii) Acknowledged that the AMR would be placed on the County Council’s website. Minutes 5 MEMORANDUM ___________________________________________________________________________ ACTION 7. CONSULTATION BY MANCHESTER AIRPORTS GROUP ON A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR LONDON STANSTED AIRPORT [Officer Contact: Paul Donovan Tel:01992 556289] 7.1 The Cabinet Panel considered a report which provided a draft response to a consultation by Manchester Airports Group (M.A.G) on its draft Sustainable Development Plan (SDP) for London Stansted Airport. 7.2 Members were advised that the consultation on the sustainable development plan was due to close in early November. The SDP comprised 5 themes, community, economy, surface access, environment and land use. It was noted that each of the themes contained background and contextual information, presented outputs from existing evidence and highlighted where additional evidence was to be obtained. The SDP also set out the Airports aims, policies objectives and targets. 7.3 Officers advised that they sought commitments from M.A.G in relation to noise, and in particular ‘night noise’. Members welcomed M.A.G’s positive stance in regarding rail improvements, however concerns were raised in relation to the infrastructure surrounding the site should throughput be increased to permitted capacity. CONCLUSIONS 7.4 The Cabinet Panel considered the draft response as attached to, and summarised in, the report represented an appropriate approach for the Chief Executive and Director of Environment (in consultation with the Executive Member for Community Safety and Planning) to take in responding to the consultation. 8. POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER [Officer Contact: Paul Donovan Tel: 01992 556289] 8.1 The Police and Crime Commissioner presented an update report to the Cabinet Panel which provided an overview of activities he had undertaken since the last Community Safety and Planning Cabinet Panel. 8.2 In particular he highlighted partnership working undertaken in relation to establishing a Mental Health Concordat, highlighted the importance of the Community Safety partnership and advised that a step change was underway in relation to commissioning Minutes 6 MEMORANDUM ___________________________________________________________________________ ACTION services for victims, the Cabinet Panel were advised that from April 2015 Police and Crime Commissioners will be responsible for commissioning the majority of emotional and practical support services for victims of crime locally. 8.3 The Panel noted that the Police and Crime Commissioners early thoughts in relation to the precept for the forthcoming financial year, he advised that he anticipated it would be frozen for a further year. 8.4 Following concerns raised at the previous Cabinet Panel in relation to the ‘Drive Safe’ initiative the Police and Crime Commissioner had directed a change of approach, he had instructed that the administrative element of the scheme be dealt with via alternative means, freeing volunteers to spend their time out on the roads. It was also noted that it the PCC was investigating the possibility of updating equipment for use by volunteers that would be more easily transportable. 8.5 Members requested information from the PCC regarding financial support provided other organisations in relation to Domestic Violence. CONCLUSIONS 8.6 The Cabinet Panel thanked the Police and Crime Commissioner for his report and presentation. 9. POLICE AND CRIME PANEL 9.1 Peter Ruffles the Police and Crime Panel (PCP) representative advised that the PCP had not met since the September meeting of the Cabinet Panel. 9.2 The Cabinet Panel were advised of progress in relation to the recommendations of the PCP Topic Group as follows: i) Improvements were reported in relation to attendance at PCP meetings; ii) Investigation in to webcasting was being undertaken to address concerns re public attendance; iii) Noted that Hertfordshire’s PCC was more readily available to the public than those in other counties. CONCLUSIONS 9.3 Minutes The Cabinet Panel thanked the PCP representative for his update. 7 MEMORANDUM ___________________________________________________________________________ ACTION Kathryn Pettitt Chief Legal Officer Minutes 8