WORLD LANGUAGE - Tattnall County Schools

Level B
Full Year
Grade 9,10,11
Through a functional approach to language learning, primary emphasis is on the development of
interpersonal communication skills. Units are composed of cultural notes, selected topics of vocabulary and
grammatical concepts. Practice activities will be oral and written.
Level H
Full Year
Grade 9
French II Honors is a continuation of the three-year French program completed at the Middle School. It is
designed for those students who have demonstrated a superior aptitude and performance in the development
of the major language skills. French II Honors will progress at a brisk pace and will serve as a foundation for
the Honors program for the coming year. Emphasis will be placed on the development of communicative
proficiency. Grammatical concepts will be introduced and drilled through listening, speaking, reading and
writing activities in the language. Frequent writing samples and reading authentic French literature will be
emphasized throughout the academic year.
Successful completion of the seventh and eighth grade
sequence at the Middle School, overall A-average in
French and Teacher recommendation.
Level A
Full Year
Grade 9
French II A is a continuation of the three-year French program completed at the Middle School. It is
designed for those students who have demonstrated an above average aptitude and performance in the
development of the major language skills. French II A will progress at a brisk pace and will serve as a
foundation for the coming year. Emphasis will be placed on the development of communicative proficiency.
Grammatical concepts will be introduced and drilled through listening, speaking, reading and writing activities
in the language.
Successful completion of the seventh and eighth grade
sequence at the Middle School and Teacher
Level B
Full Year
Grade 9, 10, 11,12
The basic concepts covered in French I will be reinforced through extensive written and oral practice.
Development of language proficiency will be stressed throughout the entire year. Cultural topics as well as
the development of reading and writing skills will be emphasized.
Successful completion of French I
Level Honors*
Full Year
Grade 10
French III H* is a continuation of French III H* and is available to those who have successfully completed
the three-year sequence at the Middle School and French II H. Emphasis is placed on the development of
oral and written communication with accuracy. The overall program is designed to encourage self-expression
in meaningful contexts while simultaneously working to appreciate the cultures of Francophone countries.
The development of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills is emphasized throughout the program.
The development of the reading and writing skills is emphasized throughout the academic year.
Completion of the three-year sequence at Middle
School, French II H* and teacher recommendation.
Level A
Full Year
Grade 10, 11, 12
Development of language proficiency skills will be heavily stressed in French III through drill, reading
selections and conversational units. All basic tenses will be reviewed. Emphasis on the development of the
communicative skills will continue. Students will learn the uses of the subjunctive mood as well as the finer
points of previously learned grammar. Written compositions will be assigned frequently. Various cultural
topics will be explored in depth through class presentations and readings.
Successful completion of French II A
Level B
Full Year
Grade 10, 11, 12
The basic concepts covered in French II B will be reinforced through continued extensive written and oral
practice. Throughout the entire year the development of language proficiency will be stressed. Cultural topics
as well as the development of reading and writing skills will be emphasized.
Successful completion of French II B
Level A
Full Year
Grade 11, 12
Advanced grammar topics including tenses and subjunctive uses will be covered. Conversation and cultural
topics will assist in developing an appreciation of French civilization. In addition to communicative skill
development, reading comprehension will be stressed. Selections will include poems by Prevert, La Parure,
and Le Petit Prince. Frequent compositions will accompany reading and conversational-cultural units.
Successful completion of French III A
FRENCH IV – Advanced Placement Preparation
Level Honors* - Pre A.P.
Full Year
Grade 11
French IV H is a continuation of French III H and builds upon previously learned concepts and skills.
Emphasis remains on the development of self-expression in meaningful contexts while striving to appreciate
the culture and literature of Francophone countries. The curriculum is rapidly paced and requires sound
reading, speaking, listening and writing skills. The curriculum is designed to develop an awareness of the
academic rigor and expectation necessary to successfully complete the requirement of Advanced Placement
Successful completion of French III H* and
Teacher recommendation
Level A
Full Year
Grade 12
Reading comprehension, literary analysis and discussion of literary ideas and styles will be stressed. Work
with advanced grammar as well as frequent compositions will be required.
Successful completion of French IV
Full Year
Grade 12
AP French is an extension of French IV H and builds upon the literature, grammar, and vocabulary covered
French IV H. It further broadens the student's interest in the language and culture through a variety of
literary works that exemplify the culture and civilization of the French-speaking world. It is designed to
develop the student's listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to communicate successfully and creatively
in various situations. Extensive vocabulary development is emphasized throughout the briskly paced
It is anticipated that each student enrolled in this course is will take the advanced placement examination in
French language.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of French IV H
Teacher recommendation, Supervisor
Level B
Full Year
Grade 9, 10, 11
Latin is introduced as a basic language. Lessons are centered around stories about Roman life and
mythology. Emphasis is placed upon the development of English vocabulary and Latin and English grammar
Level B
Full Year
Grade 10, 11, 12
Readings increase gradually in degree of difficulty. Segments from the Roman historian, Livy, are read.
Attention continues to vocabulary development and grammatical analysis.
Successful completion of Latin I
Level Honors
Full Year
Grade 11, 12
Readings are selected from writings of Caesar, Cicero, Ovid, and Pliny the Younger. The culture of classical
civilization is emphasized.
Successful completion of Latin II
teacher recommendation.
Level Honors
Full Year
Grade 12
Vergil's Aeneid and a variety of other Latin writings are read. The course includes a comparative study of the
Latin and Greek languages.
Successful completion of Latin IIIH
and Teacher recommendation.
Level B
Full Year
Grade 9, 10, 11
Spanish I introduces the student to basic pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and culture. Emphasis will be
placed on the development of communicative proficiency. Each unit introduces new language and
vocabulary in a situational context.
Level H
Full Year
Grade 9
Spanish II Honors is a continuation of the three-year Spanish program completed at the Middle School. It is
designed for those students who have demonstrated a superior aptitude and performance in the development
of the major language skills. Spanish II Honors will progress at a brisk pace and will serve as a foundation for
the Honors program for the coming year. Emphasis will be placed on the development of communicative
proficiency. Grammatical concepts will be introduced and drilled through listening, speaking, reading and
writing activities in the language. Frequent writing samples and reading authentic Spanish literature will be
emphasized throughout the academic year.
Successful completion of the sixth, seventh
and eighth grade sequence at the Middle
School, overall A-average in Spanish and
teacher recommendation.
Level A
Full Year
Grade 9
Spanish II A is a continuation of the three-year Spanish program completed at the Middle School. It is
designed for those students who have demonstrated an above average aptitude and performance in the
development of the major language skills. Spanish II A will progress at a brisk pace and will serve as a
foundation for the Honors Program for the coming year. Emphasis will be placed on the development of
communicative proficiency. Grammatical concepts will be introduced and drilled through listening, speaking,
reading and writing activities in the language.
Successful completion of the sixth, seventh
and eighth grade sequence at the Middle
teacher recommendation.
Level B
Full Year
Grade 10, 11, 12
Spanish II is a continuation of Spanish I. Emphasis is placed on the development of communicative
proficiency. Grammatical concepts will be introduced and drilled through listening, speaking, reading and
writing exercises in the language. A thematic approach to vocabulary acquisition is utilized to develop
communicative functions.
Successful completion of Spanish I
Level Honors
Full Year
Grade 10
Spanish III H is a continuation of Spanish II A and is available to those who have successfully completed the
three-year sequence at the Middle School and Spanish II H. Emphasis is on the development of fluency in
the language by maintaining focus on the message being communicated. The competency continuum
progresses from the grammatically simple sentence phase to a grammatically complex paragraph structure.
Students are introduced to a variety of literary genres representing a number of Spanish-speaking nations.
Reading, writing and speaking skills are developed systematically throughout the program.
Prerequisite: Three-year sequence at Middle School and
Spanish II H; Teacher Recommendation
Level A
Full Year
Grade 10, 11, 12
Spanish III is a broadening of the student’s knowledge and interests in the language. The course aims to
increase the student’s vocabulary and speaking ability through oral drills and conversation and to build the
student’s confidence in expressing himself/herself freely in both written and oral Spanish. Units are
developed to increase student’s knowledge of the Hispanic civilization and culture while continuing to
develop the student’s language proficiency.
Successful completion of Spanish II
Level B
Full Year
Grade 10, 11, 12
The basic concepts covered in Spanish II B will be reinforced through continued extensive written and oral
practice. Throughout the entire year the development of language proficiency will be stressed. Cultural topics
as well as the development of reading and writing skills will be emphasized.
Level A
Full Year
Successful completion of Spanish II
Grades 11, 12
Spanish IV introduces the student to advanced grammar and composition. The program is designed to
enhance the student's proficiency in speaking, listening, reading and writing through a thematic approach
integrating vocabulary, grammar, conversation, literature, and culture.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Spanish III A
teacher recommendation.
SPANISH IV – Advanced Placement Preparation
Level Honors* – Pre A.P.
Full Year
Grade 11
Spanish IV H is designed for those students who have demonstrated superior or above average competence
and proficiency in the language. Through a thematic approach that integrates vocabulary, grammar,
conversation, and culture in combination with a series of historical, literary, and journalistic readings, the
program emphasizes and promotes the development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. The
overall approach to the curriculum prepares the student for the academic rigor and expectation of the
Advanced Placement Program.
Successful completion of Spanish III H*
teacher recommendation approval of Supervisor
Level A
Full Year
Grade 12
Spanish V-A is a two-semester course emphasizing the study and appreciation of the diverse cultures of the
Hispanic world. While one semester concentrates on the culture and history of Spain, emphasis shifts to the
New World for the second semester. Topics for both semesters range from history to art to music and
festivals. Emphasis on the communicative aspect of the language, both oral and written, continues to be an
integral part of the program.
Successful completion of Spanish IV A and
Teacher recommendation
Full Year
Grade 12
AP Spanish is an extension of Spanish IV H and builds upon the literature, grammar, and vocabulary
covered Spanish IV H. It further broadens the student's interest in the language and culture through a variety
of literary works that exemplify the culture and civilization of the Hispanic world. It is designed to develop
the student's listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to communicate successfully and creatively in
various situations. Extensive vocabulary development is emphasized throughout the briskly paced program.
It is anticipated that each student enrolled in this course is will take the advanced placement examination in
Spanish language.
Successful completion of Spanish IV H
Teacher recommendation
Supervisor approval
Full Year
Grade 9, 10
Introduction to Spanish is the first year of a three-year sequential program that covers two years of college
preparatory Spanish. The student will be introduced to basic pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar but at
a pace slower than that of the regular college preparatory course.
Placement criteria
Supervisor approval
Full Year
Grade 10, 11
As the second year in this three-year sequential program, Intermediate Spanish I completes the college
preparatory Spanish I curriculum and devotes the second semester to the level II curriculum. Grammar,
vocabulary and speaking skills build upon the previous year's accomplishments.
Completion of Introduction to Spanish
Full Year
Grade 11, 12
As the final year of the three-year sequential program. Intermediate Spanish II will complete the second year
of college preparatory Spanish. Emphasis will be placed on the development of communicative proficiency
in addition to the more complex structures of grammar.
Completion of Intermediate Spanish I
Full Year
Grade 9,10, 11,12
Spanish for Native Speakers is a formal course for students with established communicative skills in the
native language. The primary purpose is to introduce the Spanish-speaking student to a variety of literary
works that exemplify the culture and civilization of the Hispanic world. Throughout the course, emphasis
will be placed on encouraging students to perfect syntax and structure while expanding vocabulary in the
language; to develop critical thinking through discussions, to read with a critical eye; and to write with focus
on creativity of thought.
Full Year
Grade10, 11, 12
Spanish for Native Speakers II is the second year of a two-year sequential program. As in the first year the
sequence, the course of study is designed for those with established communication skills the Spanish.
Through the study of major literary works, newspapers, periodicals and research, the continued development
of the students’ language skills is emphasized. Throughout the program, stress is placed on encouraging
students to perfect syntax and structure, to expand vocabulary use in their native language, to develop critical
thinking skills, to read with a critical eye, and to write with creativity of thought.
Course Title
Beginning E.S.L ........................................................................................................................ 9,10,11,12 .............. Full Year
Intermediate E.S.L. .................................................................................................................. 9,10,11,12 .............. Full Year
Advanced E.S.L. ....................................................................................................................... 9,10,11,12 .........…..Full Year
ESL World History………………………………………………………………………………………………….9,10
……………………Full Year
ESL United States History I……………………………………………………………………………………..10,11,12……………...
Full Year
ESL Algebra/Geometry ………………………………………………………………………………………. …9,10,11,12….……….
Full Year
Transitional English..…………………………………………………………………………………………..… .9,10,11,12 ……….….
Full Year
Full Year
Grade 9, 10, 11, 12
Beginning E.S.L. is designed for the non-English or limited-English speaker who needs to work on basic
skills. Emphasis is placed on oral language and written expression including the development of basic syntax
and reading and writing skills. Stress is placed on vocabulary and survival skills necessary to feel comfortable
in the school environment and the community.
Full Year
Grade 9, 10, 11, 12
Intermediate E.S.L. is designed for the student who can communicate but speaks haltingly and needs work
on English structure and vocabulary. Emphasis is placed on oral language expression including the
development of syntax, pre-reading, reading and writing skills. Stress is placed on vocabulary necessary to
deal with the required High School curriculum.
Full Year
Grade 9, 10, 11, 12
Advanced E.S.L. is designed for the student whose speaking proficiency is almost equivalent to that of the
native speaker but needs additional work on reading and writing skills, idiomatic expressions, and
colloquialisms. The primary objective of the program focuses on the acquisition of oral and written fluency
to enable the student to be fully mainstreamed into the High School curriculum.
Full Year
Grade 9, 10 11, 12
The Transitional English class is for the students who have exited the ESL Program by passing the required
proficiency test and for selected students who are in the Advanced ESL Program. Through literary,
persuasive and informational reading and through thesis-control and personal-voice writing, Transitional
English focuses on meeting New Jersey Department of Education high school graduation requirements. The
course fulfills both Language Arts Literacy and T.E.S.O.L/E.S.L. standards.
Full Year
Grade 9, 10
World History/Cultures is a required course for all students and meets the New Jersey State graduation
requirement for one year of World History/World Cultures. The course begins with students analyzing the
impact of cultural interaction and cultural diffusion. Students will then examine the economic, geographic,
political, social, and historic forces that shaped the evolution of Asian, African, American, and European
civilizations from 1000 CE to the 1930’s. Students will identify the critical attributes associated with Asian,
African, American, and European civilizations. Each civilization will be studied in terms of both its unique
and global context. Students will cover five of the New Jersey State Core Curriculum Content Standards time
periods: The World of Hemispheric Interactions and the Middle Ages (to 1400); The Age of Global
Encounters (to 1770); The Age of Revolutions (to 1850); The Age of Imperialism and World War (to 1950).
The course will conclude with the rise of Fascism in Western Europe.
Full Year
Grade10, 11, 12
United States History I is a required course for all students and is the first half of a two-year United States
History Program that meets the New Jersey State graduation requirement for United States History. This
course begins with the impact of the French and Indian War (also known as The Seven Years War in
America) on the American Colonies, moves to the revolutionary and Early National Period, and then traces
the history of the United States through the Gilded Age. Students will develop an appreciation for the
geographic, economic, political, social and cultural realities that shaped the history of the United States.
Students will work with three and one-half of the new Jersey State Core Curriculum Content Standards time
periods: The Colonial Period (to 1763); The Revolution and Early National Period (to 1820); The Age of
Civil War and Reconstruction (to 1870); Industrial America and the Era of World Wars (to 1945) [only a
portion of this last time period will be covered].
Full Year
Grade 9, 10, 11, 12
Designed as a blend of practical and pure mathematics, ESL Alg/Geom has a two-fold purpose. It serves as a
math course covering those areas of mathematics applicable to the citizen. It also serves as an introduction to
those areas of pure mathematics studied in college preparatory mathematics. It is designed, therefore, to
meet the needs of both the non-college bound student as well as the college bound student needing additional
skills before beginning Algebra I and Geometry. Topics include: arithmetic operations using while numbers,
decimals and fractions; percent and applications of percent; probability and statistics; measurement and
geometry; and elementary algebra.