Intervention Strategies 1. Pacing *extended time requirements *vary activity often *allow breaks *limit lectures requiring a lot of copying *extra time before, during, after school Results 2. Environment *preferential seating *planning seating *alter physical room arrangement *reduce/minimize distractions *teach positive rules for use of space *proximity control *planned ignoring *planned time outs *use of verbal/non-verbal cues *frequent supervision during independent work *provide private work area Results 3. Materials Results *taped texts and/or other class materials *highlighted text/study guides *use supplemental material *note taking assistance: photocopy of teacher or student notes special equipment 4. Presentation of Subject Matter *individualized small group instruction *taped lectures/discussions *present demonstrations (model) *utilize manipulatives *emphasize critical information *reduce language level or reading level of assignment Results 5. Assignments *give directions in small, distinct steps *use written back up for oral directions *allow/require assignment corrections *shorten assignments *allow student to record or tape assignments *give extra cues or prompts Results *adapt worksheets *alternate grading *avoid penalizing for spelling errors/sloppiness *use assignment sheets *allow use of tools i.e. calculator, charts 6. Self Management/Follow Through *visual daily schedule *frequent checks for understanding *have student repeat directions *use study sheets to organize material *use time lines for long term assignments *review and practice in real situations *teach skill in several settings *request parent reinforcement Results 7. Motivation and Reinforcement *offer choice *nonverbal reinforcement *concrete reinforcement *use strengths/interests often *talk privately to student regarding problems *use of contracts *verbal reinforcement *progress monitoring (charts/graphs) Results 8. Social Interaction Support Results *peer tutoring *structured activities to promote positive peer interaction *partial participation *mentorship *cooperative learning groups *use multiple/rotating peers Teach friendship skills/sharing/negotiation *teach social communication skills 9. Miscellaneous Results *support services: principal, guidance counselor, AEA, etc…