Relevant works by the instructor

Publications by A. Faludi concerning European spatial planning (August 2005)
Note: This list only contains works in English and German. Students wanting to read the few
works in Dutch, Spanish, Italian or Czech should ask for relevant references.
Publications printed in bold letters form part of the required reading.
Faludi, A. (ed) (1997) Ruimtelijke planning en ordening in een federale staat: Wat gebeurt er bij
de buren?, Duitsland Instituut, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam.
Salet, W., Faludi, A. (Eds.) The Revival of Strategic Planning, Royal Netherlands Academy of
Arts and Sciences, Amsterdam.
Faludi, A., Waterhout, B. (2002) Making the European Spatial Development Perspective:
No Masterplan, Routledge, London.
Faludi, A. (ed) (2002) European Spatial Planning, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy,
Cambridge, MA.
Special Issues
Zonneveld, W., Faludi, A. (Eds.) (1997) Vanishing Borders: The Second Benelux Structural
Outline (Special Issue): Built Environment, Vol. 23, No. 1, Alexander Press, Oxford.
Faludi, A., Zonneveld, W. (Eds.) (1997) Shaping Europe: The European Spatial Development
Perspective in the Making (Special Issue), Built Environment, Vol 32, No. 4, Alexander Press,
Dieleman, F., Faludi, A. (Eds.) (1998) Polynucleated Regions in Northwest Europe (Special
Issue), European Planning Studies, 6, 365-466.
Böhme, K., Faludi, A. (Eds.) (2000) Nordic Planning Meets Europe (Special Issue): Built
Environment, Vol. 26, No. 1, Alexander Press, Oxford.
Faludi, A. (Ed.) (2001) Regulatory Conflict and Co-operation in European Spatial Planning
(Special Issue): Built Environment, Vol. 27, No. 4, Alexander Press, Oxford.
Faludi, A. (ed) (2003) Special Issue on the Application of the European Spatial Development
Perspective, Town Planning Review, 74(1), 1-140.
Priemus, H., Zonneveld, W., Faludi, A. (eds) (2004) Territorial Governance in Polynuclear Urban
Regions in North-west Europe (Special Issue), European Planning Studies, 12(3), 282-408.
Faludi, A. (ed) (2005) Special Issue ‘Territorial Cohesion: An Unidentified Political
Objective?’, Town Planning Review, 76(1), 1-118.
Janin-Rivolin, U., Faludi, A. (eds) (2005) Special issue 'Southern Perspectives on European
Spatial Planning’, European Planning Studies, 13(2), 195-332.
Faludi, A. (1996) Koordination von Raumordnung in den Niederlanden, in: H. Karl, W.
Henrichsmeyer (Hsg.) (1996) Europäische Raumentwicklungspolitik: Notwendigkeit einer
vertraglichen Verankerung? Europa Union Verlag, Bonn, 63-66.
Faludi, A. (1996) European planning doctrine: A bridge too far? Journal of Planning Education
and Research, 16, 41-50.
Faludi, A. (1997) 'Österreich als Vorbild', Raum, nr. 27, 34-35.
Zonneveld, W., Faludi, A. (1997) Introduction, in: Vanishing Borders: The Second Benelux
Structural Outline (Special Issue, Built Environtment, 23, No. 1, 5-13.
Faludi, A., Zonneveld, W. A. (1997) 'Introduction', in: Shaping Europe: The European Spatial
Development Perspective (Special Issue, Built Environment, 23 (4), 256-266.
Faludi, A. (1997) 'A roving band of planners', in: Shaping Europe: The European Spatial
Development Perspective (Special Issue, Built Environment), 23 (4), 281-7.
Faludi, A. (1997) European Spatial Development Policy in "Maastricht II", European Planning
Studies, 5, 535-543.
Dieleman, F.M., Faludi, A. (1998) 'Polynucleated regions in Northwest Europe: Theme of the
special issue', in: F.M. Diememan, A.Faludi (Eds.) Polynucleated Regions in Northwest Europe
(Special Issue), European Planning Studies, 6, 365-377
Dieleman, F.M., Faludi, A. (1998) 'Randstad, Rhine-Ruhr and Flemish Diamond as one
polynucleated macro-region?', Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 89, 320-327
Faludi, A. (1998) 'Options for an institutional framework for European spatial development policy
(Keynote speech)', in: The Future of European Spatial Development Policy: CSD and ESDP
after 1999: CSD Seminar organised by the Federal Chancellery under the Austrian EU
Presidency 23-24 November (Report of the Austrian Presidency).
Faludi, A. (1998) 'Planning by minimum consensus: Austrian "co-operative federalism"
as a model for Europe?', European Planning Studies, 6, 485-504
Faludi, A. (1999) 'European planning: An intellectual pleasure trip', in: A.Kuijsten, H. de Gans,
H. de Feijter (Red.) The Joy of Demography... and Other Disciplines: Essays in Honour of Dirk
van de Kaa, Thela Thesis, Amsterdam, 153-163.
Faludi, A. (1999) ‘Patterns of doctrinal development’, Journal of Planning Education and
Research, 18, 333-344
Faludi, A. (1999) ‘Eine Archivleiche? - Erwartungshaltungen in bezug auf das Europäische
Raumentwicklungskonzept’, Raumforschung und Raumordnung, 57 (5-6), 325 - 327
Faludi, A. (2000) ‘Hopes and expectations concerning the ESDP and its applications’,
Conference European Spatial Planning organised by the Interreg 2c ‘Inclusive New Town
Project’, Louvain-la-Neuve, 14-26
Faludi, A. (2000) ‘The European Spatial Development Perspective: What next?’, European
Planning Studies, 8(2), 237-250
Faludi, A. (2000) 'Comparing CADSES and Northwest Metropolitan Area', in: F. Schindegger
(ed.) Reviewing Transnational Spatial Planning - Proceedings of the Vision Planet Bratislava
Conference 13-14 January 2000, Austrian Institute for Regional Studies and Spatial Planning
(ÖIR), Vienna, 109-111
Faludi, A. (2000) 'Grenzübergreifende Elemente des EUREK unter besonderer
Berücksichtigung des Städtesystems', EUREG - Europäische Zeitschrift für
Regionalentwicklung, Nr. 8, 46-50.
Waterhout, B., Faludi, A. (2000) 'Das Europäische Raumentwicklungskonzept als Quelle:
Nimwegener Wissenschaftsgespräche zur europäischen Raumentwicklungspolitik', EUREG Europäische Zeitschrift für Regionalentwicklung, Nr. 8, 64-66.
Faludi, A., Zonneveld, W., Waterhout, B. (2000) ‘The Committee on Spatial Development:
Formulating a spatial perspective in an institutional vacuum’, in: T. Christiansen. E.
Kirchner (eds.) Committee Governance in the European Union, Manchester University
Press, 115-131.
Faludi, A. (2000) 'Strategic planning in Europe: Institutional aspects', in: W. Salet, A. Faludi
(Eds.) The Revival of Strategic Planning, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences,
Amsterdam, 243-258.
Faludi, A. (2000) 'Die Anwendung des EUREK - oder: Wonach man strategische
Plandokkumente bewertet', in: R. Noetzel, H. Schmitz (Hrsg.) Europäisches
Raumentwicklungskonzept - Entstehung und Anwendung (Material zur Angewandten
Geographie, Band 37), Verlag Irene Kuron, Bonn, 33-46.
Faludi, A. (2001) 'Der EUREK-Prozess', in: Europäisches Raumentwicklungskonzept (EUREK),
Forschungs- und Sitzungsberichte 216, Hsg. K. Wolf, G. Tönnies, Akademie für Raumforschung
und Landesplanung, Hannover, 14-37.
Faludi, A. (2001) The European Spatial Development Perspective and the changing institutional
landscape of planning, in: A. da Rosa Pires, L. Albrechts, J. Alden (Eds.) The Changing
Institutional Landscape of Planning, (Regional Policy and Development Series), Jessica
Kingsley Publishers, London, Bristol, Pennsylvania, 35-55.
Faludi, A. (2001) ‘The anatomy of a process: The European Spatial Development Perspective’,
in: F.M. Zimmermann, S. Janschitz (Eds.) Regional Policies in Europe: Key Opportunities for
Regions in the 21st Century, Leykam Buchverlagsgesellschaft, Graz, 15-48.
Faludi, A. (2001) 'The application of the European Spatial Development Perspective:
Evidence from the North-West Metropolitan Area', European Planning Studies, 9(5), 663675.
Waterhout, B., Faludi, A. (2001) 'Multiple perspectives on polynuclear urban regions', in: D.
Ipenburg, B. Lambregts (eds) Polynuclear Urban Regions in North West Europe (Housing and
Urban Policy Studies 18), OTB Research Institute for Housing, Urban and Mobility Studies/Delft
University Press, Delft, 101-118.
Faludi, A.(2001) 'European spatial planning: A contested field', in: A. Faludi (Ed.)
Regulatory Competition and Co-operation in European Spatial Planning (Special Issue):
Built Environment, Vol. 27, No. 4, Alexander Press, Oxford, 245-252.
Faludi, A., Peyrony, J. (2001) 'The French pioneering role', in: A. Faludi (Ed.) Regulatory
Competition and Co-operation in European Spatial Planning (Special Issue): Built Environment,
Vol. 27, No. 4, Alexander Press, Oxford, 253-262.
Faludi, A. 2001) 'The German role in the ESDP process', in: A. Faludi (Ed.) Regulatory
Competition and Co-operation in European Spatial Planning (Special Issue): Built
Environment, Vol. 27, No. 4, Alexander Press, Oxford, 269-277.
Faludi, A., Waterhout, B. (2001) Evaluation of the ESDP, A report produced within the
framework of Action 12 of EURBANET (proj.n. 0002/B), a research project on urban networks in
the North Western Metropolitan Area, co-financed by the European Union under the Interreg IIC
programme, Nijmegen.
Faludi, A. (2002) 'Preface and Acknowledgments', in: A. Faludi (ed) European Spatial Planning:
Lessons for North America, Lincoln Institute for Land Policy, Cambridge, MA, vii-ix.
Faludi, A. (2002) 'The European Spatial Development Perspective: Overview', in: A. Faludi (ed)
European Spatial Planning, Lincoln Institute for Land Policy, Cambridge, MA, 3-17.
Faludi, A. (2002) 'Spatial planning and European integration', in: A. Faludi (ed) European
Spatial Planning, Lincoln Institute for Land Policy, Cambridge, MA, 175-187.
Faludi, A. (2002) 'Positioning European spatial planning', European Planning Studies,
10(7), 897-909.
Faludi, A. (2003) 'The application of the European Spatial Development Perspective:
Introduction to the special issue', in: A. Faludi (ed) Special Issue on the Application of
the European Spatial Development Perspective, Town Planning Review, 74(1), 1-9.
Faludi, A. (2003) 'Unfinished business: European spatial planning in the 2000s', in: A.
Faludi (ed) Special Issue on the Application of the European Spatial Development
Perspective, Town Planning Review, 74(1), 121-140.
Ritter, E-H., Benz, A., David, C-H., Faludi, A., Schmidt-Aßmann, E., Wahl, R. (2003)
Raumentwicklungspolitik im Europäischen Verfassungsvertrag: Positionspapier aus der
Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung (Studies in Spatial Development 3),
Faludi, A. (2003) 'Ein unterbrochener Fortsetzungsroman? Die Zukunft des Europäischen
Raumentwicklungskonzepts', in: Raumordnung im Umbruch - Herausforderungen, Konflikte,
Veränderungen (Festschrift für Edward Kunze, Sonderserie Raum & Region Heft 1), ÖROKSchriftenreihe, Österreichische Raumordnungskonferenz, Wien, 34-40.
Faludi, A. (2003) '(Fach)sprachliche Verwirrungen', Raum, 51(3), 32-33.
Faludi, A. (2003) 'Intersectoral relations and European spatial planning: The case of the
European Spatial Development Perspective', in: Sustainable Spatial Development:
Strengthening Intersectoral Relations (European Regional Planning, No. 69), Council of Europe
Publishing, Strasbourg, 53-57.
Faludi, A. (2004) 'Territorial cohesion: Old (French) wine in new bottles?', Urban Studies,
41(7), 1349-1365.
Faludi, A. (2004) 'The European Spatial Development Perspective and North-west Europe:
Application and future', European Planning Studies, 12(3) 391-408
Faludi, A. (2004) 'The third Cohesion Report and the European Spatial Development
Perspective', European Journal of Spatial Development, - ISSN
Faludi, A. (2004) 'The Open Method of Co-ordination and 'post-regulatory' territorial
cohesion policy', European Planning Studies, 12(7), 1019-1033.
Faludi, A. (2004) 'The king is dead -Long live the king?', Ruimte in debat, nr.4, 27-29.
Faludi, A. (2004) 'Spatial planning approaches in Europe: Their role in the ESDP Process',
International Planning Studies, 9(2-3), 155-172.
Faludi, A. (2004) 'Das EUREK zwischen Anwendbarkeit und Umsetzbarkeit', in: B. Müller, S.
Löb, K. Zimmermann (Eds.) Steuerung und Planung: Festschrift für Dietrich Fürst, VS Verlag für
Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden, 79-98.
Faludi, A. (2004) 'The future of the European Spatial Development Perspective', Scienze
Regionali - Italian Journal of Regional Science, nr. 2, 85-95.
Faludi, A. (2005) ' Territorial cohesion: An unidentified political objective - Introduction to
the special issue', in: A. Faludi (Ed.) Territorial Cohesion: An Unidentified Political
Objective (Special Issue), Town Planning Review, 76(1), 1-13.
Faludi, A. (2005) 'Polycentric territorial cohesion policy', in: A. Faludi (Ed.) Territorial
Cohesion: An Unidentified political objective (Special Issue), Town Planning Review,
76(1), 107-118.
Gestel, T., Faludi, A. (2005) 'Towards a European Terriotorial Cohesion Assessment
Network: A bright future for ESPON?', in: A. Faludi (Ed.) Territorial Cohesion: An
Unidentified political objective (Special Issue), Town Planning Review, 76(1),'69-80.
Janin-Rivolin, U., Faludi, A. (2005) ‘The hidden face of European spatial planning’, in: U.
Janin-Rivolin, A. Faludi (Eds) Southern Perspectives on European Spatial Planning
(Special Issue), European Planning Studies, 13(2), 195-215.
Faludi, A., Waterhout, B. (2005) 'The usual suspects: The Rotterdam informal ministerial
meeting on territorial cohesion', Tijdschrift voor Economische en Social Geografie, 96(3)
Faludi, A. (2005) 'Europäische Raumentwicklungspolitik', in: E.-H. Ritter et al. (Hg.)
Handwörterbuch der Raumordnung, Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung (ARL),
Hannover, 251-259.
Faludi, A. (2005) 'Die Rolle der "planerischen Fachkenntnis" in der europäischen
Raumentwicklungspolitik', in: W. Feilmayr (Hrsg.) Festschrift anlässlich der Emeritierung von o.
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Dieter Bökemann (Wiener Beiträge zur Regionalwissenschaft Band
21), Department für Raumentwicklung, Infrastruktur- und Umweltplanung der Technischen
Universität Wien, Fachbereich Stadt-und Regionalforschung, Wien, 91-100.
Faludi, A., (2005) ‘The Netherlands: A country with a soft spot for planning’, in: B. Sanyal
(Ed) Comparative Planning Cultures, Routledge, New York and London, 285-307.
No Masterplan
Andreas Faludi and Bas Waterhout,
both at the University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
With a foreword by Sir Peter Hall
'Andreas Faudi and Bas Waterhout have performed an enormous scholarly service,
not merely for urbanists, but all serious students of politics.' - Sir Peter Hall
The European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP) is published in eleven official EU
languages and so is the most international planning policy document that exists. This book is
the only comprehensive account of the process of preparing, negotiating and adopting this
document. It outlines the differing perspectives of the European member states and shows that
the last thing its proponents wanted is a masterplan. The Making of the European Spatial
Development Perspective is a unique book offering a snapshot of contemporary European
spatial planning.
Contents: Foreword by Sir Peter Hall. Preface. Acknowledgements. Chapter 1. Roots and Context.
Chapter 2. A European Primer. Chapter 3. Nantes and Turin - The Single Market Casting its Shadow.
Chapter 4. The Hague and Lisbon - Tooling up for Intergovernmental Planning. Chapter 5. Liege to
Leipzig - David and Goliath Working in Tandem. Chapter 6. Strasbourg, Madrid, Venice - In the
Doldrums. Chapter 7. Noordwijk - A Collective Effort. Chapter 8. Glasgow and the Consultations - Two
Parallel Post-Noordwijk Processes. Chapter 9. Potsdam: The Crowning Event. Chapter 10. 'The Show
Must Go On'. References.
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