Les Houches Lectures (October 2000): William M. Gelbart A primary aim of these lectures is to introduce two structural motifs in biology that have provided the motivation for many recent studies of electrostatic effects in solutions of macro-ions. The first motif involves condensates of DNA that are induced by the presence of polyvalent counterions, and corresponds to the packaging of DNA in viruses. The second involves complexes of DNA with oppositelycharged colloidal particles, and corresponds to nucleosome core particles and the basic fiber of chromatin. In this spirit, we devote considerable time to gaining some feeling for the biological systems themselves, even though we will almost always be concerned with their study under highly-controlled -- i.e., in vitro -- conditions. LECTURE #1: SEMIFLEXIBLE CHAIN CONDENSATION AND VIRAL INFECTION I. brief introduction to bacterial viruses (“phages”) and their infection of cells A. a typical bacterial virus -- lambda B. a typical bacterial cell -- E. coli C. the in vivo infection process D. the in vitro virus synthesis (not “synthetic viruses”) (Natural presence of polyamines -- polyvalent cations -- implies DNA is condensed.) REFERENCES: any of the standard molecular biology textbooks, e.g., Molecular Biology of the Cell, 3rd edition, B. Alberts, D. Bray, J. Lewis, M. Raff, K. Roberts and J. D. Watson (Garland Publishing, New York, 1994). II. classical DNA condensation experiments Addition of polyvalent cations (or low MW polymer, or alcohol, …) to highly dilute solution of DNA leads to toroidal condensates of limited size, largely independent of DNA length and origin (sequence!), condensing agent, and monovalent salt concentration (Is limited size due to kinetics or thermodynamics?) 1 REFERENCE: V. A. Bloomfield, “Condensation of DNA by Multivalent Cations: Considerations on Mechanism”, Biopolymers 31, 1471-81 (1991). III. barriers to larger toroids A. thermodynamic: “competing interactions” short-range attractions plus long-range repulsions, analogous to: *passivated metal nanocrystals on the surface of water [see R. P. Sear, S.-W. Chung, G. Markovich, W. M. Gelbart and J. R. Heath, “Spontaneious Patterning of Quantum Dots at the Air-Water Interface”, Phys. Rev. E59, R6255-8 (1999)]; *charged latex spheres on the surface of water [see J. Ruiz-Garcia, R. Gamez-Corrales and B. I. Ivlev, “Formation of Two-Dimensional Colloidal Voids, Soap Froths, and Clusters”, Phys. Rev. E58, 660-3 (1998)]; *instability of charged liquid drop and of polyelectrolytes in bad solvents [see A. V. Dobrynin, M. S. Rubinstein and S. P. Obukhov, “Cascade of Transitions of Polyelectrolytes in Poor Solvents”, Macromolecules 29, 2974-9 (1996)] B. thermodynamic: topological defects [see S. Y. Park, D. Harries and W. M. Gelbart, “Topological Defects and the Optimum Size of DNA Condensates”, Biophys. J. 75, 714-20 (1998)] C. kinetic: barrier to alignment long-range repulsion favors perpendicular alignment, whereas shortrange attractions favor parallel, implying barrier to re-orientation whose height grows with size of condensate [see B.-Y. Ha and A. J. Liu, “Kinetics of Bundle Growth in DNA Condensation”, Europhys. Lett. 46, 624-30 (1999)] IV. non-classical condensation experiments Bacterial viruses (in the presence of polyvalent cations) can be used to prepare DNA toroids of arbitrary size. [O. Lambert, L. Letellier, W. M. Gelbart and J.-L. Rigaud, “DNA Delivery by Phage as a Strategy for Encapsulating Toroidal Condensates of Arbitrary Size into Liposomes”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 97, 7248-53 (2000)] V. 2 the viral “loading problem” How does a long, semi-flexible chain get packaged into a small volume? Current phenomenological and simulation approaches to this problem are outlined. LECTURE #2: CHAIN-BALL COMPLEXATION AND NUCLEOSOMES/CHROMATIN I. brief introduction to the structure of nucleosomes and chromatin A. hieirarchy of organization in chromosomes, from microns down to Angstroms B. basic “beads-on-a-necklace” motif -- the “10nm fiber” C. the nucleosome core particle -- high-resolution X-ray crystallography II. effects of salt on chromatin structures A. first step in folding/condensing of the “necklace” (the 10nm fiber) [see J. Widom, “Physicochemical Studies of the Folding of the 100A Nucleosome Filament into the 300A Filament”, J. Mol. Biol. 190, 411-24 (1986)] B. unbinding of beads from the necklace [see T. D. Yager, C. T. McMurray and K. E. van Holde, “Salt-Induced Release of DNA from Nucleosome Core Particles”, Biochemistry 28, 2271-81 (1989)] C. common, polyvalent-cation-induced, behavior of “naked” DNA and of the nucleosome core particles [see E. Raspaud, I. Chaperon, A. Leforestier and F. Livolant, “Spermine-Induced Aggregation of DNA, Nucleosomes, and Chromatin”, Biophys. J. 77, 1547-55 (1999)] III. geometric aspects of chromatin folding Intrinsic structure of nucleosomes -- in particular, the entry-exit angle for wrapped DNA and the angle between superhelical axes of neighboring nucleosomes -- determines the structural states of the 10nm/30nm fiber [see poster by H. Schiessel] IV. the chain-ball “wrapping problem”, with and without explicit treatment of the electrostatics 3 A. Marking-Manning [N. L. Marky and G. S. Manning, “A Theory of DNA Dissociation from the Nucleosome”, J. Mol. Biol. 254, 50-61 (1995)] B. Wallin-Linse [T. Wallin and P. Linse, “Monte Carlo Simulations of Polyelectrolytes at Charged Micelles. 1. Effects of Chain Flexibility”, Langmuir 12, 305-14 (1996)] C. Park et al. [S. Y. Park, R. F. Bruinsma and W. M. Gelbart, “Spontaneous Overcharging of Macro-ion Complexes”, Europhys. Lett. 46, 454-60 (1999)] D. Mateescu et al. [E. M. Mateescu, C. Jeppesen and P. Pincus, “Overcharging of a Spherical Macroion by an Oppositely Charged Polyelectrolyte”, Europhys. Lett. 46, 493-8 (1999)] E. Netz-Joanny [R. R. Netz and J.-F. Joanny, “Complexation between a Semiflexible Polyelectrolyte and an Oppositely Charged Sphere”, Macromolecules 32, 9026-40 (1999)] F. Kunze-Netz [K.-K. Kunze and R. R. Netz, “Salt-Induced DNA-Histone Complexation”, preprint -- see poster by K.-K. Kunze] V. nucleosome repositioning (iff time permits) How does a ball that is wrapped several times by a chain move to a new position along the chain while remaining bound to it? A. review of relevant experiments [see: G. Meersseman, S. Pennings and E. M. Bradbury, “Mobile Nucleosomes -- A General Behavior”, EMBO J. 11, 2951-9 (1992); and K. J. Polach and J. Widom, “Mechanism of Protein Access to Specific DNA Sequences in Chromatin: A Dynamic Equilibrium Model for Gene Regulation”, J. Mol. Biol. 254, 130-49 (1995)] B. theory of motion by loop diffusion (stored length reptation) 4