FIFE COUNCIL ENVIRONMENT & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 18.02.02 AGENDA ITEM NO TRANSPORTATION SERVICES BRIDGE ASSESSMENT AND STRENGTHENING PROGRAMME 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 This report updates the Committee on the assessment and strengthening programme for Council and privately-owned bridges and identifies the measures which are being taken in the interests of public safety. 2 BACKGROUND 2.1 All Council-owned bridges have been assessed and appropriate safety measures are being implemented on those identified as being weak. Of the 338 Council bridges, the failure rate is as follows: Passes Main Structure Failures Edge (Footway) Failures 257 (76%) 55 (16%) 26 (8%) The overall failure rate of 24% is similar to the overall failure rate so far in Scotland, although only around 85% of all Scottish Council bridges have so far been assessed. 2.2 Three privately-owned bridges have also been assessed. Two of these have passed but one has failed and safety measures have been installed. 3 ASSESSMENT PROGRESS 3.1 Progress on the assessment of the 40 bridges owned by Railtrack and 18 bridges owned by British Railways Board (BRB) in Fife has so far been slow because of other work priorities for Transportation Services engineers. Only around 50% of private railway bridges have been assessed so far in Scotland. The Strategic Rail Authority, via Railtrack, is now expressing concern about the slow progress on railway bridge assessments in Scotland and the safety implications this might have. 3.2 To date, 9 Railtrack bridges have been assessed and reports have been submitted to them for approval. A further 7 assessments are in draft form, awaiting checking. Precautionary weight restrictions have also been imposed on 2 other Railtrack bridges in advance of the formal calculations being completed in order to ensure public safety. 3.3 One BRB bridge has had its assessment completed. This bridge has been strengthened and is now in Council ownership. One other has had a precautionary weight restriction imposed on it, and several BRB bridges are being regularly monitored for signs of cracking or bending. 3.4 Structures which have had or require restrictions imposed on them are listed in Appendix A, together with the costs of temporary and permanent measures. Locations are shown on the plan in Annex 1. 4 TEMPORARY SAFETY MEASURES 4.1 Since the last report to Committee on 7 August 2000 the following progress on protection of weak bridges has been made. 4.2 Roxburgh Road South Underpass and Formonthills Road East and West Underpasses were all reassessed using the latest analysis techniques and passed their assessments. Formonthills West Underpass was subsequently infilled because it had become a haven for vandals etc and was little used by pedestrians. 4.3 C126 Woodside Road Underpass, Glenrothes, has been temporarily propped. A917 Kilrenny Burn Bridge has also been propped to remove the weight limit but remains restricted to a single lane controlled by traffic signals. Both bridges have also had measures installed to protect their weak footways. 4.4 33 tonnes weight restrictions have been imposed on West Nethertown Street Culvert, Dunfermline, B981 Den Burn Bridge, Cardenden and C8 Woodburn St Annes Bridge, Ceres. 4.5 7.5 tonnes weight restrictions have been imposed on Bridge Street Bridge, Newport and on Old Station Road Bridge, St Andrews. Old Station Road Bridge, which belongs to the St Andrews Links Trust, has also had bollards installed to protect the weak footway. 4.6 Promenade Bridge, Leven has been reduced to single lane traffic controlled by priority signing. 4.7 Lammerlaws Road Railway Bridge, Burntisland, which belongs to Railtrack, has had a 17 tonnes weight restriction imposed on it as a precautionary measure because of its poor condition. The formal assessment is currently underway. 4.8 B9097 Bogside Railway Bridge, Ballingry has had safety kerbing installed to protect the weak verges. Safety kerbing and pedestrian guardrails have also been erected on A90 Dunfermline Wynd Bridge, Inverkeithing and on C88 Kingseat Road Railway Bridge, Dunfermline. 4.9 Bollards have been installed on South Bridge, Cupar and Carberry Road Bridge, Leven to protect the weak footways. 4.10 Strengthening of a 10 metre long section of A917 Golf Hotel Culvert is to be carried out by a developer of the disused garage site adjacent, where sheltered housing is to be built. The remaining length of footway will be protected by bollards. 4.11 Consultations and design work on other temporary safety measures are continuing as quickly as possible within the staff resources available to Transportation Services. Meantime, weak bridges without safety measures are being regularly monitored. 5 BRIDGE STRENGTHENING 5.1 Since the last report to Committee the following progress has been made. 5.2 The carriageway section of C29 Burnside Bridge, Cupar has been strengthened and a revised road layout installed to improve traffic flows. The section under the footway has been protected by bollards. 5.3 B925 Victoria Road (Harbour Railway) Bridge, Kirkcaldy has been strengthened by the construction of a central pier in the disused railway cutting below. 5.4 A major contract is underway to replace the A921 Aberdour Railway Bridge, and is scheduled for completion in Summer 2002. Traffic calming will also be introduced prior to the weight limit being rescinded. 5.5 A contract to widen the B9157 West Bridge, Kirkcaldy, to allow road realignment clear of the weak section which carries public utilities, has been completed. 5.6 The carriageway section of the Q56 Gateside Station Bridge, whose ownership was transferred from BRB to the Council, has been strengthened, and the verges protected by safety kerbing. 5.7 The condition of the steelwork on the B981 Broad Street Railway Bridge, Cowdenbeath was found following more detailed inspection to be in much worse condition than originally thought. Urgent repairs have been carried out during overnight railway possessions to ensure public safety, and investigations are now ongoing into the possibility of reducing the road to a single lane controlled by traffic lights. This bridge is substandard in several respects and its condition is such that replacement may be the only sensible option. The cost of this would be subject to a full feasibility study but a figure of around £3 million is anticipated. 5.8 The condition of B915 Balmule Bridge, Dunfermline is deteriorating and causing concern, even though it is restricted to a single lane with a 7.5 tonnes weight restriction. A feasibility study is being carried out into the most advantageous strengthening or replacement solution. Monitoring is ongoing. 5.9 According to the latest SCOTS survey, the average number of bridges strengthened by each Council in Scotland up to 31 March 2001 was 28 (41% of weak bridges) whereas Fife Council has only strengthened 12 (15% of weak bridges). The number of bridges strengthened depends on the availability of funds and the size and type of weak bridges, but it is clear that continuing and improved priority needs to be given by the Council to bridge strengthening and replacement. 6 B981 DEN BRIDGE, CLUNY 6.1 Den Bridge carries the B981 over the Den Burn between Cluny and Cardenden. It comprises a 1.6 metre span masonry arch and wingwalls with low masonry parapets. 6.2 Both wingwalls have bulged extensively and in the past this has resulted in dislodgement and collapse of part of the south wall. This wall has been supported by timber shoring since 1984. The masonry forming the arch is also in poor condition and temporary repairs at each end are imminent in order to prevent collapse. At the same time, the north wall is to be propped with a gabion wall to stop further movement. 6.3 Schemes to upgrade this section of road and replace the bridge have been discounted due to the lack of funding. However the safety risk assessment associated with this bridge is relatively high because: the condition of the arch and wingwalls is deteriorating rapidly, the parapets would not contain vehicles in the event of an accident, the arch is of inadequate size, which leads to flooding, the bridge has no footway. 6.4 Options Two options for construction of a replacement bridge have been considered:1 Replace bridge with a proprietary steel culvert extending beyond the existing structure to allow provision of verges on each side. The estimated cost with a road closure in force for approximately 8 weeks is £230,000. Traffic, including bus services, would need to use inconvenient diversion routes. 2 Replace bridge with a culvert as Option 1 but without a road closure. This option would require construction of a diversion route over the burn to allow construction of the culvert while maintaining single lane traffic flows. The estimated cost is £320,000. Due to the dilapidated state of the structure no options to further support or strengthen it are deemed feasible. 6.5 Option 1 is the preferred solution. The road closure would allow unrestricted working and avoid the need for expensive temporary bridging etc, as well as shortening the overall construction period from 6 months to 4 months. Single lane traffic flows controlled by traffic lights would still be necessary in either scenario, outwith any road closure period. This would be subject to detailed consultation. 7 FINANCE 7.1 It is anticipated that approximately £55,000 will be spent on safety measures for all structures from the 2001/2002 bridge and retaining wall revenue budget of £356,000. Funds not allocated for temporary measures will be used for essential routine maintenance work. 7.2 The estimated capital cost of strengthening or replacing all remaining weak Council bridges is now £17.2 million, including £2.0 million on Aberdour Railway Bridge. The expenditure requirement is likely to rise in future as weaknesses with Railtrack and BRB railway bridges are identified. 8 RECOMMENDATIONS 8.1 It is recommended that the Committee:(i) notes the progress being made on the assessment of bridges and the installation of temporary safety measures; (ii) notes the adverse impact that temporary measures are having on the 2001/02 revenue budget; (iii) recognise the need for continuing substantial capital investment in bridge strengthening and replacement works; (iv) approves the promotion of a replacement bridge at Den Bridge, Cluny and that funding be given full consideration in future capital plans. Fife House North Street GLENROTHES Author: Alan Ewen Engineering Services Team Leader 12 FEBRUARY 2002 AE/FD-1/R01002.12.03 Dr Bob McLellan HEAD OF TRANSPORTATION APPENDIX A Page 1 of 5 WEIGHT LIMITING RESTRICTIONS ON STRUCTURES REVENUE AND CAPITAL COSTS DECEMBER 2001 Structure Weight Limit (Tonnes) Other Temporary Measures 1 B9130 Old Thornton Railway 33 None 2 A917 Kilrenny Burn None 3 B9131 Stravithie Mill 4 Revenue – Temporary Installation Costs (£ Est) Revenue Inspection and Maintenance Costs (£ Est) per annum Permanent Measures Required 2,500 150 Traffic Signals Propping and Edge Restraint 71,000 3,000 None Traffic Signals 13,800 C9 Lower Largo 17 None 5 B940 Tarvit, Cupar 17 None 6 B915 Balmule 7.5 7 A909 Bridge Street, Cowdenbeath 8 Outstanding Capital Costs (£ Est) April 2001 Onwards Strengthen 200,000 Replacement 450,000 350 Strengthen 200,000 8,000 150 Strengthen 260,000 1,200 150 Partial Replacement 220,000 Traffic Signals 30,000 600 Replacement 220,000 None Edge Restraint 5,000 150 Strengthen Deck Edges A921 Aberdour Railway 17 Edge Restraint 9,000 150 Replacement 9 C45 Dairsie 10 None - 150 None (Historic Bridge) - 10 B981 Bow Bridge, Auchterderran None Edge Restraint 900 150 Strengthen Deck Edge 80,000 11 A907 Lyne Burn, Dunfermline None Propping 4,200 2,500 Replacement 750,000 12 B9157 West Bridge, Kirkcaldy None Propping 40,000 7,000 Replacement 135,000 13 A907 William Street, Dunfermline 10 None 2,600 150 Replacement 500,000 14 A994 Crossford None Edge Restraint 800 150 Strengthen Deck Edge 15 A994 Conscience 25 Edge Restraint 5,000 150 Replace/Strengthen £194,000 £14,950 Carried Forward 80,000 2,017,000 30,000 250,000 £5,392,000 Page 2 of 5 Structure Weight Limit (Tonnes) Other Temporary Measures Brought Forward Revenue Temporary Installation Costs ( Est) Revenue Inspection and Maintenance Costs ( Est) per annum 194,000 14,950 Permanent Measures Required 5,392,000 16 A907 Carnock None Traffic Signals 30,000 350 Replace/Strengthen 17 A917 Cambo, Kingsbarns None Propping 19,000 2,500 Replace/Strengthen 18 A915 Lundin Mill, Lundin Links None Edge Restraint 3,800 150 Strengthen Deck Edge 19 A911 Lothrie Burn, Glenrothes None Edge Restraint 23,000 150 Strengthen Deck Edges 20 A915 Prior Letham Smithy None Traffic Signals 17,000 350 Partial Replacement 21 B922 Cluny None Edge Restraint 6,500 150 Strengthen Deck Edges 22 A90 Ferrytoll Underpass (South) None Edge Restraint 8,800 150 Strengthen Deck Edges 23 A90 Ferrytoll Underpass (North) None Edge Restraint 8,800 150 Strengthen Deck Edges 24 A921 Tiel Burn, Kirkcaldy None Edge Restraint 5,500 150 Strengthen Deck Edges 25 A916 Kennoway Burn None Edge Restraint 2,000 150 Strengthen Deck Edge 26 B981 River Ore, Cardenden None Edge Restraint 2,800 150 Strengthen Deck Edge 27 B981 Den Burn, Cardenden 33 Edge Restraint 8,200 150 Strengthen 28 B9156 W Netherton St, Dunfermline 33 None 4,400 150 Strengthen 29 A955 Scoonie Railway, Leven None None (Re-assessed) 5,000 - 30 A91 New Bridge, Guardbridge None Remove Surfacing Edge Restraint N/A – Capital Budget 150 Strengthen Deck Edges 31 A919 Motray Water, Guardbridge None Edge Restraint 14,000 150 Strengthen Deck Edges 32 A917 Shore Bridge, St Andrews None Traffic Signals 5,000 - Strengthened May 2000 33 B9037 Shiresmill None Edge Restraint 7,000 150 Strengthen Deck Edges £364,800 £20,100 Carried forward Outstanding Capital Costs (£ Est) April 2001 Onwards - 250,000 400,000 100,000 150,000 120,000 100,000 150,000 150,000 100,000 80,000 80,000 150,000 200,000 - 370,000 130,000 Complete 100,000 £8,022,000 Page 3 of 5 Structure Weight Limit (Tonnes) Other Temporary Measures Brought Forward Revenue – Temporary Installation Costs (£ Est) Revenue Inspection and Maintenance Costs (£ Est) per annum Permanent Measures Required Outstanding Capital Costs (£ Est) April 2001 onwards 364,800 20,100 8,022,000 3,500 150 Strengthen Deck Edge 22,000 150 Replace 1,500,000 34 B9037 Grange Burn, Blairhall None Edge Restraint 35 A955 Leven Railway Bridge 17 Edge Restraint & Resurfacing 36 Craig Street, Rosyth 7.5 Edge Restraint 2,600 150 Replace 100,000 37 Harley Street, Rosyth 17 Edge Restraint 2,800 150 Replace 100,000 38 Middlebank Street, Rosyth None Strengthening Slab Edge Restraint - 150 Strengthen Deck Edges 39 Park Road, Rosyth 7.5 Lane Restriction 5,300 150 Replace 100,000 40 Anderson Avenue, Crossford 3 Lane Restriction 2,500 150 Replace 100,000 41 Dean Drive, Crossford 7.5 None 500 150 Replace 100,000 42 Walk Bridge, Cairneyhill None Monitor Only - 150 Strengthen 43 A917 Golf Hotel, Crail None Edge Restraint 10,000 150 Replacement 150,000 44 B9130 River Ore, Thornton None Carriageway Narrowing 10,400 150 Partial Replacement 300,000 45 B981 Bellevue, Inverkeithing 17 None 1,900 150 Strengthen 100,000 46 B912 Wester Whitefield Rly, Dunfermline None None - 150 Infill 47 C57 Eden, Freuchie 7.5 None 2,600 150 Strengthen 48 K8 River Leven, Glenrothes None None (Reassessed) - - 49 K16 Balgonie, Milton 7.5 None 1,600 150 Strengthen 150,000 50 Croft, Auchtermuchty 3 None 700 150 Replace 140,000 Totals to Date £431,200 £22,500 - 100,000 75,000 80,000 Complete 80,000 - £11,197,000 Page 4 of 5 Structure Weight Limit (Tonnes) Other Temporary Measures Brought Forward Revenue – Temporary Installation Costs (£ Est) Revenue Inspection and Maintenance Costs (£ Est) per annum Permanent Measures Required 431,200 22,500 Outstanding Capital Costs (£ Est) April 2001 Onwards 11,197,000 51 Greenside Place, St Andrews 17 None 1,400 150 Strengthen 100,000 52 B9097 Bogside Railway, Ballingry None Edge Restraint 2,500 150 Strengthen Deck Edges 100,000 53 C88 Kingseat, Dunfermline None Edge Restraint 3,000 150 Strengthen Deck Edge 80,000 54 South Bridge, Cupar None Edge Restraint 5,000 150 Strengthen Deck Edges 200,000 55 Ogilvie Street, Tayport None Edge Restraint 2,000 150 Strengthen Deck Edges 80,000 56 A913 Parbroath Railway 17 None 4,000 150 To be assessed 57 Q56 Gateside Station 17 None 5,500 150 Strengthen Deck Edges 58 Carberry Road, Leven 3 Edge Restraint 4,200 150 Replacement 59 Scoonie Drive, Leven None Edge Restraint 1,500 150 Strengthen Deck Edge 30,000 60 Woodburn Place, St Andrews None C/Way Narrowing 6,000 150 Partial Replacement 80,000 61 C128 Cabbagehall Bridge, Glenrothes None Traffic Signals 29,000 600 Partial Strengthening 120,000 62 B981 Broad St Railway Bridge, Cowdenbeath None C/way Narrowing & Traffic Signals 50,000 600 Replace 3,000,000 - 150 Strengthened Complete 63 B925 Victoria Rd. Harbour Railway Bridge None 8,800 2,500 Replacement 100,000 64 Maitland Street, Leven None Propping 2,500 150 65 Skinner Steps, Cupar None Edge Restraint - - - - 66 Formonthill Road (East), Glenrothes None None (Re-assessed) - - - - 67 Formonthill Road (West), Glenrothes None None (Re-assessed) 36,400 2,500 68 C126 Woodside Rd. Underpass, Glenrothes None Propping & Edge Restraint 3,500 150 Strengthen Deck Edges 69 B9130 Lochty Burn, Thornton None Edge Restraint 5,200 150 Replacement by owner 70 Old Station Road Bridge, St Andrews 7.5 Edge Restraint Totals to Date £601,700 £30,800 Strengthen Deck Edges Replacement 80,000 100,000 60,000 250,000 60,000 - £15,737,000 Page 5 of 5 Structure Weight Limit (Tonnes) Other Temporary Measures Brought Forward Revenue – Temporary Installation Costs (£ Est) Revenue Inspection and Maintenance Costs (£ Est) per annum Permanent Measures Required 601,700 30,800 Outstanding Capital Costs (£ Est) April 2001 Onwards 15,737,000 71 C127 Golf Course Road Underpass, Glenrothes None Monitor - 150 72 Roxburgh Rd. South Underpass, Glenrothes None None (Re-assessed) - - 73 Dunfermline Wynd Overbridge, Inverkeithing None Edge Restraint 32,500 150 Strengthen Deck Edges 250,000 74 Blairmore Road Underpass, Kirkcaldy 17 None 2,000 150 Strengthen 100,000 75 Bridge Street, Newport 7.5 None 2,500 150 Strengthen 100,000 76 Stenton Road Underpass, Glenrothes 33 None 1,000 150 Strengthen 100,000 77 Auchtermuchty Crossroads Bridge None Edge Restraint 2,000 150 Strengthen Deck Edge 78 Lammerlaws Road, Burntisland 17 None 2,000 150 To be assessed - 79 B9037 Gilanderson, Torryburn 25 None 2,000 150 To be assessed - 80 C68 Hawkhill, Kincardine 25 None - 150 To be assessed - 81 C29 Burnside, Cupar None Monitor - 150 Strengthen 160,000 82 C63 Eden, Strathmiglo 33 None 2,100 150 Strengthen 60,000 83 Promenade, Leven None Carriageway Narrowing 8,500 150 Strengthen 100,000 84 Burnbank Place, Kinglassie None Edge restraint 2,500 150 Strengthen Deck Edges 100,000 85 C8 Woodburn St Annes, Ceres 33 None 2,300 150 Strengthen 100,000 86 B981 Den Burn, Cluny None Propping Totals to Date 15,100 £676,200 1,000 £33,900 Strengthen - Replace 100,000 - 30,000 230,000 £17,167,000