Week 1 wb: 15/4/13

Class 1 and 2 Curriculum Overview 2015-16 Term 3.
Week 1 Hansel and Gretel wb: 5/1/16
Literacy: Hansel and Gretel focus
Phonics: Re-cap on speed sounds 1, applying to
reading. Introducing tricky words.
Numeracy: Calculation and numbers to 20 (with a
number line), one more one less work.
Understanding the World: Visit from wicked witch,
asking questions. Good and bad characters, make
trails, what material would have been better.
Expressive Art and Design: Use food to create the
house. Puppets to act out. Creating own paths and
RE/PSHE: Good vs bad.
Physical Development: Ball skills, fairy tale music.
Outside area: Making towers and castles, make a
trail, kitchen, continue with sounds and numbers,
building bridges.
Week 4 Jack and the Bean Stalk wb:
Literacy: Jack and the Bean Stalk
Phonics: ar, or, air bring in caption reading.
Numeracy: Measuring length and comparing heights.
Pairings of shoes and socks.
Understanding the World: Planting jelly bean tree.
Looking at different types of beans. Find magic beans
and discuss what we do with them. Making
predictions. Different size shoes/ foot prints.
Expressive Art and Design: Making beanstalks (with
houses above). Creating their own giant, think about
RE/PSHE: Good vs bad.
Physical Development: Ball skills, fairy tale music.
Outside area: Making towers and castles, make a
trail, kitchen, continue with sounds and numbers,
Week 2 Ginger Bread Man wb: 11/1/16
Literacy: The Ginger Bread Man
Phonics: ay, ee, igh, tricky words.
Numeracy: Weighing, alongside baking. Use of
number lines for addition and subtraction.
Understanding the World: Gingerbread experiments
(page 18 the disappearing ginger bread man). Making
some ginger bread men (use of science room). Making
rafts to get the ginger bread man across safely.
Tasting linked to data handling.
Expressive Art and Design: Making ginger bread
men, ginger playdough, making rafts. Puppets,
decorating ginger bread men, cutting skills.
RE/PSHE: Good vs bad.
Physical Development: Ball skills, fairy tale music.
Outside area: Making towers and castles, make a
trail, kitchen, continue with sounds and numbers,
building bridges.
Week 5 3 Billy Goats Gruff wb: 1/2/16
Literacy: Billy Goats Gruff comparing 2 versions.
Phonics: caption work and re-cap application of speed
sound set 2.
Numeracy: Positional Language,
Understanding the World: Materials, goats, where
we find them what they produce.
Expressive Art and Design: Bridges, sock puppets,
RE/PSHE: Good vs bad.
Physical Development: Ball skills, fairy tale music.
Outside area: Making towers and castles, make a
trail, kitchen, continue with sounds and numbers,
building bridges
Week 3 Castles and Kingdoms wb: 18/1/16
Literacy: Non-fiction Castle book.
Phonics: ow, oo, oo.
Numeracy: 3D/ 2D shapes. Doubling to 10 (20 for
Understanding the World: Looking at different
types of homes, history why people needed castles,
how long they took to build. Building materials, parts
of the castle. Comparing to own homes, links to
palaces. Comparing ways of life.
Expressive Art and Design: Test materials for
drawbridges. Features of castles. Making flags for
the castles. Construction materials.
RE/PSHE: Good vs bad. Making shields.
Physical Development: Ball skills, fairy tale music.
Outside area: Making towers and castles, make a
trail, kitchen, continue with sounds and numbers,
building bridges
Week 6 Fairy Tale Celebration wb: 8/2/16
Literacy: Paperbag princess. Invitation for party.
Phonics: Re-cap and tricky words for the holiday.
Numeracy: Patterns, making necklaces for princess.
Understanding the World: Royal family comparison
to Disney prince and princesses. Have a Fairy tale
celebration party. One upon a time bag, how might the
explain they are in there. Favourite fairy tales and
handle data.
Expressive Art and Design: Invites decorate plates,
make jewellery, dress up and role play.
RE/PSHE: Good vs bad.
Physical Development: Ball skills, fairy tale music.
Outside area: Making towers and castles, make a
trail, kitchen, continue with sounds and numbers,
building bridges.
Class 1 and 2 Curriculum Overview 2015-16 Term 3.
building bridges
Week 7 wb:
Understanding the World:
Expressive Art and Design:
Physical Development:
Outside area:
Class 1 and 2 Curriculum Overview 2015-16 Term 3.