MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Student BYOD Resource Page M /J COMPREHENSIVE SCIENCE 2 Course Code: 200207001 Pacing BODY OF KNOWLEDGE: E: Earth Science; N: Nature of Science Traditional Block Unit 4 Assessment TOPIC VII: Plate Tectonics ESSENTIAL CONTENT A. Continental Drift 1. Pangaea 2. Fossil Evidence 3. Rock Evidence B. Describing Tectonic Plate movement 1. Divergent 2. Convergent 3. Transform 4. Slow and rapid changes a. Volcanic Eruptions b. Earthquakes c. Mountain Building C. Explaining Plate movement through heat flow 1. Convecting mantle 2. Earthquakes 3. Volcanoes 4. Mountains 5. Ocean basins Division of Academics – Department of Science Second Nine Weeks OBJECTIVES Classify the movement of plates by identifying the events/feature that are caused by them Compare and contrast divergent and convergent movements Identify the agents of slow and rapid changes to Earth’s surface Discuss the limitations and benefits of using models in the study of plate tectonics Describe the scientific theory of plate tectonics and how the movement of Earth’s crustal plates and flow of heat and material cause various geologic events to occur 14 Days 7 Days Date(s) 11-06-14 to 11-26-14 11-06-14 to 11-26-14 11-25-14 to 11-26-14 INSTRUCTIONAL TOOLS Core Text Book: Pearson Interactive Science Florida Ch. 5–7 Vocabulary: hypothesis, earthquake, Scientific Theory of Plate Tectonics, volcano, mountain, divergent, convergent, plate boundary, subduction zone, mid-ocean ridge, Pangaea, continental drift, theory (scientific theory), fault, fold Technology: 1. Pearson: My Science Online Untamed Science: Beyond the Earth; Diving towards Divergence 2. BrainPOP: Plate Tectonics, Volcanoes, Ocean Floor, Mountains, Earthquakes, Glaciers, Floods 3. BBC BiteSize: Continental Drift; Plate Tectonics Interactive 4. Studyjams: Scientific Theory and Evidence, Earthquakes, Volcanoes 5. Geology Calendar Map Interactive 6. Plate Tectonics Simulations: Changes that Shape the Earth, Plate Motion Simulation at different times, Plate Tectonics Simulation, Mountain Maker/ Earth Shaker, Volcanoes Animation 7. Teachers Domain: Plate Tectonics, Meet the Scientist behind the Theory 8. Earth’s Plates 9. Pangaea 10.Dynamic Earth 11.The Break up of Pangaea 12.Animation of The Break up of Pangaea 13.Plate Movement Prediction for the Future Page 1 of 3 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Student BYOD Resource Page M /J COMPREHENSIVE SCIENCE 2 Course Code: 200207001 Plate Tectonics SC.7.E.6.4 SC.7.E.6.5 SC.7.E.6.7 SC.7.N.2.1 SC.7.N.3.2 Building Pangaea Standard: SC.7.E.6.5 Video Image Exploration Interactive Glossary Science Content Collection Explore the scientific theory of plate tectonics by describing how the movement of Earth's crustal plates causes both slow and rapid changes in Earth's surface, including volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and mountain building. AA (Cognitive Complexity: Level 2: Basic Application of Skills and Concepts) Seafloor Spreading and Earth's Magnetic Field Types of volcanoes How Does Plate Movement Generate Earthquakes? The Geology of the Great Rift Valley Earthquakes The Danakil Depression Volcanoes How the Great Lakes Formed in Africa Volcanoes The Future of the Great Rift Valley Plate tectonics; Pangaea Boundaries Between Tectonic Plates Plate tectonics; Pangaea breakup Plate tectonics; seafloor spreading Plate tectonics Seafloor spreading; linear sea Plate tectonics Seafloor spreading; upwarping Plate tectonics; modern boundaries Earthquakes; divergent and transform boundaries Rock assemblage; divergent boundaries Earthquakes Volcano A Lot on Our Plates scientific theory of plate tectonics Physical Evidence for Plate Tectonics Division of Academics – Department of Science Second Nine Weeks Page 2 of 3 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Student BYOD Resource Page M /J COMPREHENSIVE SCIENCE 2 Course Code: 200207001 Recognize that heat flow and movement of material within Earth causes earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and creates mountains and ocean basins. Assessed as SC.7.E.6.5 (Cognitive Complexity: Level 2: Basic Application of Skills and Concepts) Standard: SC.7.E.6.7 Video Science Content Collection The Formation of Mountains: Volcanoes Understanding: Volcanoes Earthquakes Plate Movements Geography Basics: Landforms and Living Patterns Why Earthquakes Occur Why Volcanoes Form All activities are hyperlinked. Video Satellite Images in '83 Allow First Detailed Maps of Ocean Floor Exploring the Terrain of Djibouti Researchers Track Volcanic Eruptions on the Ocean Floor Earthquakes, Tsunamis Devastate Indonesia and The Samoas "Quake Swarm" on San Andreas Fault Shakes Up Californians Exploring the Cause of Catastrophic Quakes Seismologist Explains Causes of East Coast Earthquake Lesser-Known New Madrid Fault Means Earthquake Risk for Midwest In Iceland, Confusion Over Seismic Activity How a Tsunami -- A Seismic Sea Wave -- Forms, Moves Earthquake Jolts East Coast Engineers Inspect Washington Monument for Quake Damage Fault Lines: Seismologists Track Earth's Constant Movements Scientists Develop Early Warning Systems for Tsunamis Why Do Volcanoes Erupt? A Step by Step Guide Could Ash, Smoke from Mount St. Helens Eruption Affect Global Weather? Division of Academics – Department of Science Second Nine Weeks Souffrier Volcano, Nearing Eruption, is Research Hotbed for Volcanologists Mount Etna, Europe's Most Active Volcano, Erupts Recalling the 1960 Chile Earthquake Image: Volcano Erupts in Hawaii Oceanographers in Mini-Sub Record Undersea Volcano Erupting Greenland Ice Sheet, Formed 60,000 Years Ago, Thins Hawaii's Erupting Volcanoes: Spectacular, Unpredictable Google Earth Images of Ash Clouds from Volcano Eruption Mexico's Mt. Popo, "A Corked Champagne Bottle," Erupts Mount St. Helens Erupts The Aftermath of Mount St. Helens Two Volcanoes Erupt, One in Chile, One in Alaska Mount St. Helens: 20 Years Later, Stories of Natural, Personal Recovery Very Small Dinosaur Fossil Discoveries in Nova Scotia Fossil Discovery of Lobe-Finned Fish Species Page 3 of 3