LLR CAMHS Tier 3 review Review of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Family – tell us your views This tool has been prepared as part of the CAMHS Tier 3 Review. The purpose is to offer guidance to organisations, informal groups and individuals that wish to take part in the review. Please use the tool set out your views or those of members of group. You can type or write directly into this template or give us your views be any method that you choose. You can get in touch with us in the following ways: Telephone – call Tim Jones on 07811 255171. We will call you back straight away or at another convenient time if this is easier for you Email – tim.jones@nhs.net Write – Tim Jones, Family and Young People, Bridge Park Plaza, Thurmaston, Leicester LE4 8PQ Notes of your communication with us will be retained by the project team and will be published in an evidence document. If you prefer to give your views anonymously please tell us when you write, call or email. For more information about the review see the section ‘About the Reivew’ which follows the questions set out below. If you have any questions please contact Tim Jones using the information shown above. The information gathering part of the Review will finish on 30 August 2014. Please make sure that your views reach us by this date. Information about you / your organisation or group Your name Your organisation (if any) Your role Date Wishes to remain anonymous Q1. Please tell us about you / your organisation or group and why you wish to participate in the Review. Q2. Do you think that the Review is looking at the right issues – see section below ‘About the Review’ for more information on this. Q3. What other issues do you think that the review should address? Q4. Tell us about the experience you, your family or your child has had with the Child and Adolescent Mental Health service Q5. What improvements would you like to see in the service? About the review What is the LLR CAMHS Tier 3? Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) accept referrals from GPs, school nurses, educational psychologists and others in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) for children and young people aged up to 25 years. Tier 3 is for those that need to see a psychiatrist, psychologist, mental health nurse or other specialist because they may have a mental health problem. Tiers 1 and 2 provide services for children and young people with emotional or behavioural difficulties that do not require specialist help. Tier 4 is for the very small number of patients that need to be admitted to very specialised inpatient units. This review is for Tier 3 services only although it is taking place as part of a wide ranging strategic review of Child and Young People’s Emotional Health and Well-being. Why are we having a review and what is it looking at? This review has been commissioned by the three clinical commissioning groups in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland in partnership with the service provider (Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust) and local councils. The Tier 3 CAMHS Community and Outpatient service has been unable to meet waiting time targets of 13 weeks from referral to assessment. There are also delays starting treatment for people who have been assessed and need treatment. Across the country CAMHS are having greater numbers of people referred to them which may be increasing the time that people are having to wait. The service receives complaints from people and families who do not receive information while they are waiting for a first appointment. This is one of the main areas that the review is looking at. Another issue is the large minority of people referred to the service that are not accepted for treatment. Also we are aware that Information is not always shared between different agencies that are treating or helping young people and families. What will happen once the Review is complete? The principal objective of the Review is to decide what improvements need to be made and to put these into place. It is important to know that there is no additional funding available to spend on CAMHS in the area and improvements will need to be made by making the current service more efficient and responsive to patients and families. How will we tell you about the outcome of the Review? We are committed to publishing the results of the Review. This will be in two stages, first a consultation document will be published and made available to all those that participated and those that may be interested in the outcome of the Review. This will be in September or October of 2014. Once the Review is complete a final report will be published together with all of the evidence gathered in the Review. Decisions on what improvements and changes are to be made will also be made public.