Place Value Expectation

Place Value
Expected in Year 1
To know many digits in a number. (2digit numbers)
Date Achieved
To partition two digit numbers in tens and units.
To know what each digit represents.
To partition a number in different ways.
To use place value to add or subtract pairs of single digit numbers.
To write appropriate number sentences.
Place Value
Expected in Year 1
To know how many digits in 2/3 digit numbers.
To partition 2/3 digit numbers into hundreds, tens and units.
To know what each digit represents.
To partition number in different ways to solve problems.
To use place value to add or subtract pairs of numbers.
To add and subtract by partitioning.
Any ‘teens’ number to any 2 digit number.
To keep the first number as it is and to partition just the second number.
When bridging through multiples of ten.
By compensating when adding/subtraction numbers that end in 1 or 2, or 8 or 9.
By using near doubles.
Date Achieved