RISK ASSESSMENT RECORD – Part A Campus: HW, WB, CC, MA or other: HW Department/School Volunteering Room/Location Tom Burt’s Hill Activity Conservation Project Distribution File copy Date completed 11/05/2012 Who gets a copy of the assessment Assessor Name: Alice Dewsnap Signature: Tel: Authoriser Name (if not Assessor) Signature 3564 Date authorised Hazard list – select your hazards from the list below and use these to complete Part B Situational hazards Tick X Physical / chemical hazards Tick Health hazards Tick 1 Assault by person 21 Contact with cold liquid/vapour 41 Disease causative agent 2 Slips, trips and falls X 22 Contact with cold surface 42 Infection 3 Manual handling/lifting X 23 Contact with hot liquid/steam 43 Allergic reaction 4 Breathing compressed gas 24 Contact with hot surface 44 Lack of oxygen 5 Entanglement in moving machinery 45 Physical fatigue X 25 Contact with urine/blood/faeces 6 Crush by load 26 Electric shock 46 Repetitive action X 7 Drowning 27 Chemicals and substances 47 Static body posture X 8 Hot environment 28 Explosive blast 48 Stress / anxiety X 9 Entanglement in moving machinery 29 Explosive release of stored pressure 10 Pressure systems/temperature 30 Fire X X Managerial / organisational hazards X 49 Management factors (lack of communication, co-operation, coordination and competence) X 11 Object falling, moving or flying X 31 Hazardous substance 12 Obstruction / exposed feature X 32 Ionizing radiation 50 Litter, glass X 13 Sharp object / material X 33 Laser light 51 Dog faeces X 14 Slippery surface X 52 Physical damage e.g. damage to goal posts X 53 Flood X 34 Lightning strike X 35 Noise X 36 Non-ionizing radiation 54 Rain/windy condition X 37 Stroboscopic light 55 Pot holes X Vibration 56 Used needles 15 Trap in moving machinery 16 Trip hazard 17 Vehicle impact / collision 18 Falls from height X 38 19 Alcoholic Intoxication X 39 20 Exposure X X Environmental hazards X 40 Risk matrix – use this to determine risk for Likelihood of Harm each hazard i.e. ‘how bad and how likely’ Severity of Harm Remote Very unlikely Unlikely Possible Likely e.g. <1 in 1000 chance e.g. 1 in 200 chance e.g. 1 in 50 chance e.g. 1 in 10 chance e.g. >1 in 3 chance Trivial Low Low Negligible e.g. small bruise Trivial Trivial Slight e.g. small cut, deep bruise Trivial Trivial Low Low Medium Moderate e.g. deep cut, torn muscle Trivial Low Medium Medium High Severe e.g. fracture, loss of consciousness Low Medium High High Extremely high Very Severe e.g. death, permanent disability Low Medium High Extremely high Extremely high Please contact the Health & Safety Manager if Medium, High or Extremely high have been selected. Risk Assessment Form – Part B Activity1 – Conservation Project Hazards2 List what could cause harm from this activity e.g. falls from height, trip hazard, fire, etc. Version 1 Location – Tom Burt’s Hill - HW Dates / times: Who exposed Control measures Risk3 List who might be harmed from this activity e.g. staff, students, contractors, public, etc. For each hazard, list the measures you will be taking to minimise the risk identified e.g. appointing competent persons, training received, planning, use of personal protective equipment, provision of first aid, etc. For each hazard, decide level of risk once all your controls are in place low low low Briefing on day Briefing on day Briefing on day What further action is necessary? 1 Assault by person Staff, Students 2 Slips, trips and falls Staff, Students 3 Manual handling/lifting Staff, Students Supervised activity taking place in daylight hours in public place. Volunteers briefed before hand Volunteers briefed before hand 11 Object falling, moving or flying Staff, Students Volunteers briefed on health and safety measures beforehand low Briefing on day 12 Obstruction / exposed feature Staff, Students Volunteers briefed, area scanned before to minimize danger low Briefing on day 13 Sharp object / material Staff, Students Volunteers briefed before hand low Briefing on day low Briefing on day 14 Slippery surface Staff, Students Volunteers briefed on health and safety measures beforehand 16 Trip hazard Staff, Students Volunteers briefed, area scanned before to minimize danger low Briefing on day 17 Vehicle impact / collision Staff, Students Area away from roads and car parks low Briefing on day 18 Falls from height Staff, Students Volunteers briefed on health and safety measures beforehand low Briefing on day 19 Alcoholic Intoxication Volunteers advised against drinking low Briefing on day low Briefing on day Students Staff, Students 25 Contact with urine/blood/faeces Volunteers briefed on health and safety measures beforehand 30 Fire Staff, Students low Briefing on day 34 Lightning strike Staff, Students Outdoor area, volunteers briefed on health and safety measures beforehand Weather check the day before low Weather check 35 Noise Staff, Students Area in rural location low 43 Allergic reaction Staff, Students Volunteers briefed before hand low Briefing on day 45 Physical fatigue Staff, Students Volunteers briefed before hand, activity duration just 3 hours low Briefing on day Repetitive action Staff, Students Volunteers briefed before hand low Briefing on day 46 Action by who? Action by when? Date complet ed 47 Static body posture Staff, Students Volunteers briefed before hand low Briefing on day 48 Stress / anxiety Staff, Students Volunteers given opportunity to stop at any point low Briefing on day low Briefing on day 50 Litter, glass Staff, Students Volunteers briefed, area scanned before to minimize danger 51 Dog faeces Staff, Students Volunteers briefed, area scanned before to minimize danger low Briefing on day low Briefing on day 52 Physical damage e.g. damage to goal posts Staff, Students Volunteers briefed, area scanned before to minimize danger 53 Flood Staff, Students Weather check the day before low Weather check 54 Rain/windy condition Staff, Students Weather check the day before low Weather check low Briefing on day low Briefing on day 55 Pot holes Staff, Students Volunteers briefed, area scanned before to minimize danger 56 Used needles Staff, Students Volunteers briefed, area scanned before to minimize danger