AGM Minutes - Reade Park Lawn Tennis Club

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Reade Park Lawn Tennis Club Inc.
held at the Clubhouse on Sunday 15 June 2014 at 11.00am
Ann LANGMAN President (Chairman)
Dawn HURLEY Secretary
In Attendance: 13 Members
Dianne Rattray
Tanya Keast
Larraine Boord
Mike Milburn
Max Williams
Jeremy Carter
Dan Keast
Sue Durand
John Secomb
Joe Haslam
Fran Carter
Chris Fryer
John Cross
Cecily Carman
Barbara Haslam
MINUTES of the Annual General Meeting held on 23 June 2013 which had been received by
members with the Opening Day Notice were confirmed to be true and correct, Moved Dene Hazel and
Seconded John Reynolds - carried.
President Ann Langman, as in her report, mentioned the tireless effort of the committee and
volunteers. There are many people to thank in particular Bill Carman in regards to his work in getting
our water account, separated from the combined account which covered the tennis, bowls and croquet
club. This account did not reflect our actual usage. Bill has arranged for separate meters to be
installed to measure our sole water use. The old system had been in place for a long time and we have
been subsidising the bowls club in particular and also the croquet club.
The Junior Tournament was held with Ann as director and she will be attending a meeting to continue
running the tournament. A Corporate day was held and social tennis tournaments with an average 20
people attending and more would be welcome. Food was provided afterwards. Saturday barbecues
continued and afternoon teas run by volunteers. Social events such as a Quiz Night, Wine Night,
Christmas tea and especially Fran’s Moroccan night were enjoyed. Ann thanked Cecily Carman for
organising the Bunnings barbecue which raised $1,600 and also thanked the volunteers who helped.
Thanks to James and Brendon for their work on the courts. Special thanks to Darren for his work as
treasurer, to Graeme and Cecily for the Saturday barbecues and to Dawn Hurley for her work as Secretary.
Ann said it is the volunteers who make the club viable. A highlight was the Susan Linford
Day where a 100 odd people were on the courts, with the event raising funds for ovarian cancer research.
Volunteers worked on the canteen and the bar. The organisers are hoping that this will
be an annual event.
Ann said that former club member and Club Captain Darryl Roberts had recently passed away. The
Darryl Roberts Memorial Bell was rung at the beginning and at the end of the service. Bill Carman
said the bell was presented to Darryl in honour of his service.
Darren Klenk reported that financial position of club stood at $130,000 compared to $43,000 five years
ago. Membership fees were a contentious issue, but we need to keep up with inflation. 99% of fees are
going into maintaining the courts. The rest of funds required are raised by volunteers. Fencing will need
to be replaced at a cost of $130,000. We are in a sound position compared to other clubs and are
fortunate to have Max Williams and Bill Carman to carry out maintenance. The Greenkeeper’s contract
has been varied with the obligation to do court surfaces and with members doing outside maintenance.
Greenkeeping costs were $40,000 in the past and now around $30,000. We had a surplus of $23,000
last year enhanced by Fred Miller’s donation of $7,000. We suffered a loss of competition members
this season and therefore subscriptions were down.
Government grants applied for require a contribution of half of the project cost. Grants funding is
drying up and more people are applying. John Reynolds is applying for grants when appropriate. We
have previously acquired grants for the lawnmower and net posts .
Darren said that as far as he is concerned, the financial side of the club is not the main game Members
play here for the playing surface, so we should not scrimp on water costs to maintain courts. Our aim is
to make the Greenkeeper’s job more efficient by providing assistance.
Term deposits are not earning much interest, so we have a balance of term deposits over short periods.
The Toro mower will, in two weeks time, be fully paid off. We have paid off $27,000 in three years and
should get 20 more years of service from the mower. Darren moved that his report be accepted,
seconded Brendon Thorne - carried.
Nomination received from Ann Langman who was duly elected for a term
of one year.
Nomination received from Dawn Hurley who was duly elected for a term of
one year.
No nomination received. John Reynolds nominated Darren Klenk, who
agreed to the nomination, seconded Bill Carman - carried.
Club Captain
Nomination received from Jeremy Carter who was duly elected for a term
of one year.
Vice President
No nomination received. Bill Carman nominated Tom Twelftree, who
agreed to the nomination, seconded, Darren Klenk - carried.
John Reynolds remains to complete the second year of his term.
Ladies' Representatives:
Nomination received from Fran Carter who was duly elected for a term of
two years. No further nominations received. Three vacancies remain.
Men’s Representatives:
Nominations received from Tom Twelftree (elected as Vice President) and
Bill Carman. Bill Carman was duly elected for a term of two years.
Bill Carman nominated Michael Bawden who agreed to the nomination for
a term of two years, seconded John Reynolds - carried.
Brenton Thorne and Graeme Burrows remain to complete the second year
of their term.
Darren Klenk has received agreement from Graeme Rodda to be appointed auditor for the 2014-15
season. It was Moved by Darren Klenk and Seconded by Tom Twelftree that Mr Graeme Rodda be
appointed as auditor for the 2014/2015 season - carried.
Seal holders are Bill Carman, Dawn Hurley and John Reynolds. It was moved by Tom Twelftree and
seconded by Brenton Thorne that they remain the same - carried.
It was Moved by John Reynolds and Seconded by Graeme Burrows that an honorarium of $350 be paid
to the Treasurer and Secretary for the past season - carried.
Ian Randell enquired if the President receives an honorarium. Ann said this was not the case, but the
committee could look into it.
Ann Langman reported that we are looking into our clubhouse hire agreement to be in tune with other
clubs and to recover any costs involved. We hope to run the Pro Am again this year, possibly on a
Sunday. Tom Twelftree said that he would look at linking up with a charity.
Tom commented on the member survey which was conducted and which serves to reinforce what
members want. Member Scott Way has offered his assistance. Tom said he hopes to run the survey
The committee are working on Junior tennis and have submitted a proposal to the hardcourt club. Bill
Carman said that we have a verbal agreement to use the courts on Saturdays for the season after next.
We could run four junior teams, two home and two away. Ann said that parents attending would
enhance this club. Ann commented that the committee are working hard for the club.
Dawn Hurley thanked Ann for her work and guidance as President.
Midweek Ladies’ Division 1 Gold and Divison 4 White won their Grand Finals. Div 1 Chris Hansen,
Div 2 Debra Laginestra, Div 3 Fran Carter and Div 4 Claire Daniel won best player awards. Fran Carter
was also runner up for the Doris Boyce Trophy for best overall percentage.
No pennants were won by the Saturday Morning or Metro teams.
Division 1 Metro men were top but missed out due to injuries. Ladies’ Division 2 were runners up.
In Saturday Morning Men’s, player of the division awards were won by Simon Antosik (Div. 4), Dave
Macdonald (Div. 5) and Andy Pipprell (Div. 7).
Jason Spehr won player of the year in the Metro Association.
The Bill Franzi trophy was won by Maria Lobanova from Metro West. Ann Langman presented the
trophy which was collected on Maria’s behalf by her mother. Ann said that Maria played number one in
the team and exemplified good court behaviour, did her best, accepted any challenge and also supported
the Quiz Night. She has also been a winner of the junior tournament played here. Maria’s mother said
that Maria had enjoyed her season here.
Meeting closed at 11.45 am
Confirmed to be true and correct
......................................................... Chairman ..................................... Date