
Chemistry and the Gym/Forensic Chemistry
1. Classify each of the following activities as aerobic or anaerobic.
a. walking up a flight of stairs, aerobic
b. walking up 50 flights of stairs, aerobic
c. studying, aerobic
d. weight lifting, anaerobic
2. What are the benefits of increased VO2 max?
An increase in VO2 max means that there is more oxygen available to oxidize fuels, therefore
releasing more energy in the form of ATP to the muscles.
3. Name two chronic diseases for which the risk factor is decreased by exercise.
Certain cancers
4. a. what is the 1 stage in the break-down of carbohydrates known as glycolysis?
The oxidation of glucose, fructose and galactose to produce pyruvate and ATP.
b. what are two alternate fates for pyruvate?
The anaerobic pathway to produce lactic acid.
The aerobic pathway to produce AcetylCoA and ATP.
5. Describe the path of glucose metabolism.
See ppt slides titled “Chemistry and the Gym”
6. Given the fibers shown here under microscopy, is this material more likely to be nylon or
cotton? The smooth ends and lack of “twists” found in these fibers are consistent with nylon.
7. An empty pill bottle is found at a crime scene. What types of tests might be done on the body
next to the pill bottle?
Liquid chromatography and mass spectroscopy could be done on a variety of body fluids to
check for high levels of the chemicals found in the drugs from the pill bottle.
8. The Breathalyzer has been largely replaced by the Intoxilyzer, which uses IR spectroscopy to
detect and quantitate ethanol. IR spectroscopy is specific for different functional groups. What
are the functional groups in ethanol that could be monitored?
Ethanol, CH3CH2OH, has a –CH3 methyl group and a –OH alcohol group.
9. For each of the following tests, decide whether it is a qualitative or quantitative test.
a. The Scott test, qualitative
b. The Breathalyzer test, quantitative
c. DNA sequencing, qualitative
10. What is meant by the statement, “Every contact leaves its trace”?
Physical contact between a criminal and the crime scene invariably leads to cross-transfer of