Parish Councillors Jeanette Dawson (Chairman), Sylvia Harlow (vice-chairman), Georgina Glover,
Kathy Wilson, Mike Prince, and Maria Morcom.
Kent County Cllr Alan Marsh (for part of the meeting)
Clerk to the Council, Amanda Sparkes
1. Parish Elections held on 07 May 2015
NOTED the parish council uncontested election and that the seven councillors were reelected for a four year term of office. This is a full complement. All Councillors signed the
Acceptance of Office sheets.
The Clerk reminded all councillors that their election pack and nil expenses forms must be completed and be back at CCC offices within 28 days of the election.
Also noted the result of the city council elections where Cllr Georgina Glover and Cllr Heather
Taylor were elected as ward councillors covering Westbere, Sturry, Fordwich, Broad Oak and
Acceptance of Office forms and Declaration of Pecuniary Interests form for all councillors and their partner/spouse
The Clerk gave each councillor a form for completion. These must be back at CCC offices to be published on the city council’s website within 28 days of the election date.
Election of Chairman for the Council year 2015-2016
Cllr Glover proposed and Cllr Morcom seconded and all councillors were happy that Cllr
Dawson be re-elected as the parish council Chairman for the forthcoming year. Cllr
Dawson was happy to accept the position and signed the Acceptance of Office form.
Election of Vice-Chairman for the Council year 2015-2016
Cllr Glover proposed and Cllr Morcom seconded and all councillors were happy that Cllr
Harlow be re-elected as the Vice Chairman for the forthcoming year. Cllr Harlow was happy to accept the position.
The Chairman’s opening remarks and apologies for absence.
Cllr Dawson welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from Parish
Cllr Karen Williams and City Councillor Cllr Heather Taylor.
Declarations of Interests 6.
There were no declarations of interest.
7. The General Power of Competence
The Clerk had prepared and circulated a handout prior to the meeting explaining the power and its statutory background, and eligibility criteria.
England’s local councils were given the GPC in the Localism Act 2011, sections 1-8, and the GPC (LA2011) S1 (1). Eligible councils may use the GPC as a “power to do anything that individuals may do”, anywhere, for anyone, even with any overlapping Local
Government Act 1972 powers. This will give the council greater freedoms to undertake projects or take on services. It will even allow grants to individuals for the first time.
To use the power, a council must meet criteria in LA2011 s8, set out in statutory instrument
“Parish Councils (General Power of Competence) (Prescribed Conditions) Order 2012”, from April
2012, namely:
Two thirds of councillors or more were elected at the last ordinary election or byelection, either contested or not.
The Clerk must hold a qualification as stipulated in the Order including Section 7 of CiLCA re-taken if passed CiLCA before April 2012.
Cllrs confirmed a resolution to adopt the power and confirmed eligibility. (Cllrs will need to make a new resolution at the annual meeting of the council after the ordinary election that normally takes place every four years, next due in 2019.)
To revisit Cllrs areas of responsibility
All councillors were happy to continue with their roles as before.
To consider a representative to attend CCC’s annual rural forum
The councillors resolved to send someone once a confirmed date for any event was known.
10. Minutes of the last meeting held 17 March 2015 – These were approved as a true record of the meeting.
11. Minutes of the Annual Electors’ meeting held on 10 March 2015 – These were approved as a true record of the meeting.
12. Chairman’s Report and Councillors’ Reports
Cllr Dawson - Cllr Dawson advised she had attended the village hall management meeting, but had not attended a meeting of the Westbere Village Preservation Society although had the Minutes – these record problems with slow broadband for some residents. KCC Cllr Marsh advised that a lot of
Kent would be getting high speed broadband by August.
The WVPS has asked if the parish council would take on the maintenance of Paddy’s bench at the
Church yard. This was agreed. The Clerk will let the WVPS secretary know. She will also add the bench to the council’s Fixed Asset Register and the parish council’s insurance schedule.
The WVPS are also organising some more social events.
The Chairman asked the Clerk to ask the contractor that the next time he is in the village to make contact with Cllr Dawson so that she may drive him round and ask for a few extra things like strimming around the salt bins to be added to the schedule.
Cllr Harlow report - Cllr Harlow explained she has given the Clerk a form to request the annual report and analysis from the Kent and Medway Biological Records centre. Cllr Harlow will compare the results to the last survey.
She advised she had completed a litter pick along Bushy Hill Road.
The light in the telephone box at Shrubbery Corner is not working.
Cllr Wilson – Cllr Wilson advised that the software at the Police Station is changing. It will be the same software used in Essex so information can be shared. Cllr Wilson will have to attend a training session on a Saturday.
The village hall management committee is looking for ideas for another fund raising event.
The new fence between the outside space at the hall and the care home has been installed.
The damp in the cupboard is drying.
Serco have given up their fixed term contract for waste collection.
On the A28 from Pennington Close going towards Canterbury, the trees at Rosedene
Cottage on the convent side are overhanging the highway. Lots of school children use this path and the vegetation makes this section dangerous. Cllr Marsh asked the Clerk to him email about this and he would seek action.
Cllr Morcom – Cllr Morcom has completed the May newsletter and is working now on the August one. She spoke of a car that regularly parks on double yellow lines – Cllr Marsh suggested she take a photograph of each and every occasion and forward these to the relevant parking officer at the city council.
Cllr Prince – Cllr Prince had nothing to report.
Cllr Glover report – Cllr Glover advised she had walked the village, the village green looks lovely and the preschool parking has not been a problem.
She explained that the Canterbury City Council elections have given lots of new councillors. Cllr
Simon Cook has been chosen as the new Leader of the Council.
13. County Councillor report
KCC Cllr Marsh congratulated Cllr Glover on being re-elected as city councillor. He explained that consultation on changes to KCC boundaries and to the number of county councillors has started with the proposal to reduce the number from 84 to 81.
Cllr Marsh explained he is upset about energy – and told that the National Grid to put power lines underground for the Richborough Connection project in Petham. However, now there is shortly to be an application made by RES for an onshore wind farm and turbines along the route at Chislet, at some 150m in height.
For Manston airport, talks were continuing with the American company.
The resurfacing of Hawe Lane is excellent.
14. Adjournment of the Meeting – As no residents were present there was no adjournment.
15. Walnut Tree Lane level crossing
Highways Act 1980 – Rail Crossing Diversion Order – Diversion of Public Footpath CB92 for crossing the railway line at the bottom of Walnut Tree Lane
The Clerk received a letter from KCC that KCC has received an application from Network Rail to permanently divert the footpath as has been the temporary situation since 2012 – where pedestrians walk further to a safer crossing point in the interests of safety. The letter explains that Network Rail investigated the possibility of constructing a footbridge in this location but due to insufficient land ownership to allow space to construct a bridge and inadequate funding, this is not possible. Neither is the option of constructing an underpass.
The Chairman explained she is to attend a meeting on 15 May 2015 with two residents, Roger
Gale MP and officers from Network Rail about this and to see if the temporary crossing position may be moved. Network Rail says that safety is paramount, but residents argue that the current crossing is not being used due to the length of the diversion. Cllr Marsh commented that although Network Rail has said they have neither the land nor the budget they do receive large subsidies from central government and they should build a bridge.
Any views on the proposal should be directed to KCC by 27 May 2015.
The Chairman agreed to give feedback from the meeting to the Clerk to be able to do a reply on behalf of the parish council before this deadline.
16. Planning Matters
There were four new planning applications this month, noted within Appendix 2 of these Minutes.
NOTED that Independent Inspector Mr M Moore has set the pre-hearing meeting for the
Canterbury District Local Plan Examination for Wednesday 13 May 2015 at 10am in The Guildhall,
Canterbury. Issues relating to the local plan start on Tuesday 14 July at 10am.
(a) RECEIVED the bank statements and bank reconciliation for March and April 2015, and
RESOLVED the signature of a councillor other than the Chairman thereon;
(b) NOTED that the annual subscription renewal to Action with Communities in Rural Kent is a joint membership with the village hall to save £5 – and the hall committee will send their half of £32.50 to the Clerk by cheque.
(c) NOTED that the Clerk received a letter from the Pensions Regulator about workplace pensions and making sure that employers comply with their automatic enrolment duties. The staging date for Westbere Parish Council is 1 April 2017, when the council may be responsible for implementing new legal duties for any eligible employee. The only requirement at this time is to nominate a contact – the Clerk completed the nomination form online (at www.tpr.gov.uk/letter) on 21 March 2015 and will now be sent future letters and emails as appropriate from the Pensions Regulator.
(d) NOTED that the National Joint Council for Local Government Services agreement for salary increases for parish clerks, reported at the January 2015 parish council meeting:
A 2.2% increase in salary from 1 January 2015 (already implemented) and a one-off prorata nonconsolidated payment of £15.59 in December 2014 (already implemented) and now a further one-off pro-rata nonconsolidated payment of £3.00 payable in April 2015
(subject to normal tax and national insurance arrangements) .
NOTED payment by BACS from CCC of £4,715.14 for concurrent function payment for
2015-2016 – where all parishes have been funded at 70.96% of their eligible applications.
(The precept payment is still awaited.)
Proposals for future concurrent function payments
RECEIVED the Clerks report of the main proposals in a report to the city council’s Executive on
23 April 2015. These are welcomed.
The Clerk would like to record thanks to resident David Elliott for again carrying out the internal audit for the year 2014-2015, and completing the relevant section of the Annual Return to the
Audit Commission. She will write a thank you letter on behalf of the parish council to him.
NOTED confirmation of PKF Littlejohn LLP as the appointed auditor for the parish council, and their contact address : PKF Littlejohn LLP, 1 Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf, London E14 4HD.
TO NOTE receipt of the Notice of Audit for year ending 31 March 2015 – the Parish Council must complete their Annual Return by 08 June 2015.
NOTED that the Clerk posted the Notice for the Exercise of Electors Rights to inspect the accounts by the statutory date of 24 April 2015
RECEIVED an up- to- date Register of Fixed Assets in preparation for the Annual return. Cllr
Wilson will check that the seat attached to the village hall is covered under the Hall C ommittee’s insurance.
RECEIVED the Finance Risk Assessment and the Council’s Statement of Internal Control
RECEIVED and APPROVED the Annual Return for the financial year ended 31 March 2015 for submission to the external auditors PKF Littlejohn LLP, comprising:
- Bank reconciliations at 31 March 2015
- Covering letter and detail of Statement of variances
The Pack with Annual Return and all background information papers was circulated in advance to all
Cllrs. The Annual Return was signed by the Chairman.
The Clerk had sourced two insurance quotations for the annual renewal due 1 June 2015. Cllrs
RESOLVED to take out a three-year tie-in agreement with a new more competitive company.
The Clerk will contact both the existing provider and the new company and deal with the renewal accordingly.
The expenditure list previously circulated to Cllrs as Appendix 3 totalling £1,917.28 was authorised for payment.
KALC Councillors Conference – Invitation to a Councillors Conference at Lenham Community
Centre Groom Way, Lenham on 24 July 2015 9:30 - 4.00pm, £72 per head with lunch provided.
Celebrating volunteers invitation
NOTED an invitation to a free of charge annual event organised by the Canterbury volunteer centre, in conjunction with Christchurch college to honour volunteers, on 3 June between 12 -
2pm at Canterbury Christ Church University, St. Martins Priory, off North Holmes Road,
Canterbury. Volunteers enjoy a celebration event and receive a certificate from the Sherriff of
21. KALC meeting held 21 April 2015
RECEIVED the Clerk report of the KALC meeting held 21 April 2015 at Tyler Hill.
Camber/collapse on Westbere Lane
Councillors asked the Clerk to raise concerns on the KCC highways reporting portal about the camber/possible collapse on Westbere Lane near Horton Court.
The Clerk reported the concern, but the Kent Highways Steward contacted her on 24 March
2015 to advise that he had inspected the road and felt there was nothing wrong by highways standards. He took some photographs and closed the report down.
Slow down stickers
The Clerk has placed the print order for the Slow down stickers ’ initiative for the households of
Church Lane, Walnut Tree Lane, Bushy Hill Road, and Westbere Lane (only). She will also devise a letter explaining the initiative and what to do with the stickers. Councillors will then deliver them and the letters.
The meeting closed at 9.10pm
Dates of next meetings - 16 June, No parish council meeting in July, 18 August, 15 September, 20
October, 17 November, No parish council meeting in December
Signed: .............................................................. Date: ..............................................................
Please note these Minutes remain as draft Minutes until they are approved by the parish council at their next parish council meeting
Canterbury Draft Local Plan
TO NOTE that independent Inspector Mr M Moore has set the pre-hearing meeting for the
Canterbury District Local Plan Examination for Wednesday 13 May 2015 at 10am in The
Guildhall, Canterbury. Issues relating to the local plan start on Tuesday 14 July at 10am.
New Applications
Lakesview Business Park, Claremont Way
Erection of 6 light industrial units with associated parking
The parish council has no objection to the application
CA/15/00701/FUL - Sunningdale, 5 Westbere Lane,
Two-storey side extension including two balconies and dormer window.
CA/15/00885/FUL – 8 Walnut Tree Lane
Proposed loft conversion to form additional first floor accommodation
CA/15/00986/VAR – Claremont Way, Lakesview
Business Park
Variation of condition 02 (materials) and removal of condition 08 (external storage) subject to planning permission CA/14/02176/FUL
The parish council has no objection to the application
The parish council has no objection to the application
The parish council has no comments
CA/14/02409/FUL – Andover Villa, Island
Two storey side extension and alterations
13 Bushy Hill Road
Erection of conservatory to rear of dwelling.
Granted by CCC
Granted by CCC