
©Ouyang 11.27.2005
BIME/NTU 工材作業二
1. Figure 3.20 shows an x-ray diffraction pattern for α-iron taken using a
diffractometer and monochromatic x-radiation having a wavelength of 0.1542 nm;
each diffraction peak on the pattern has been indexed. Compute the interplanar
spacing for each set of planes indexed; also determine the lattice parameter of Fe for
each of the peaks.
2. The diffraction peaks shown in Figure 3.20 are indexed according to the reflection
rules for BCC (i.e., the sum h+ k+ l must be even). Cite the h, k, and l indices for the
first four diffraction peaks for FCC crystals consistent with h, k, and l all being
either odd or even.
3. Text book problem 3-77
BIME/NTU 工材作業三
精要譂述(參照本課程網站報告樣本格式,中文 doc,12point, single line, 五頁為
(1)布里淵散射儀(Brilloin scattering spectrometer)之原理;
(2)與 XTD 之異同 (3) 生醫材料應用例。(雙號做)
(1)拉曼散射儀(Raman scattering spectrometer)之原理;
(2)與 XTD 之異同 (3) 生醫材料應用例。(單號做)
All due: before 12-15-2005 by e-mail to TA.