Novel Plan - Anne Arundel County Public Schools

Grade 6
Language Arts Novel Unit
Novel Title: Tut Tut
Marking Period:
Unit Length:
2 weeks
Enduring Understanding(s):
Using the writing process helps us express
ourselves clearly to others
Language choices strengthen writing
Reading strategies help students understand
and learn from literature
Designated Group
X Below
Author: Jon Scieszka
The ability to identify setting.
The ability to organize ideas into a cohesive paragraph.
The ability to summarize key events.
Curricular Connections:
Social Studies – ancient Egypt
Science – “Body Tricks” (Reaction Time, Leverage)
Essential/Key Questions:
How do writers make us believe in the worlds they
create with their imaginations?
How can we describe settings so readers can easily
imagine them?
What strategies are most helpful for reading
science fiction or fantasy?
Technology Indicator(s):
Upon graduation, students will be able to use computers and related
As tools to increase productivity, promote creativity, and
encourage collaboration.
To communicate, collaborate, and interact effectively
with multiple audiences.
Name of novel: Tut Tut Created by: Phyllis Crabbe July 2002
Evidence of Learning: Instructional Resources:
Formative Assessments:
 Journal entries
 Discussion responses
 Written responses
 Quiz
 Student Conferencing
Summative Assessments:
 Limited Writing Prompt –
 Student Project
 L.A. Unit 4 assessment
Daybook of Critical Reading and
Writing Setting p. 40-41
Sourcebook Mummies p.92-100
Interactive Reader Tutankhamen
p. 234-245
Write Source 2000 Writing a
Paragraph Summary p. 088
Making Big Words Lessons 11,128
Additional Read aloud selections:
Mummies (Soar to Success 6th )
NATT(ms) MTA Satellite Program, 2002 Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Selection pages -p. 1-14 (Ch. 1-3)______
Novel Planning Sheet
Read Aloud/Journal Topic
Teacher Directed Reading
Outcome: Students will
Outcome: Students will preview text
Outcome: Students will write
Outcome: Students
Outcome: Students
increase their desire to
read when they listen to
the teacher read aloud.
Students will predict
ideas and events.
and graphic information.
Students will predict ideas and
Students will access prior knowledge.
to inform by developing and
organizing facts to convey prior
knowledge about ancient Egypt.
will use context clues
to determine word
will use Inspiration to
organize information
about a topic.
Students will use
online resources to
determine word
Procedure: (After Pre-
Look at novel – cover, illustrations,
text. Predict what you think book will
be about.
Access prior knowledge about Time
Warp Trio books – format, what
causes the time travel, etc., and about
ancient Egypt. (See Technology
During Reading:
During SSR, students read ch. 2 and 3
to find out where the trio went, and
who Hatsnat might be.
After Reading:
Share with table their answers to
purpose for reading, and check to see
if their predictions were accurate.
For students needing a more
structured reading experience, see
TR 1 for Guided Reading Sheets,
which may be used as a teacher
resource for creating Guided Reading
Teacher models using a web to
create an outline, then models
writing a paragraph from the
outline to summarize prior
knowledge about a topic. (See
technology procedure*)
Using the outline created during
Teacher Directed Reading,
teacher and students will write
a paragraph together
summarizing what they know
about ancient Egypt.
Review using context
clues to find word
meaning. Introduce 3
 diorama (p.1)
 revere (p.13)
 defile (p.14)
Confirm word
meanings by having
students use online
dictionary. Show on
presentation device.
(See technology
procedure **)
*Use Inspiration to
brainstorm prior
knowledge about
ancient Egypt.
Display on a
presentation device.
**Use online
dictionary to
determine word
meanings. Display on
a presentation device.
Read aloud Ch. 1 (p. 1-5)
doing think alouds. In
think aloud, model
description of setting,
and predict how setting
will probably change,
based on prior
knowledge of Scieszka’s
Time Warp Trio books.
Journal Topic:
What do you think
happens next to the
trio? Be sure to use the
text and what you know
about Jon Scieszka’s
other Time Warp Trio
books to support your
answer. (TR 7)
Name of novel: Tut Tut Created by: Phyllis Crabbe July 2002
Teacher Directed Writing
Word Development
NATT(ms) MTA Satellite Program, 2002 Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Novel Planning Sheet
Selection pages - p. 15-32 (Ch. 4-6)______
Read Aloud/Journal Topic
Teacher Directed Reading
Teacher Directed Writing
Word Development
Outcome: Students will
Outcome: Students will use reading
Outcome: Students will create
Outcome: Students
Outcome: Students
increase their desire to
read when they listen to
the teacher read aloud.
strategies to predict ideas and
Students will choose appropriate
reading strategies when reading for
different purposes.
Students will evaluate text structure.
an appropriate G.O. and organize
facts to compare information
about two Pharaohs.
will understand word
meaning by placing
words in a new
will use technology as
a tool to promote
creativity and
Read aloud ch. 4 (p.1522). Think aloud that
“reaction time” was a
science activity done
during the unit on the
muscular system.
Journal Topic:
On p. 16, Joe does a
“magic” trick with a
piece of papyrus. Do
you think the Egyptians
will treat the trio any
differently thinking
they can do magic? Why
or why not? (TR 8)
Have students pair read (or read
silently) ch. 5 (p. 23-27) and discuss
with their partners or group “What
role do you think Thutmose will play in
the novel?” Share thoughts with the
Discuss, as a class, King Thutmose and
King Tut (of whom most students have
heard). Make sure they understand
they are not the same.
Review reading strategies.
Brainstorm which strategies would be
most appropriate to use when looking
for information on a website. (TR 2)
In the computer lab, students will use
appropriate reading strategies to
read about Thutmose III and
Tutankhamen from pre-selected
websites. (See technology procedure
Do Interactive Reader p. 234-245 –
Informative article on Tutankhamen’s
Do Sourcebook p. 92-100, a
writing activity about Mummies,
together, with teacher modeling
the creation of a G.O. for
comparing two things.
After this lesson, students will
work in groups to create a G.O.
comparing King Thutmose III
and King Tutankhamen. G.O.s
will be put on chart paper and
groups will share their
information with the class.
Use vocabulary words
from TR 3. In pairs,
students are assigned
a vocabulary word, and
will create trading
cards for that word.
(TR 11,12)(See
Technology procedure
**) Teacher models
the procedure. Print
multiple copies of the
cards, and have a
trading day, or have
students present their
cards to the class
using the presentation
device. (See
technology procedure
*Use pre-selected
sites for students to
read about and
gather information
about Thutmose and
**Students create
trading cards for
vocabulary words.
***Students share
their trading cards
with the class using
the presentation
Name of novel: Tut Tut Created by: Phyllis Crabbe July 2002
NATT(ms) MTA Satellite Program, 2002 Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Selection pages - p.33-53 (Ch.7-9)______
Outcome: Students will
Outcome: Students will practice
Outcome: Students will write
Outcome: Students
Outcome: Students
increase their desire to
read when they listen to
the teacher read aloud.
visualizing as a strategy to aid
to express personal ideas by
depicting a science fiction
setting using sensory details,
colorful modifiers, active voice,
and correctness.
will use vivid language
to enhance meaning.
will use a cordless
word processor and a
computer to increase
productivity and
Read Aloud ch. 7 (p.3342)
Journal Topic:
Choose one of the
characters from the
book and tell how he or
she felt at the end of
chapter 7. (TR 9) Use
QuickPads for writing,
and transfer to class
computer using infrared,
or use classroom
computer station. Edit
and print out for
assessment. (See
technology procedure *)
Discuss visualization (seeing the
picture in your head, based on the
words you read.) Model a think aloud
visualization, and sketch what you
Re-read (aloud) p. 33-35, about Sam
and the crocodile. Have students
sketch individually what they heard.
After sketching, read the passage
aloud again, and have students add to,
or modify their drawings.
Re-read (aloud) p. 36-37, the
description of Luxor. Have students
work individually to draw the scene,
then share in groups.
Have students re-read (silently) p.
38-40, a description of the banquet,
discuss the description with their
groups, and create a group drawing of
the scene on chart paper. Display in
Discuss the two settings
encountered so far in the book.
Ask students to visualize them.
What did the author do to help
you see the setting clearly?
How can we describe settings so
readers can easily imagine
them? Brainstorm ideas on
Inspiration, and display on the
presentation device. (See
technology procedure **)
Model describing a setting using
sensory language (TR 4)(try to
use each sense in your
description.) Give out prompt
(TR 5) for Science
Fiction/Fantasy setting. Review
characteristics of science
fiction/fantasy as a genre.
Unlock prompt.
Model G.O. and have students
make theirs.
Write rough draft of setting.
Have students
complete “Using Juicy
Words” (TR 6) to
practice using more
descriptive sensory
*Use QuickPad
portable word
processors or
classroom computer
station to write and
transfer journal
entries. Use class
computer to edit,
spell check, and print
**Use Inspiration and
presentation device
to brainstorm ideas
on how to vividly
describe settings.
Name of novel: Tut Tut Created by: Phyllis Crabbe July 2002
NATT(ms) MTA Satellite Program, 2002 Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Novel Planning Sheet
Selection pages -p. 54-74 (10-12) ______
Read Aloud/Journal Topic
Teacher Directed Reading
Teacher Directed Writing
Word Development
Outcome: Students will
Outcome: Students will summarize
Outcome: Students will improve Outcome: Students
Outcome: Students
increase their desire to
read when they listen to
the teacher read aloud.
key events to create meaning.
language choices, focus on
precise sensory language, word
choice, and correct conventions
to express themselves clearly.
will use awareness of
phonemes to make
will use PowerPoint to
communicate and
interact effectively
with multiple
Read aloud ch.10 (p. 5461)
Journal Topic:
Throughout the book,
the boys call Hatsnat by
many different names.
List as many as you can.
Be sure to give page
numbers. How are these
names similar? Now
make up one or two
names of your own for
Hatsnat. (TR 10)
Ask students which reading strategy
they could use to find information to
summarize events in a novel. (TR 2)
Have students re-read/skim chapter
10, to be able to summarize what the
boys did to try and find Anna. Model
the process involved, and model the
Have students read p. 65-70, and, in
groups, have students summarize how
the group escaped the mummification
chamber. Have students write these
summaries on overheads, and share
with the class.
Have students finish reading book in
Revisit predictions from beginning of
unit – were they accurate?
Have students discuss setting changes
in the book. When did they happen,
how many times did the setting
change, and how did it add to the
enjoyment and understanding of the
Use Write Source 2000 p. 088
as a checklist for “Writing a
Paragraph”. Have students use
this checklist on their setting
paragraphs to revise and edit.
Have students peer edit other
students’ work, using this
Use QuickPads or computer
stations to write final drafts,
transfer to Hyperstudio
program, and create a
presentation. (See Technology
procedure *)
Use Making Big
Lesson 11 – adventures
Lesson 128 - traveling
Then have students
write 1 or 2 sentences
about Tut Tut, using
the big words, and as
many of the smaller
words as they can.
*Students will use
QuickPads (portable
word processors) or
computer stations for
writing final draft of
setting paragraphs,
then will transfer
them to Hyperstudio
Students will create a
presentation of their
setting and an
illustration of the
setting based on
their writing. These
will be linked
together into a class
slide show.
Name of novel: Tut Tut Created by: Phyllis Crabbe July 2002
NATT(ms) MTA Satellite Program, 2002 Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Novel Plot Summary
Parts of the Plot
Rising Action
Falling Action
The Time Warp Trio: Joe, Sam, and Fred, find Joe’s sister, Anna, in their bedroom, very interested in the projects
on ancient Egypt the boys have just completed. Anna and Cleo the cat open “The Book” (which takes the trio to
different time periods or worlds), to the dismay of the boys, and they are launched into another time travel
adventure. A short background piece on how “The Book” transports the trio to different times is given.
The boys find themselves in a burial tomb in ancient Egypt, overhearing an evil priest, Hatsnat, discussing plans to
take over the Pharaoh’s tomb as his own. They are discovered, and Hatsnat decides to kill them so they will not
reveal his plan. Hatsnat is thwarted in his attempts by the boys’ resourcefulness, and their befriending of
Thutmose, the boy Pharaoh. They travel on the Nile to Thutmose’s palace, and there discover Anna, who has
befriended the goddess Isis. Anna disappears, and, in attempting to find her, the boys find themselves in a secret
chamber where Hatsnat has hidden her. As the boys prepare their escape, Hatsnat and his thugs appear.
Hatsnat and his priests overpower the group, and they find themselves “wrapped up like mummies, about to be buried
alive.” Cleo (or is it Isis?) comes to the rescue by locating, and opening, “The Book” in a pile of papyrus, sending the
group back to the present.
The group is back in Joe’s bedroom, looking at their projects with new background knowledge, questioning what
happened to Thutmose after they left.
They find that Thutmose III became one of the most successful Pharaohs of ancient Egypt. The group decides not
to call on Isis to see if she really helped the group, and Anna collects on her bet made in the mummification
Name of novel: Tut Tut Created by: Phyllis Crabbe July 2002
NATT(ms) MTA Satellite Program, 2002 Anne Arundel County Public Schools