Pathway Tools Workshop: GO Annotation

Pathway Tools Workshop: Adding/Editing GO Terms
Select appropriate GO terms
Protein > Search by name or frame ID
Tryptophan synthase
Right-click on protein name > Edit > Protein Editor
Click on “GO Terms” button
Type “tryptophan synthase” into search box in lower right pane, click “Search”.
Click on “tryptophan synthase activity” in Search Results pane, then click on the term in
the top window, which selects it, and it will appear under “Selections” in the bottom left
pane. Repeat with “tryptophan biosynthesis” if you wish. Click OK.
Add evidence codes, citations to GO terms
Use the “Duplicate this term” if you would like to add additional evidence types or
citations to a GO term.
Note that we currently only support the “With” qualifier; this may change in the future.
If you submit GO annotations for your organism to the GO consortium, this field is
required when certain types of evidence codes are used. The format is
“database:identifier”, where database is the GO term for a database (e.g. for UniProt,
“UniProtKB”), followed by the database ID of the object you are referring to.
Please note that evidence codes in Pathway Tools are not identical to the evidence codes
in GO. We will soon provide a mapping that we have used internally.