Lakewood City Schools Course of Study for Spanish 4 Revised: June 12, 2008 Spanish 4, Scope and Sequence Scope and Sequence – This course will provide a comprehensive review and completion of Spanish grammar and tenses, practicing the 4 skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking. Special instruction on the correct use of the dictionary in writing and translating will be given. The five strands of the Ohio Department of Education Academic Content Standards will be met. ( Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities) Materials used: Spanish for Mastery 3/ workbook “The Buried Mirror”/”El Espejo Enterrado” film/book/workbook 5 part series by Carlos Fuentes Ten Keys to Latin America by Frank Tannenbaum The following authors/artists (works may vary year to year) Cervantes Velazquez , El Greco Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz Goya Juan Rulfo Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo Machado, Becquer Posada, Tamayo Garcia Lorca Gaudi, Picasso, Dali, Miro The following films El Norte, Los Desaparecidos, Frida Goya’s Ghosts, The Man of La Mancha Topics covered through film Spain Geography- regions/languages/products History- Altamira, Celts, Iberians, Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Greeks, Romans, Visigoths, Moorish invasion, the Reconquest, the role of the Catholic Church, 1492, the Catholic Kings, the Inquisition, Christopher Columbus, the Renaissance, the Golden Age, Carlos V, Felipe II, El Escorial, Baroque Europe, Felipe V de Anjou, the Republic and Francisco Franco, the Civil War, Spanish conquest in the New World and political, economic, cultural, and social legacies. Symbolic traditions: Flamenco, la Corrida de Toros, the Cult of the Virgin Mary (Semana Santa) Latin America Precolombian civilizations: Maya, Zapotec, Toltec, Aztec, Inca The Conquest: Cortes, Moctezuma, La Malinche, Pizarro The indigenous population, servitude, slavery, racial mixture The new products The new generation of criollos- the colonial thoughts of independence-Simon Bolivar, San Martin Important moments/people in Latin American history- Benito Juarez, Maximiliano and Carlota, the Mexican Revolution, the gaucho culture of the pampas, Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata,etc. Course of Study for Spanish 4 Revised: June 12, 2008 Page 1 of 14 The unending struggles of Latin America Poverty- unequal distribution of wealth, land ownership (latifundia, hacienda) Politics- the cult of the caudillo, dictatorships ( Peron, Diaz, Rios Mont, Noriega, Pinochet, Rosas, etc), the power of the military Race- the social, economic, educational divide The role of the Church Regionalism Crime, Drugs, Oil (FARC) Relations with the USA- support of brutal “anti-communist” dictatorships, the massacre of the indigenous populations, immigration, outsourcing, maquiladoras, NAFTA 1st 9 weeks Chapters 1,2,3,4 Grammar Text Grammar: nouns/articles-use and omission, adjectives- position and agreement, present tense of regular, irregular, stem changing, and reflexives verbs, the present progressive, direct and indirect commands (the imperative mood –all forms and the present subjunctive with expressions of request or prohibition), ser & estar, tener , dar expressions, hace, ir a , acabar de, brief review of direct, indirect, reciprocal reflexive, possessive and demonstrative pronouns with charts. Vocabulary- describing oneself, daily life, grooming, chores, home life, driving and giving directions. Other: cross reference words in the dictionary, colloquialisms, idiomatic expressions, translate, and use Spanish to explain Spanish proverbs The Buried Mirror Part 1 The Virgin and the Bull The focus will be on the conquest of Spain, the geography and history till 1492. Flamenco, the Bullfight and Semana Santa will be discussed. Literary/Artistic/Musical content- flamenco, pasodoble, saeta, Don Quijote, Velazquez, El Greco, La Alhambra, La Mezquita, La Giralda, Santiago de Compostela 2nd 9 weeks Chapters 5,6,7,10 Grammar text Grammar: the preterite, imperfect and compound perfect, future and conditional tenses Vocabulary: leisure, sports, outdoors, food, and travel Other: narrative description of a past event using past tenses correctly with sequencing vocabulary, distinguishing between tenses when translating, simplifying ideas instead of translating word for word, The Buried Mirror Part 2 The Conflict of the Gods The focus will be on the Precolumbian civilizations – the Conquest and Colonial period Midterm project- grammar based 3rd 9 weeks Chapters 8,11,12,14 Grammar text Grammar- the present and imperfect subjunctive, si clauses Vocabulary: Health, Medical, Hotel, Housing The Buried Mirror Part 3 The Age of Gold Imperial Spain, the New World products and independence movement, Spain’s decline 4th 9 weeks Course of Study for Spanish 4 Revised: June 12, 2008 Page 2 of 14 Grammar reviews as needed Review geography of Latin America The Buried Mirror Part 4 and 5 The Price of Liberty and Unfinished Business Simon Bolivar, San Martin and the independence movement, the resulting problems in Spanish America, the search for and lack of models, the resultant dictatorships, revolutions, the still unanswered questions in Spain and Latin America, relations with the USA Juan Rulfo- 2 short stories El Norte / Los Desaparecidos Final Project- culture based Spanish 4 Students read literature, study and review grammar, write original compositions, and are encouraged to converse freely. The general objective is to work toward fluency in comprehension and in expression both spoken and written. The purchase of a workbook may be required. The class is designed to prepare student for AP Spanish. Communication Standard and Benchmark Grade 12 Indicators Clear Learning Targets Strategies/Resources Benchmark A: Interact using extended spoken, signed or written communication by providing and obtaining information. Interpersonal 1. Initiate, sustain, and conclude conversations on a wide variety of personal, general knowledge, and academic topics. I can ask and respond to questions spontaneously using complete or incomplete sentences. I can respond and comment in language comprehensible to a native speaker on a variety of topics of focus during the vocabulary, grammatical, and cultural studies found in the scope and sequence document. Textbook, workbook CDs, DVDs The video series “The Buried Mirror” Internet, teacher and classroom activities. (ie. Question of the day, Conversation and diary topics, etc.) Benchmark B: Express a wide range of feelings and emotions, and discuss and support opinions. Interpersonal 2. Exchange, support, and discuss opinions and individual perspectives with peers and/or speakers of the target language on a variety of topics dealing with contemporary I can give an opinion on a historical or cultural topic being studied. Textbook, workbook CDs, DVDs The video series “The Buried Mirror” Internet, teacher and classroom activities. Course of Study for Spanish 4 Revised: June 12, 2008 Page 3 of 14 or historical issues. Interpersonal 3. Develop and propose solutions to issues and problems that are of concern to the students’ own community or to the target culture community. I can express in oral or written Spanish, a solution to a problem presented in class based on the films, readings, or lectures given or studied in class. Benchmark C: Use a wide range of strategies to negotiate meaning. Interpersonal 4. Negotiate meaning through a range of strategies (e.g. questions, interjections, circumlocution). I can use the vocabulary I know and am learning to respond to questions and clarify meaning. Dictionary use and practice Proverbs translation and explanation Worksheets on idiomatic expressions Benchmark D: Give and follow a series of complex directions. Interpersonal 5. Give and follow complex directions, instructions, and requests (filling out job applications, renting an apartment). I can use and follow a series of directions to complete a task. Text, worksheets, and class activities: Demonstrations Scavenger hunt Multilingual assembly instructions Steps for research to complete a project Benchmark E: Interact in a wide range of situations using culturally authentic language and gestures. Interpersonal 6. Role-play in a wide range of culturally authentic social and/or professional contexts using appropriate language and gestures (e.g., family gathering, job interview, recitation). I can write and dramatize a skit about restaurants, buying tickets, giving directions and many other daily activities from Spanish-speaking countries. Textbook, workbook CDs, DVDs Internet, teacher and classroom activities. Benchmark F: Follow complex oral, signed or written directions and requests. Interpretive 7. Follow complex oral, written, or signed directions, instructions, and requests (e.g., automated telephone prompts, product assembly). I can listen to student or teacher presentations and understand and or execute the task being described. Student and teacher presentations Benchmark G: Use a variety of reading and listening strategies to derive meaning from texts. Interpretive 8. Use listening and reading strategies (e.g., applying prior knowledge) to make inferences and draw conclusions. I can compare and contrast ideas from readings, films, and music. I can state an opinion or conclusion based on ideas I have derived from several sources Textbook, workbook CDs, DVDs The video series “The Buried Mirror” Internet, teacher and classroom activities. Course of Study for Spanish 4 Revised: June 12, 2008 Page 4 of 14 besides class discussion. Benchmark H: Analyze information from a variety of oral, written, and visual sources by summarizing, critiquing, and explaining texts. Presentational 9. Present and support an opinion using information from articles, documentaries, or historical narratives. I can comment on opinions of others and use ideas I have derived from my sources to defend my opinion. Textbook, workbook CDs, DVDs The video series “The Buried Mirror” Internet, teacher and classroom activities. Presentational 10. Analyze expressive products of the target culture (e.g., selections from various literary genres, fine arts). I can identify cultural, literary and artistic characteristics of the works or movements studied in class. Scope and sequence document states topics and works studied. Benchmark I: Create presentations on a range of original or authentic expressive products. Presentational 11. Create and present a wide range of personal, historical, and cultural texts (e.g., skits, monologues, plays, reports, slide shows, digital videos, CD-ROMS). I can present in visual, written and/or oral form, the results of research done on a historical, cultural, personal topic, or current event. Skits, monologues, role plays Benchmark J: Present information and ideas on a range of topics. Presentational 12. Present analyses and personal reactions to authentic written texts. I can read texts, articles or literary works and synthesize information to respond to questions. Power point, posters, video 13. Prepare and present a research-based analysis of a current event from the perspective of both the United States and the target culture. I can present my findings to the class on a topic I have chosen. I will use two authentic sources in addition to information discussed and received in class. Notes, posters, power-point, videos, music Presentational 14. Apply age-appropriate writing process strategies (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, publishing). I can research a topic of cultural and historical significance using prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing strategies to complete the project. Midterm and Final Exam projects Benchmark K: Apply age-appropriate writing process strategies to produce a variety of documents for publication. Course of Study for Spanish 4 Revised: June 12, 2008 Page 5 of 14 Cultures Standard and Benchmark Grade 12 Indicators Clear Learning Targets Strategies/Resources Benchmark A: Analyze, discuss, and report on a wide variety of practices and perspectives of the target culture. Practices 1. Explain and discuss aspects of the target culture that may lead to bias within the target society (e.g., indigenous peoples, rural versus urban communities, social classes). I can identify stereotypes of the target culture. Textbook, workbook CDs, DVDs The video series “The Buried Mirror” Internet, teacher and classroom activities. Practices 2. Analyze how people in the target culture view the role of the United States in the world. I can discuss aspects of the target culture that would lead to discrimination and social inequalities. This may include, but is not limited to gypsy culture, indigenous populations, gender and racial issues, etc.) Univisión, variety shows, internet, movies, newspapers Practices 3. Recognize and interpret elements of humor and satire in the target language and culture. I recognize that humor is subjective and changes from culture to culture. Univisión, variety shows, internet, movies, newspapers Practices 4. Analyze social and geographic factors that affect cultural practices (e.g., family structure, political institutions, religious beliefs, climate, terrain). I can state ways in which family, language, income, and political institutions are influenced by geography. Textbook, “The Buried Mirror,” the internet Benchmark B: Participate in and discuss a wide variety of cultural practices. Practices 5. Identify and simulate regionalism of the target culture (e.g., dress/costumes, foods, homes) and language (e.g., vocabulary, expressions, pronunciation/dialect). I can identify aspects of regionalism that occur in the target culture. This may include dress, food, and language. Textbook, the internet, books, movies, newspapers Benchmark C: Analyze, discuss and report on a wide variety of products and perspectives of the target culture. Products 6. Research and report on themes, ideas, and perspectives related to the products of the cultures studied and how these products I can name ways in which Spain, as the motherland, has impacted her former colonies in Latin America. Class discussion of the Ten keys to Latin America. Internet/newspaper for current events Course of Study for Spanish 4 Revised: June 12, 2008 Page 6 of 14 have changed over time. Products 7. Identify, discuss, and analyze social, economic, and political intangible products of the target language culture (e.g., conversion to the Euro, limited versus universal suffrage). Benchmark D: Analyze, discuss and report on significant contributions from the target culture. Course of Study for Spanish 4 Revised: June 12, 2008 I can state how these factors of influence have evolved over time. The Buried Mirror film series CD’s, DVD’s, seen, heard and discussed in class. Lectures based on Ten Keys to Latin America Products 8. Experience, discuss, and analyze selections from various literary genres and the fine arts of the target culture. I can explain aspects of literary works by Machado, Garcia-Lorca, Bécquer, Rulfo, Cervantes, and Matute. I can recognize works by Velázquez, el Greco, Miró, Picasso, Siqueiros, Dali, Kahlo, Murillo, and Zurbaran. I can identify architectural works from Barcelona by Gaudi. Internet, books, power-point Products 9. Asses the economic and social impact of tangible products of the target culture on the world (e.g., aqueducts, printing press, abacus). I can discuss the impact of Spanish and Latin American products, discoveries, and inventions on the world. This may include music (flamenco. Salsa, merengue), political institutions, (dictatorships and military takeovers), products (petroleum, coca leaf, coffee, bananas), food (tapas, tortilla), architecture (mural art, the plaza) economic and ecological topics (maquiladoras, the Panama canal, the rain forest). The Buried Mirror film series CD’s, DVD’s, seen, heard and discussed in class. Lectures based on Ten Keys to Latin America Page 7 of 14 Connections Standard and Benchmark Grade 12 Indicators Clear Learning Targets Strategies/Resources Benchmark A: Investigate, analyze, and present concepts from across disciplines. Integrated Studies 1. Prepare and deliver a presentation using various media about a specific time in history focusing on events that affected both the students’ own culture and the target culture (e.g., the Great Depression, World War II, political revolution). I can identify ways in which the US policies have impacted Hispanic countries negatively or positively. This may include: immigration, dictatorships, ecological topics, hunger, poverty, pure water, immunizations, education, etc. The Buried Mirror film series CD’s, DVD’s, lectures based on Ten Keys to Latin America Integrated Studies 2. Discuss, propose, and justify solutions to interdisciplinary issues (e.g., political issues, historical concepts, health issues, environmental concerns). I can deliver in oral and written form the results of research, using at least 2 authentic documents. I can include and propose my own solutions to the issues studied. Textbook, book, internet Integrated Studies 3. Acquire and analyze information from a variety of authentic target language resources to complete projects in other disciplines (e.g., reference “Le Monde” for information on French political election, reference Livy for report on the history of Rome). I can access and apply effective writing strategies learned in English classes to improve the structure and organization of writing in Spanish. I can also integrate factual information from other disciplines into a variety of class presentations and projects. Textbook, book, internet Integrated Studies 4. Combine information from other disciplines with information from authentic target language sources to complete activities in the foreign language classroom (e.g., tessellations from geometry for Arabic project, ecosystems). I can access and apply effective writing strategies learned in English classes to improve the structure and organization of my writing in Spanish. I can also integrate factual information from other disciplines into a variety of class presentations and projects. I can use art or literary forms to create a personal product. Coat of arms, retablo, broken-tile mural, tree-of-life, textbook, books, internet Course of Study for Spanish 4 Revised: June 12, 2008 Page 8 of 14 Benchmark B: Investigate, analyze, and present information and viewpoints from the target culture using authentic sources, and apply understandings across disciplines. Course of Study for Spanish 4 Revised: June 12, 2008 New Viewpoints 5. Develop, propose, and justify solutions to global issues and problems (e.g., drunk driving, treatment of the elderly) from the perspectives of diverse groups. I can read, comprehend, and synthesize information from various sources. All films and literary components are listed in the scope and sequence document. New Viewpoints 6. Read, view, listen to, and discuss topics in popular media to analyze viewpoints of the target culture. I can respond in oral and written form to topic questions assigned when viewing “The Buried Mirror series, El Norte, Los Desaparecidos, Frida, as well as reading selections by Unamuno, Garcia Lorca, Antonio Machado, and Juan Rulfo, or articles used to supplement content or background. The Buried Mirror film series CD’s, DVD’s, seen, heard and discussed in class. Lectures based on Ten Keys to Latin America Page 9 of 14 Comparisons Standard and Benchmark Grade 12 Indicators Clear Learning Targets Strategies/Resources Benchmark A: Analyze and discuss linguistic structures and conventions of the target language and English. Linguistic Comparisons 1. Analyze and discuss etymological roots of English words from the target culture (e.g., Latin porto [carry] leads to transport, portable, porter, port). I can identify root words, suffixes, and prefixes as a reading strategy to improve my Spanish language proficiency. Textbook, workbook, CDs, DVDs, internet, classroom activities, and teacher Benchmark B: Analyze and explain how the target language and English express meaning through variations in style. Linguistic Comparisons 2. Analyze literary allusions that represent a cultural awareness of the target language and English (e.g., quixotic, seize the day, waiting for Godot, Murasaki Shikibu, Don Juan). I can identify terns (quixotic, Don Juan), symbols ( bull, sombrero), ideas (mañana), that are culturally rooted in one’s own or the target culture. Textbook, workbook, CDs, DVDs, internet, classroom activities, and teacher Benchmark C: Analyze and discuss how products, practices, and perspectives of the students’ own culture and the target culture overlap and differ. Cultural Comparisons 3. Compare and contrast graphs and statistical information on various topics (e.g., populations, income) about the target culture with similar information about the U.S. I can compare graphs of literacy and poverty between US and some Spanish speaking country. Textbook, workbook, CDs, DVDs, internet, classroom activities, and teacher Cultural Comparisons 4. Analyze how the media presents political or historical events in the target culture and in the students’ own culture. I can discuss the celebration of the five hundredth anniversary of the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus as discussed in the Buried Mirror video series. I can include differences in opinion between a Spanish, Latin American, or United States citizen. Textbook, internet Concept of Culture 5. Analyze unique differences between the target culture and students’ own culture and explain the reasons for such differences (e.g., driving habits, use of eating utensils). I can identify differences in the concepts of time, material possessions, social and familial bonds, leadership and power structure, and faith between my own and target culture. Textbook, workbook, CDs, DVDs, internet, classroom activities, and teacher Benchmark D: Discuss the concept of culture through analysis of products, practices, and perspectives of the target culture and students’ own culture. Course of Study for Spanish 4 Revised: June 12, 2008 Page 10 of 14 Concept of Culture 6. Explain how actions in the target culture and students’ own culture are reflections of peoples’ beliefs and attitudes (e.g., outside footwear not worn inside). Course of Study for Spanish 4 Revised: June 12, 2008 I can role play to identify ways in which my own reactions to the target culture are based on my attitudes, belief system, and cultural identity. Textbook, internet Page 11 of 14 Communities Standard and Benchmark Grade 12 Indicators Clear Learning Targets Strategies/Resources Benchmark A: Provide information or services to individuals, the school, or the community using knowledge of the target language and culture. Outreach 1. Help organize and participate in activities for the school or community (e.g., tutoring, teaching, translating/interpreting, assisting speakers of other languages, hosting an international diner). I will choose one way in which I can use the Spanish language or culture to assist the school or community during the school year: Student Activities Volunteer Organization H2O Spanish teachers World Together club and advisors El Barrio – Hispanic Community Center Outreach 2. Perform original or authentic works for a school or community event (e.g., sing, dance, act). I can participate in a foreign language picnic and choose my favorite Spanish songs/dances/ or artistic expressions to share with other foreign language students. Student Activities Volunteer Organization H2O Spanish teachers World Together club and advisors El Barrio – Hispanic Community Center Outreach 3. Present original written and illustrated stories to others. I can present my favorite LHS memories to lower-level foreign language students in Spanish. Textbook, power-point Outreach 4. Establish and maintain communication with speakers of the target language (e.g., pen pals, e-pals, people in the community) to exchange perspectives on issues and problems of mutual concern. Correspond with native speakers in the community or via email. Internet Benchmark B: Perform original or authentic works for a school or community event. Benchmark C: Sustain communication with people locally and around the world. Course of Study for Spanish 4 Revised: June 12, 2008 1. tutor an ESL or Spanish 1 or 2 student 2. read to or tutor students at El Barrio 3. guide/help some new/foreign students with school activities. 4. organize/assist in an activity for World Together or Spanish club 5. perform/ teach/ present a cultural element of own or target language for the school or community Page 12 of 14 Benchmark D: Report information about and personal reactions to various products, media, and services of the target culture. Benchmark E: Attend, participate in , or view target culture events and describe to others. Course of Study for Spanish 4 Revised: June 12, 2008 Enrichment and Enjoyment 5. Explore opportunities to live, travel, or study in a target language country and report findings to others (e.g., research programs offered b service organizations, universities, government agencies). I can name ways in which I can use Spanish or study Spanish after graduation. I can access knowledge about study-abroad programs prior to or during post-secondary studies in Spanish-speaking countries and share that information with classmates. internet Enrichment and Enjoyment 6. Report on interactions (e.g., teleconferencing, face-to-face meeting, instant messaging) with target language speakers related to common interests (e.g., teaching each other dances or songs, sharing recipes, comparing strategies for electronic games or simulations). I can regularly communicate in Spanish with others outside of class to improve my oral proficiency in Spanish. I can share various topics discussed during class conversations. telephone or cellphone Enrichment and Enjoyment 7. Discuss with others oral, print, and visual texts from a variety of media (e.g., business alliances, universities, service organizations) to obtain information of personal interest through a variety of means (e.g., Web inquiry, letter, videoconference) and report findings to others. I can incorporate the vast array of information I regularly access into conversations with others in Spanish. TV, DVD, internet, newspapers, books, and magazines Enrichment and Enjoyment 8. Contact target culture organizations (E.g., business alliances, universities, service organizations) to obtain information of personal interest through a variety of means (e.g., Web inquiry, letter, videoconference) and report findings to others. I can read and submit blog entries on websites devoted to Spanish-speaking icons and celebrities. textbook, workbook, CD’s, DVD’s, internet, classroom activities, and teacher Enrichment and Enjoyment 9. Attend, participate in, or view via media, target culture events (e.g., fairs, festivals, exhibitions, and performances; programs given by Japanese/American Society, Red Cross, consulates) and describe to others. I can use the internet to view cultural festivals, sporting events, or performances and report on them in class. Internet/telephone Page 13 of 14 Benchmark F: Evaluate and discuss how understanding of another language and culture enhances job skills and career options. Benchmark G: Develop evaluative tools and implement group strategies to complete tasks and solve problems. Career Exploration and Skills 10. Participate in a mock job interview for a position in which proficiency in the target language is an asset. I can name careers where knowledge of Hispanic culture and language proficiency is an asset. Internet/telephone Class activities Career Exploration and Skills 11. Contact corporations, government agencies, and volunteer organizations and report on the specific job benefits of being proficient in a second language. I can defend/express my proficiency when responding to possible interview questions. Internet/telephone Class activities Career Exploration and Skills 12. Work cooperatively (e.g., define a problem, evaluate options, develop consensus, propose and justify solutions) on tasks related to a wide variety of issues and problems. I can name an issue or problem that immigrants face in northeast Ohio. I can propose a solution or state what remedies have been implemented. Internet, newspaper 47 Grade 12 indicators Course of Study for Spanish 4 Revised: June 12, 2008 Page 14 of 14