Lexicon Grammar Rules (CFG) Parser “The dog eats the bone.” Words Word Category Grammar Rules The – det (determiner) dog – noun eats – eat - verb (morphology) the – det bone noun NP det noun VP verb VP verb NP S NP VP (NP noun phrase) (VP verb phrase) Morphology Sentence Structure Determines stem + ending e.g. eats eat + (verb, singular, 3rd) the dog NP eats verb the bone NP verb NP VP (S sentence) part of sentence structure Parse Tree Ambiguity Several rules applicable: e.g. VP verb and VP verb NP Semantic Representation Generate frame-based representation from syntactic structure + lexicon. (cf. Filmore’s case frames literature search or ask CRL for set of cases, roles) Basic idea: Verb-centered representation. Verb (action) is regarded as center of meaning expression, other parts of sentence are described in relation to the action (as role, or case fillers). General Frame for ‘eating’: Frame for sentence 1: Agent: Action: Patiens: Manner: Place: Time: Agent: the dog Action: eat Patiens: the bone - animate eat food {e.g. fast} {e.g. in the yard} {e.g. at noon} - Example: case, role = Patiens, possible fillers = food (concept), filler in sentence1 = the bone Sentence types: Specify grammar for various sentence types (cf. dialogue, discourse grammar). Distinguish questions, commands, and statements: Where is the remote-control? Bring the remote-control! The remote-control is on the brown table. Maybe add meta-dialogues, e.g. “Why did you bring the remote control?” – “Because you told me.” Interface to Knowledge Base/Planner: Extract sentence type (as above). Extract goal/action from frame representation + other information provided, like objects to act on, or time demands (e.g. immediately). Procedure: Determine discourse area, domain words lexicon Write possible dialogues grammar, sentence types,… Write grammar for syntax analysis, taking different sentence types into account. Write transformation rules for constructing case frames from grammar (+lexicon).