EVALUATION OF LANGUAGE – TOLDP:3 An assessment of receptive and expressive language skills was conducted. The following is a summary of the test results. The Test of Language Development- Primary (Third Edition) is a norm-referenced test that measures different components of spoken language. The importance of oral vocabulary in our society is reflected in almost all facets of everyday living. Effective communication in schools, the workplace, and various social situations requires a certain degree of competence in oral vocabulary. Picture Vocabulary Percentile: Standard Score: This semantic subtest measures the extent of which a child understands the meanings associated with spoken English words. Relational Vocabulary Percentile: Standard Score: This semantic subtest is an associative task that measures a child’s ability to understand and orally express the relationships between two words. Oral Vocabulary Percentile: Standard Score: This semantic subtest measures a child’s ability to give oral definitions to common English words such as bird or castle that are spoken by the examiner. Grammatic Understanding Percentile: Standard Score: This syntactic subtest assesses the child’s ability to comprehend the meaning of sentences having differing syntactic structures. Sentence Imitation Percentile: Standard Score: This syntactic subtest is designed to measure aspects of children’s ability to produce correct English sentences. Grammatic Completion Percentile: Standard Score: This syntactic subtest assesses children’s ability to recognize, understand, and use common English morphological forms. Supplemental Subtests Word Discrimination Percentile: Standard Score: Age Equivalent This phonological subtest assesses the child’s ability to recognize the differences in significant speech sounds Phonemic Analysis Percentile: Standard Score: Age Equivalent This subtest is an organizational task assessing the child’s English phonological system. Word Articulation Percentile: Standard Score: Age Equivalent This phonological subtest measures the child’s ability to utter important English speech sounds. SPOKEN LANGUAGE QUOTIENT (SLQ) The SLQ comprises the standard scores of the six subtests that measure aspects of semantics and syntax. Of the six quotients, it is the best estimate of a child’s overall language ability. LISTENING QUOTIENT (LiQ) The LiQ represents the child’s ability to understand speech, sometimes called receptive language. ORGANIZING QUOTIENT (OrQ) The OrQ represents the individual’s capacity to organize incoming linguistic information by categories. SPEAKING QUOTIENT (SpQ) The SpQ represents the child’s expressive language (i.e. the ability to communicate thoughts orally). SEMANTICS (SeQ) The SeQ is a representation of the child’s vocabulary skills. SYNTAX QUOTIENT (SyQ) The SyQ measures a student’s ability to generate acceptable sentences. SLP16 (108)