Numeracy Resources Common Approaches in Numeracy Exemplars that may be useful for schools when adopting a common approach to various areas of numeracy are available at It is recommended that the common approach be agreed upon by the maths department first, before being implemented at whole-school level. It is envisaged that these approaches should be used across the curriculum to enhance consistency in the teaching and learning of numeracy across all subjects. The common approaches provided can also be printed out as A3 charts thus creating a numeracy-rich environment. Addition of Fractions Graphic Analysis Percentages Decimals Ratio Statistics Whole School Approach to Problem Solving Whole School Questioning Initiative Extension Tasks Numeracy Books Inclusive Mathematics 11-18 (Special needs in ordinary schools series) [Paperback] Mike Ollerton (Author), Anne Watson (Author) (£17.99 – ) Numeracy and Learning Difficulties: Approaches to Teaching and Assessment [Paperback] Peter Westwood (Author) (£18.99 – ) How to Develop Numeracy in Children with Dyslexia [Paperback] Pauline Clayton (Author), Rebecca Barnes (Author) (£8.39 – ) Maths Worksheets – NALA – National Adult Literacy Agency (€20.65 - ) Mathematical Language NCCA/PPDS Bridging Mathematical Glossary Access to a glossary of mathematical terms. The glossary is designed to inform students/parents/teachers of the vocabulary and meaning of terms in mathematics that students may have encountered in primary school and will encounter when they transfer to postprimary education. Many of these terms are used throughout the strands in junior cycle, but it is not a comprehensive list for Junior Cert. The definitions and examples here are specifically chosen for use in 5th and 6th classes in primary and junior cycle mathematics in post-primary schools in Ireland. Special Education Support Service, c/o Cork Education Support Centre, The Rectory, Western Road, Cork Tel: 1850 200 884 - Fax: 021 425 5647 - Email: Dr. Máire Ní Ríordáin's Mathematical Register Dr Máire Ní Ríordáin's exemplar offers an approach to teaching mathematical vocabulary that can be adapted for other mathematical terms. Keywords of Numeracy This resource pack has been planned and developed to support the teaching and learning of numeracy and numerical literacy in JCSP schools and, in particular, the vocabulary, language and communication component of numerical literacy. Please note that this suite of “Keywords of Numeracy” is not exhaustive and teachers may add to and extend the suite as required. Key Definitions in Numeracy The “Key Definitions in Numeracy” resource book has been planned and developed to support the teaching and learning of numeracy and numerical literacy in JCSP schools. Concise and student-friendly definitions of key concepts, processes and terminology of numeracy are provided in this resource book. An additional suite of key measurement formulae is also provided. Problem Solving Research shows that students learn mathematics as a result of solving problems. Mathematical ideas are the outcomes of problem solving experience rather than elements that must be taught before problem solving. (Hiebert et al., 1996, 1997) Furthermore, the process of solving problems is completely interwoven with learning; children are learning mathematics by doing mathematics and by doing mathematics they are learning mathematics. (Cai, 2010) Here is a selection of problems and solutions adapted from the nrich website. These could be used in various classes or they could be used for problem-of-the-week material. Estimation Problems Estimation Solutions Place Value, Integers, Ordering and Rounding Problems Place Value, Integers, Ordering and Rounding Solutions Factors, Multiples, Primes Problems Factors, Multiples, Primes Solutions Online Resources Below is a list of some useful websites and apps which can be used to promote and develop wholeschool numeracy capacity. link to PDST link teacher info link to the SESS website which has a selection of resources in curricular areas including Maths.,52064,52066&mode=browse Maths for Students with Special Educational Needs section of the website. Free registration and a large array of Numeracy resources available. Follow this link to bring you to a large number of printables, specialist links, software and search tools for all types and levels of special education. Structured multi-sensory learning resources. Information and advice for teachers on Maths learning difficulties. Information on teaching Numeracy to students with Down Syndrome. egories/Downs_Syndrome/DS_TeachingNumber.pdf Information on Teaching Number to students with Down Syndrome. Numeracy practice online. IXL is aligned to the Irish national curriculum. An array of Numeracy Resources available from the JCSP team is a team of qualified teachers who are also practitioners in RICH mathematical thinking. Online educational video games Word puzzles e.g. Why is a manhole cover round? Short versions of free Maths games. Students can play full length versions for free if you create a school account and issue them with logins. Resources for various strands available. Scroll down to grades 9-12 for second level resources. Very good quizzes and tests against the clock. Interactive geoboard A collection of educational worksheets, lesson plans, activities and resources for teachers and parents JCSP Numeracy initiatives JCSP Maths resources reading tables activity numeracy coordinator information Other Useful Websites Here you will find access to state examination papers, Chief Examiners' reports, details of syllabus changes and marking schemes from previous years. Visit Home - News/Press - Newsletter available on line. Syllabus Changes and Resources for Teaching and Learning. recently updated in September 2007 with contacts for local branches for teachers interested in joining the IMTA American site for mathematics teachers of all levels. To get full benifit from site you must join but some good free material available. The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is an international assessment of the skills and knowledge of 15-year-olds in 55 countries. This site gives details from an Irish perspective. The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), home page. Generally a resourceful site. If you want clear, well animated contsructions, this is your main man! Irish schools website. Good maths content for both Junior Cert. and Leaving cert. Follow the links. Teachers, Subject, Leaving Cert / Junior Cert, Mathematics. Excellent site for Junior Cert. theorems. Great animation. TechNet Ireland has 21 Leaving Cert. and 25 Junior Cert. maths sections and all sections are very relevant as they are designed by practicing Irish mathematics teachers. Irish site for teachers and students with information on all subjects. The Mathematics section is relevant for all levels. Interactive material for use with Junior Cert. classes. This site has solutions for Ordinary Level Leaving Cert Maths, which covers all questions from 1997 to 2004 This site shows an interactive PowerPoint presentations for LC Areas and Volumes. This site shows an interactive PowerPoint presentations for LC Trigonometry Excellent site. All areas of maths. Highly recomended. Great links from this site. Good website for teachers and students. Go to secondary level and then the maths section to find , mock exams, classroom resources, useful links and some worksheets. Good interactive site for use in class. Check out the Roman Numerals Calculator in the "Wonders of Maths" link. This site gives automatic answers to most types of maths problems. Good for quick solutions, especially for Leaving Cert. Suitable for Junior Cert. Printable worksheetes particularly useful. Excellent site. Very useful resource for Transition Years teachers. This site is like an internet library of maths topics. Good for Leaving Cert. higher level. Some of the internal links in this site do not work. This site gives classified links to most maths topics. Some good interactive material for Junior Cert. students. Numeracy Apps EZ 4 Calculator (€2.69) Beautifully designed calculator which is simple in portrait mode and scientific in landscape. Sudoku Tablet (free) There are many Sudoku apps out there but this free one is sufficient for most learning purposes. Alien Kids Math Free (free) Simple and visual app to help with basic addition, subtraction and counting - paid version adds extras. I Am Learning: KS2 Maths (€2.69) Part of ‘I Am Learning’ range of apps from UK web based homework & revision site - also a GCSE app. Mia’s Playground (free) Great app for developing the classification and sorting skills of younger learners. LUDO board game (free) Traditional board game for up to four players ported to the iPad - good for learning to count. Math Magic (€0.89) Simple maths game with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division sums - for young children. Super 7 (€0.89) Maths game based around the number 7 - visually strong with great graphics. Math Bingo (€0.89) Maths game using bingo - answer addition, subtraction, division & multiplication sums to win. Numulus (€0.89) Fun maths app where you have to make calculations with coloured numbers to progress. TallyPad (free) Simple but useful app for counting and adding up scores - good for class polling and voting. IMathmatics (free) Maths encyclopaedia with masses of number-based info Ace Multiply Matrix HD (free) Engaging app which uses a wooden style checkerboard to test mental arithmetic. IFormulae (free) Straightforward collection of mathematical formulae and equations with examples for KS3 and 4. Quick Graph (free) Powerful graphing calculator which produces 2D and 3D charts and models - KS 3 and 4. Fraction Basics (free) Set of video animations with synthesised voice over explaining all about fractions. Fraction Monkeys (€2.69) Explains fraction with the use of cute monkeys which need to be placed in the correct position along a line. 100’s Board (€2.69) Versatile grid app which can be used for many maths exercises - could be fun in the classroom. The Counting Game (free) Basic but fun counting app where you choose the number to be counted with and then face a quiz. I Have (free) Really engaging and slightly addictive mental maths app with 4 players. MATHsKOOL 1 (€1.79) Set of six maths apps which give info and set questions for a range of abilities. Digicubes (free) Really useful app which has cubes that change colour depending on how many are linked together. Eggs on Legs (€0.89) Fun little maths game for younger learners which involves throwing a ball at an egg to reveal answers. Math Dictionary for Kids (€2.69) Comprehensive collection of maths terms and concepts - has useful built-in notes function. Geometry Test (€0.89) Substantial app covering most if not all aspects of geometry organised into a set of questions & tests. Pora Ora: Leapfrog (free) Game based times table app which is challenging and engaging for younger learners. Toca Store (€2.69) Fun little ‘shopkeeper’ app where 2 children can role play buying products in a shop with a till & money. MathBoard Addition (free) Simple addition quiz with a useful ‘working out’ area so children can show their work - upgrade loses ads. Bugs and Numbers (€2.69) Rich and immersive learning environment which is fun and will appeal to younger learners MyScript Calculator (free) Impressive calculator which uses handwriting recognition for input of calculations. Pizza Fractions (free) Simple and fun introduction to fractions using a pizza & its segments - suitable for primary schools. Dotty Shapes for iPad (€2.69) Pleasant and engaging number and alphabet games based on shapes. Math Formulas (free) Reference set of over 100 maths formulas for secondary school students. Animals Counting Writing game (free) Young children’s app for learning to spell and draw numbers. Math Drills (free) App for learning addition, subtraction, multiplication & division - nice graphics. Proportion Solver (free) Useful app which helps solve proportion problems with a straightforward well-designed interface. Jumbo Calculator (free) A nice big full screen calculator which is free and has no ads - great for small hands. PopMath Maths plus (€0.89) Delightful young children’s app which uses floating bubbles (and sounds) to learn maths sums. Algebra Touch Intro (free) App to take learners through the basics of algebra - free version has first five lessons. Grid Guru (free) Interesting app which tackles long multiplication by splitting the sum into component parts via grids. Mathemagics (€2.69) App for learning and practicing mental maths inc. addition, multiplication, square numbers, division etc. Math ref (free) Essentially a reference book with over 1400 formulas, tips and equations Number Bonds (€1.79) Numeracy app which has impressive (if elaborate) graphics which could keep learner engaged. MathBlaster (free) Brilliant arcade game that involves solving maths problems in order to progress - primary level. Virtual Manipulatives (free) Another really useful app for 1 to 1 work with a learner trying to understand fractions & percentages. Astro Math (free) Simple arcade game based on prime numbers which could be fun and educational for younger learners. Minds of Modern Mathematics (free) Beautifully presented timeline of significant historical mathematical characters and events. Fractions & Decimals Students’ App (free) Straightforward fractions app with some nice visual learning approaches - free version is limited. NXTApp (€2.69) Engaging maths game inc. add, subtract, multiply & divide sections using timed sessions. Mathletics Student (free) App designed to integrate with the popular Mathletics web site What Time Is It Mr Wolf? (€0.89) Fun learning to tell the time app with very nice graphics with plenty of options in the settings. Motion Math - Fractions (€3.59) Arcade style game with a bouncing ball which (via accelerometers) has to land on the correct fraction. King of Maths (€3.59) is a fast-paced mathematics game with lots of fun and diverse problems in different areas Wolfram Pre-Algebra Course Assistant (€1.79) - early algebra practice Algebra Touch (€2.69) – good refresher for algebra skills Fraction Basic (free) fun practice on basic fractions Tangrams XL (free) – uses tangrams to develop identification of shape, colour, patterns etc. MATHEMATICAL ACTIVITIES For teachers/students worksheets etc – you need to use an email address to access site. American site. Great for first years to help with mental maths and basic algebra. Free interactive games, worksheets generated and videos to choose from. Function machine which can be used to introduce the idea of a function. Very useful class activity. Good variety of interactive problems. Suitable for all levels at Junior Certificate students. Some useful questions for Higher Level Leaving Cert. For all levels, follow the link for Maths Fun Facts at the bottom of the home page Excellent site. Good interactivity. Good activity sheets. Full access cost £390 + vat. English language Support Project for Post-Primary Schools. Contains Language Support Activity Units to support teaching and Learning for topics in Junior Cert and Leaving Cert Mathsparticular emphasis on the Language of Maths. Literacy for Numeracy Resources The following collection of resources could be used to teach Mathematical vocabulary to students….. 1. Study Stack Excellent resource which helps with memorisation tasks through a variety of online flashcard activities. Students may use an existing study stack materials or create one of their own. They can also be used as a classroom teaching tool. There many many resources readily available to use in class listed on the website. See these links as an example - 2. Quizlet Quizlet is a free website providing learning tools for students, including flashcards, study and game modes. Really engaging for students 3. Free Rice Freerice is a free online learning tool, which allows players to raise rice to fight world hunger while learning through educational, multiple-choice games. For every question the user answers correctly, 10 grains of rice are donated to the World Food Programme. ... 4. Spelling city 5. Wordle Wordle is a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. 6. Visual Dictionary Online 7. Visual Thesaurus 8. Online Graphical Dictionary 9. Comic Strips A tool to create comic strips 10. JCSP resources for Numeracy Some resources focus on Mathematical Numeracy including Workbooks, Key Words, Key Definitions etc.