Twentieth Century Clay Art Presentations

Contemporary Clay Art Presentations
Ceramics 1 & 2
Two presentations will be given each week, and each student will present once during the semester.
It should be approximately 5 minutes in length.
Step 1: Find an Artist
Use the attached list to research clay artists. You may research via Internet, book, or magazine. Choose an artist you
are interested in presenting. Make sure you can find information on them. If you cannot, choose another artist.
Step 2: Biographical Information
Fill out the attached information page about that artist. This information will be turned in and will be presented.
*Note: If the content of the artist is not school appropriate, please choose another artist.
Step 3: Images
Prepare your presentation. You must have a PowerPoint or slide show for your presentation. You must include ten
images of the artist’s work, each on an individual slide so that it may be seen full screen when projected.
Step 4: What is it all about?
Be prepared to explain the concept behind the artist’s work. Try your best to understand and verbalize what they are
doing with their work. Use the artist’s “Artist Statement” to figure this out.
Extra Credit:
If you can personally contact one of the artists on the list, either thru mail or e-mail, and bring in the documentation,
you will receive 20 extra credit points.
-It does NOT have to be the artist from your research.
-You need to ask them an intelligent question about their work. If you ask them an irrelevant question, you will
not receive extra credit.
If a student does not present on their designated date because of an excused absence, the student will present within three days of their return.
If a student does not present on their designated date because of an unexcused absence, the student will be required to write a three-page essay
about their artist. This paper will be due within one week of their original presentation date.
This will count as one project grade, and will be calculated into the student’s final course grade. The attached rubric will be used for grading.
Sign Up
Students will be given an opportunity to sign up for artists ahead of time. It is done on a first come, first served basis. Students will sign up for their
date early in the semester. If they become aware of a future absence on that day, they must speak with the teacher to change the date at least one
week prior to their designated presentation day.
Contemporary Clay Art Presentation
Course: Ceramics 1&2
Student chose an appropriate clay artist and
filled out the biographical information as
Student had at least one appropriate visual
aid to support their presentation totaling ten
images, on separate slides.
Student can verbalize the ideas and concepts
in the artist’s work.
(worth 30 points)
(worth 30 points)
(worth 30 points)
Student spoke clearly and presented
themselves professionally in front of the
Student spoke the appropriate amount of time,
approximately 5 minutes in length.
(worth 5 points)
(worth 5 points)
Total Score
Contemporary Clay Art Presentations
Biographical Information Sheet
Artist’s Name____________________________________________________________________
Date of Birth/Death__________________________________________Age_________________
Place of Birth____________________________________________________________________
Current Place of Residence_________________________________________________________
Educational History/ Degrees / Colleges Attended:
Current Occupation: _______________________________________________________________
Websites/ Books Published:
Technical Methods used in Building/Glazing/Firing:
Describe the look of their work (fill the space below):
What does their work sell for?________________________________________________________
What do you think of their work? (fill the space below)