CLASS SET Classifying Rocks Objectives Become more familiar with and practice criteria for distinguishing among sedimentary, metamorphic, igneous plutonic, and igneous volcanic rocks. Become more familiar with several common rock types within each of the classifications above. Standards Addressed Earth Science o 3c. Students know how to explain the properties of rocks based on the physical and chemical conditions in which they formed, including plate tectonic processes. Investigation and Experimentation Materials rock kits hand lenses Procedure Identifying rocks can be a challenging exercise even for experienced geologists. Rocks in their natural setting might be found in various states of decomposition due to weathering. Depending on the degree of weathering, it may be challenging even to tell if a particular rock is igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic! In any case, when learning to classify rocks there is no substitute for looking at rocks themselves. In this activity you'll be introduced to several criteria that can help you identify rocks according to their mechanism of formation (igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic), and identify several common rock types within those categories. In this activity you'll follow the jigsaw small-group collaborative approach. In your permanent group, one of you will choose to focus on sedimentary rocks; one on metamorphic rocks; one on igneous volcanic rocks; and one on igneous plutonic rocks. The people specializing in sedimentary rocks from the various permanent groups will then form several temporary groups, each with three or four sedimentary rock specialists, and similarly for specialists in the other three rock types. Each of these specialist groups will be provided with a rock kit with several unidentified rocks. Your task is: 1. Using criteria described below try to pick out the individual rock(s) in the category in which your temporary group is specializing (sedimentary, metamorphic, etc.). Consult with your instructor about your criteria and your application of them. They can perhaps suggest other criteria, too. CLASS SET 2. Once you've picked them out, try to identify which particular type of rock each is, using the tables in the accompanying handout. As a hint, these are the types of rocks that you've been given: Granite or diorite, gneiss, schist, basalt, slate, conglomerate or breccia, shale, sandstone or siltstone, pumice, obsidian 3. Create a Rock Classification Note-Taking Chart on your own paper (see the sample below). Rock Classification Note-Taking Chart Sample Rock Properties Rock Classification Rock Type How did this rock form? (textures, minerals, fossils, colors, etc.) (igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic) (granite, basalt, sandstone, gneiss, etc.) (cooling of magma or lava; deposition/compaction/cementation; precipitation from solution; modification of existing rock under increased temperature/pressure or chemical modification by contact with hot fluids) What three changes the rock could undergo? (Refer to the rock cycle.) A B C Etc. 4. Record your reasoning on your Rock Classification Note-Taking Chart. Return to your permanent group and explain to the other group members what your group concluded and why. (You might want to take them back to see the particular rock samples that you classified.) Each of you is responsible for understanding as much as possible about what the others learned. (Filling out your Rock Classification Note-Taking Chart with information about all of the rocks identified by your permanent group, for example, might help.) 5. Use the diagram of the Rock Cycle below to help you complete your Rock Classification Note-Taking Chart. CLASS SET Some Criteria for Identifying Rocks As described above, in this activity you will first classify a set of unidentified rocks as igneous plutonic, igneous volcanic, sedimentary, or metamorphic. Then you will use a set of classification tables to try to identify the particular rock types. Rocks are classified using a variety of criteria. Here are a few: texture (Can you see individual mineral grains? If so, the texture is medium coarse to coarse. If the mineral grains are too small to be resolved by the naked eye, the texture is fine.) grain arrangement (Is the rock grainy? If so, are the grains interlocking? Interlocking grains are formed by crystallization, so the rock is probably either igneous or metamorphic. If interlocking, are the grains aligned and hence show foliation—that is, a kind of layering caused by differential pressure applied to the rock? Foliation indicates metamorphism. Are the grains, in contrast, separated by irregular spaces filled with cementing material? This arrangement indicates sedimentary rock.) color (Color often tells us something about the chemical composition of a rock, one of the important determinants of rock type.) presence of fossils (Fossils in a rock are usually a dead giveaway that the rock is sedimentary. You don't find fossils in igneous rock [why not?], and they rarely survive the processes that create metamorphic rock from sedimentary rock.) A. Identifying Igneous Rocks Molten magma welling up from within the earth produces igneous rock of two types— intrusive (or plutonic) and extrusive (or volcanic). Intrusive rocks are formed from magma that solidified below the earth’s surface and extrusive rocks are formed from magma erupted as lava at the earth’s surface. Step 1: Observe their texture. Texture is related to the cooling rate of magma in a rock’s formation. Magma that solidifies below the earth’s surface cools slowly, forming large, visible interlocking crystals that can be identified with the unaided eye, forming a coarse-grained texture. In contrast, magma that reaches the surface (lava) tends to cool rapidly, forming very fine-grained rocks. Step 2: Observe the color, and hence the chemical composition of an igneous rock sample. Igneous rocks are either rich in quartz (a mineral made of silicon dioxide) or poor in quartz. Quartz-rich (and hence silicon-rich) igneous rocks tend to be light in color whereas quartz-poor (silicon-poor) igneous rocks tend to be dark in color. Igneous rocks can therefore be divided into a light-colored group—quartz, feldspars, and muscovite; and a dark-colored group—the ferromagnesian minerals—biotite, pyroxene, hornblende, and olivine. (Ferromagnesian refers to minerals that contain iron [ferro] and magnesium [magnesian]). CLASS SET CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS Composition Light-Colored 10-20% quartz K-feldspar > plagioclase ≈10% ferromagnesian minerals Texture Pegmatitic (very coarsegrained) Porphyritic (mixed crystal sizes) Phaneritic (coarse-grained) Aphanitic (fine-grained) Intermediate-Color No quartz plagioclase > K-feldspar 25–40% ferromagnesian minerals Dark-Colored No quartz plagioclase ≈ 50% 50% ferromagnesian minerals Granite Granodiorite Diorite Gabbro Rhyolite Andesite Basalt Very Dark Color 100% ferromagnesian minerals Pegmatite Porphyry Peridotite Dunite Glassy Obsidian Porous (glassy, frothy) Pumice Pyroclastic (fragmental) Scoria Volcanic tuff (fragments < 4mm) Volcanic breccia (fragments > 4mm) B. Identifying Sedimentary Rocks Rock material that has been weathered, subjected to erosion, possibly transported elsewhere, and eventually consolidated into new rock (that is, lithified) is sedimentary rock. Sedimentary rocks are classified into two types—clastic and nonclastic. Clastic sedimentary rocks are formed from the compaction and cementation of fragmented rocks (sediment). Nonclastic sedimentary rocks are formed from the precipitation of minerals in a solution. ("minerals in a solution" means that minerals are dissolved in water). This chemical process can occur directly, as a result of inorganic processes, or indirectly, as a result of biochemical reaction involving living organisms. Observe the texture of the rock. If you see particle grains then the rock is probably clastic. Clastic sedimentary rocks are classified according to particle size: o o Large-sized particles range from boulders (largest) to cobbles to pebbles (less large). If the large-sized particles are rounded, the rock is a conglomerate. If they are angular and uneven, the rock is a breccia. Medium sized particles produce the various types of sandstone. CLASS SET o Fine-size particles include silts and clays (smallest). Silt sized particles produce siltstone and clay sized particles produce shale. If the rock does not fit into the clastic classification, the rock is probably nonclastic (e.g., limestone, gypsum, etc.). CLASSIFICATION OF CLASTIC SEDIMENTARY ROCKS Particle size Rock Name Characteristics Conglomerate Rounded grain fragments Breccia Angular grain fragments Quartz Quartz grains (often well rounded, well sorted) Arkose Quartz and feldspar grains (often reddish color) Graywacke Quartz grains, Small rock fragments, and clay minerals (often grayish color) Fine (1/256–1/16 mm) Siltstone Silt sized particles, surface is slightly gritty Fine (< 1/256 mm) Shale Clay sized particles, surface has smooth feel, no grit Coarse (> 2mm) Medium (1/16–2mm) Sandstone C. Identifying Metamorphic Rocks Rocks that have been changed into a different form (i.e., metamorphosed) by high temperature or pressure, are metamorphic rocks. Metamorphic rocks are most easily classified and identified by their texture and, when a particular mineral is very obvious, by their mineralogy. Metamorphic rocks can be divided into two groups: foliated and nonfoliated. Foliated metamorphic rocks have a "directional" texture and a layered appearance. The most common foliated metamorphic rocks are slate, phyllite, schist, and gneiss. o o o Slate is very fine-grained and is composed of tiny mica flakes. The most noteworthy characteristic of slate is its excellent rock "cleavage"—a tendency to break into plate-like pieces along flat planes. Phyllite is composed of very fine crystals of either the mineral muscovite or the mineral chlorite that are larger than those in slate, but not large enough to be clearly identified. Phyllite is distinguished from slate by its glossy sheen. Schists have a very distinctive texture with a parallel arrangement of the minerals, which structured in sheets. (The minerals are mica, chlorite, and/or biotite). The minerals in a schist are often large enough to be easily identified with the naked CLASS SET o eye. Because of this, schists are often named according to the major minerals in the rock (biotite schist, staurolite-garnet schist, etc.). Gneiss contains minerals in the form mostly of grains, rather than minerals organized in plates. The most common minerals found in gneiss are quartz and feldspar. The foliation in this case is due to the segregation of light and dark minerals rather than alignment of platy minerals. Gneiss has a composition similar to granite and is often derived from (metamorphosed from) granite. Nonfoliated rocks are composed of single minerals and lack any directional texture. Their texture can be described as coarsely crystalline. Common nonfoliated metamorphic rocks are marble and quartzite. CLASSIFICATION OF METAMORPHIC ROCKS Foliated Metamorphic Rock Crystal Size Rock Name Characteristics Very fine, crystals not visible Slate Excellent rock cleavage Fine grains, crystals not visible Phyllite Well developed foliation; glossy sheen Muscovite schist Chlorite schist Crystals visible with unaided eye Biotite schist Micaceous minerals Often contains large crystals Schist Coarse texture Garnet schist Staurolite schist Mineral content reflects increasing metamorphism from top to bottom Kyanite schist Sillimanite schist Coarse Gneiss Banding of light and dark minerals Analysis 1. What characteristics are used to classify different rock types? 2. Name the primary characteristics common to each rock type. 3. How are sedimentary rocks formed? 4. How are metamorphic rocks formed? 5. How are igneous rocks formed? 6. What are the differences between intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks?