On The Mechanisms Resulting Post-Fire Flash Floods: A Case Study From Alpine Shire, Victoria. Lee Tryhorn1, Jillian Gallucci1, Amanda Lynch1, and Kevin Parkyn2 1 School of Geography and Environmental Science, Monash University Clayton, Victoria, 3800 AUSTRALIA 2 Australian Bureau of Meteorology Email: Lee.Tryhorn@arts.monash.edu.au Abstract The start of 2003 saw large areas of southeastern Australia ravaged by fire. The fires burned over a period of nearly 60 days and were immediately followed by storms and localised flash flooding that resulted in one fatality. An investigation of the meteorological and hydrological conditions resulting in this extreme event has been conducted. Flash flooding occurred because of highly localised thunderstorms and was enhanced by the recently burned landscape. The synoptic conditions surrounding the event suggest that the major drivers of the extreme rainfall event were the high levels of precipitable water in the atmosphere, high CAPE values, and enhanced atmospheric instability from increased surface heating due to the reduction in surface albedo and soil moisture of the recently burned fire surface. Hydrological modelling of the flash flooding event indicated that fire-induced soil hydrophobicity was likely to have further intensified the flood event. With an increase in fires expected in the Alpine Shire associated with anthropogenic climate change, the relationship between fire and flood, even for a rare event, has implications for emergency managers and Alpine Shire residents. 1. INTRODUCTION Fire-prone mountainous regions, such as the Victorian Alps of southeastern Australia, are especially vulnerable to post-fire flash floods. Flash floods may occur immediately following a fire or be delayed by several weeks, and may be causally linked to the fire event through the hydrogeological response of catchments or fire-associated meteorological mechanisms (Potter, 2005; Tryhorn et al 2007). February 2003 saw a post-fire flash flood event occur in the Alpine Shire of Victoria (Figure 1). This flash flood followed Victoria’s largest bushfire since 1939. No lives were lost as a direct result of the 2003 fires, but 75,000 hectares of farmland, 241 buildings and 110,000 head of stock were destroyed. Significantly, localised flash flooding immediately following the fires in the Dingo Creek area of Alpine Shire caused a fire fighter to lose her life when her utility truck was swept away as she attempted a bridge crossing. On The Mechanisms Resulting Post-Fire Flash Floods Tryhorn Figure 1. The three-nested model domains used to produce the MM5 simulations Domain 3 (bold dashed). The extent of the 2003 bushfires in show in grey and the Alpine Shire boundary is shown as a solid line. This paper describes an analysis of the mechanisms leading to this flash flooding event. It is known from the limited available observations that the flood event was preceded by very intense, localised rainfall totals. Previous work on modelling extreme rainfall and surface hydrology has shown that the representation of a burned fire area in a model can cause an enhancement of the convection (Chen et al 2001; Tryhorn et al 2007) or an increase in runoff (Beeson et al 2001). The candidate mechanisms we focus upon in this study are associated with both of these sets of mechanisms: the surface modifications and their impact on the meteorological conditions preceding the flooding event, and the hydrological response during and after the flooding event. 2. THE OBSERVED EVENT The operational analysis at the time of the flood, valid at 0600 UTC 26 February 2003, showed an easterly trough extending from western New South Wales into eastern Victoria. There was a blocking high over the Tasman Sea and a subtropical ridge extended over Bass Strait. Light winds tended north to east over Victoria (Yeo, 2003), with anabatic and valley funnelling winds dominating the surface observations in the Alpine areas, and weak upper air winds. Values of precipitable water were also relatively high (above 30kg/m 2) (Yeo 2003). Yeo (2003) used adjusted soundings from Melbourne and Wagga Wagga to estimate pre-storm Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) values in excess of 1000J/kg. Thunderstorms in the Buckland River Valley (Figure 1) were first identified on the Melbourne radar at 0530 UTC. These storms are clearly visible on the water vapour image at this time (Figure 2) and are confined to a small region in the northeast of Victoria. No large-scale precipitation was recorded across the state at this time. These thunderstorms produced short bursts of heavy rainfall and were most likely to be pulse wet microbursts. Redevelopment of cells in the same location meant that a small area at the head of the Buckland River Catchment experienced intense inundation for several hours. There are no accurate measurements of the precipitation that fell in the catchment on that afternoon. However, the precipitation was likely to have been quite severe over the Dingo Creek area, 5th Flood Management Conference Warrnambool, 9 – 12 October 2007 Page 2 of 7 On The Mechanisms Resulting Post-Fire Flash Floods Tryhorn as it flooded rapidly. In one hour, the Buckland River rose 1.8 metres. It was around this time that the firefighter’s life was lost in an attempt to cross a bridge over Dingo Creek. Figure 2. Satellite picture of water vapour over southeastern Australia taken by Geostationary Meteorological Satellite 5 (GMS-5) on Channel 3 (6.5 - 7.0 µm) using a Visible Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer (VISSR) Atmospheric Sounder (VAS), 0530 UTC 26 February. It is probable that anabatic breezes played a significant part in thunderstorm initiation, which eventually allowed convective inhibition to be overcome. The lateness in the afternoon meant that it is also highly likely there was time for moisture to build up in the boundary layer. The large CAPE values would have contributed to strong updrafts within the thunderstorm capable of supporting large quantities of suspended water droplets. Light upper winds meant that each thunderstorm cell developed and decayed over a similar area, with rainfall from each thunderstorm likely to have fallen over a small geographic area. 5th Flood Management Conference Warrnambool, 9 – 12 October 2007 Page 3 of 7 On The Mechanisms Resulting Post-Fire Flash Floods Tryhorn 3. DATA AND MODEL DESCRIPTIONS 3.1 Mesoscale Model Version 5 The analysis of the meteorological conditions associated with the event was performed using the PSU/NCAR (Pennsylvania State University/National Center for Atmospheric Research) mesoscale model version 5, denoted MM5. MM5 is a limited-area, non-hydrostatic model capable of simulating meso- and synoptic-scale atmospheric circulations (Grell et al 1994). The initial and boundary conditions for the model were created using the National Center for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) re-analysis data at a grid spacing of 2.5o latitude by 2.5o longitude. In order to achieve sufficient horizontal resolution, a series of nested domains were configured. Domain 1 is centred at 36.7oS latitude and 147.8oE longitude and has an extent of 1800 km x 1550 km, with a grid resolution of 50 km and 23 vertical levels. Domains 2 and 3 (Figure 1) have resolutions of 10 km and 2 km respectively with 35 vertical levels. 3.2 The HBV1 Model The hydrological response of the Buckland River Catchment to fire-induced surface modifications was analysed using the HBV-96 model (Integrated Hydrological Modelling System (IHMS) version 4.5). The HBV model, created by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), is classified as a conceptual semi-distributed model and requires input climatological (temperature, precipitation and potential evapotranspiration) and streamflow data for calibration (Bergström, 1995; Lindström et al 1997). The HBV model contains functionality for soil moisture accounting, snowmelt and accumulation and runoff response (generation and routing). Input climatological data was sourced from the Bureau of Meteorology, streamflow data from Theiss Services Pty. Ltd., and topography data from the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE). The simulated catchment encompasses the entire Buckland River Catchment in addition to the section of the Ovens River (Wangaratta) Catchment that lies between the Harris Lane streamflow gauge and the northern border (directly downstream) of the Buckland River Catchment (Figure 1). The studied catchment has an area of approximately 460 km 2. 4. METHODOLOGY The methodology used to simulate the thunderstorms is outlined in Tryhorn et al (2007) but relevant details will be given here. A five member ensemble of five-day forecasts was performed from 1200 UTC 23 February - 1200 UTC 28 February 2003 using MM5. The flash flood occurred at around 0600 UTC on 26 February 2003. The land surface in MM5 for the area burned by the 2003 was changed to resemble a recently burned fire surface, with decreased albedo (to resemble a blackened surface), lowered surface roughness (reduced vegetation) and reduced soil moisture. The values were based on previous work on modelling fire scars (Görgen et al 2006; Wendt et al 2007.) The albedo was reduced from 0.20 to 0.08 and the roughness length from 2.65m to 0.10m. The soil moisture for the uppermost, 10cm layer was initialised at 0.05 m 3/m3, in contrast to standard values of between 0.25 and 0.45 m3/m3. The ensemble was then compared with a simulation covering the same time period in which no surface modifications were made (known as the unburned simulation). The methodology used to simulate the hydrological mechanisms surrounding the flash flood event is given in more detail in Gallucci et al (2007). The HBV model was calibrated using a 28-year period (1972 – 1999) of streamflow data from the Harris Lane gauge. Simulations were run from 1300 UTC 24 February 2003 – 1300 UTC 4 March 2003, firstly using climatological parameter values found in calibration, and secondly using parameter values that best represent post-fire conditions (Scott & Van Wyk, 1990; Huffman et al 2001). Soil hydrophobicity was represented by reducing the maximum soil moisture storage to 10mm and reducing the percolation rate to zero. These parameters were increased post-flood in order to test whether the hydrophobic conditions were subsequently restored. The interception canopy storage capacity was also reduced to zero to represent the post-fire decrease in canopy interception. To explore the possible impact of each parameter on post-fire flooding, 1 Hydrologiska Byråns Vattenbalansavdelning 5th Flood Management Conference Warrnambool, 9 – 12 October 2007 Page 4 of 7 On The Mechanisms Resulting Post-Fire Flash Floods Tryhorn sensitivity simulations were completed in which the parameters were returned to their unburned (climatological) values. 5. RESULTS 5.1 MM5 Simulations Overall the large-scale synoptic scale events were well simulated, apart from the (crucial) absence of thunderstorm activity in northeast Victoria. A more detailed analysis of the synoptic scale events can be found in Tryhorn et al (2007). In contrast to the large-scale simulation, the high-resolution Domain 3 simulations generated intense thunderstorms in the correct location. The Domain 3 simulation in the 24 hours before 2200 UTC 26 February, the time period associated with the flood, produced an ensemble mean of 31.7mm and an ensemble maximum of 44.4 mm. This is in good agreement with the closest observed rainfall of 37.2mm (Mount Hotham Airport AWS), but this is likely to be an underestimate of the maximum totals that occurred on that day. The 6 hour totals of rainfall in Domain 3 at the time of flood reveals significant falls across the southern and south-western areas of the domain. This difference from the large-scale simulation suggests a highly localised event. The simulated CAPE during the storm was calculated to be 1546 J/kg, indicating an unstable environment capable of producing deep convection. The surface energy balance for the control ensemble mean (taken from an average of 9 grid boxes, not shown) indicated a large sensible heat flux, caused primarily by the reduction in soil moisture (Tryhorn et al 2007) and leading to increased lower boundary layer heating, destabilising the atmospheric column. This in turn led to an increase in convective clouds and an increase in precipitation compared to the unburned simulation. The unburned simulation produced little rain at the time of the flood event (3.9 mm) – this was well outside the range of variation of the control ensemble, hence we consider the response to be significant. In this case, the extreme rainfall event, even with, we suggest, a somewhat diminished intensity, could not be simulated without the fire-induced modifications. Figure 5. 6-hourly rainfall in domain 3 (mm), (a) 0600 UTC 26 February, (b) 1200 UTC 26 February, 5.2. HBV Simulations A rainfall total for the head of the catchment was approximated using MM5 output precipitation data and observations from Mount Hotham Airport AWS. The MM5 precipitation ensemble maximum was 44.4mm, with 9.8mm simulated at Mount Hotham Airport. This gives a difference of 34.6mm, which when added to the observed precipitation at Mount Hotham Airport (37.2mm) gives a maximum precipitation estimate of 71.8mm. 71.8mm was used as the input rainfall data for the HBV model. When the parameters determined from the climatological calibration were used, the HBV simulation yielded an underestimation of streamflow at the Harris Lane gauge on 26 February, and an overestimation of streamflow when the front passed through on 28 February 2003. Without alterations to the climatological parameter values, the flash flood event could not be replicated. Calibration using the post-fire parameter values yielded maximum possible soil moisture storage of 10mm before and during the flood event, then 250mm post-flood, percolation values of 0mm/day before and during the flood event, and 4.4mm/day post-flood and canopy interception storage capacity of 0mm. The 5th Flood Management Conference Warrnambool, 9 – 12 October 2007 Page 5 of 7 On The Mechanisms Resulting Post-Fire Flash Floods Tryhorn simulated and observed hydrographs are almost identical in shape and magnitude (Figure 4) and an efficiency criterion value of 0.96 was achieved. Using this configuration, the flash flooding event was successfully simulated using the HBV model. Figure 4. Results of the simulation for the period 1300 UTC 24 February 2003 to 1300 UTC 4 March 2003 using the optimal parameters. The computed streamflow is shown as the dashed line, and the observed streamflow is shown as the opaque line. 6. CONCLUSIONS An analysis of the meteorological and hydrological factors leading to the post-fire flood event in the Buckland Valley, Victoria, Australia in February 2003 has been conducted. It has been demonstrated that flash flooding occurred because of highly localised thunderstorms and was likely to have been enhanced by (1) the burned landscape, (2) the storm cells likely being pulse wet microburst, (3) cell regeneration over the same area and (4) the steepness of the Buckland River Catchment. The synoptic conditions surrounding the event suggest that the major drivers of the extreme rainfall event were the high levels of precipitable water in the atmosphere, high CAPE values, and enhanced atmospheric instability from surface heating. Our results indicate that this heating was amplified by the reduction in surface albedo and soil moisture of the recently burned fire surface. This provided increased instability and a greater chance that convective inhibition could be overcome. Hence, the intensity of the event was enhanced by the preconditioning caused by the fire. The results of the hydrological modelling suggest that the fire-induced soil hydrophobicity further contributed to the flash flooding event. Overall, these findings point to an increased risk of flash flooding after a severe fire. With an increase in fires expected in the Alpine Shire associated with anthropogenic climate change (Abramson et al 2007; Hennessy et al 2005; Williams et al 2001), this causal relationship, even for a rare event, has implications for emergency managers and residents in alpine regions. This has become particularly relevant after a recent event in Licola where, following bushfires, residents were flooded with mud, ash, and debris (Houghton, 2007). 7. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work would not have been possible without the participation, support and interest of the people of Alpine Shire. This work has been supported by the Australian Research Council though FF0348550, by Monash University through the postgraduate scholarship program, and by the CSIRO Division of Marine and Atmospheric Research. We would also like to thank Rebecca Abramson, Klaus Görgen and Petteri Uotila for helpful comments and assistance. 5th Flood Management Conference Warrnambool, 9 – 12 October 2007 Page 6 of 7 On The Mechanisms Resulting Post-Fire Flash Floods Tryhorn 8. REFERENCES Abramson, R., Nicholls, N. and Lynch, A. H. (2007), Climate-wildfire relationships in Victoria, Australia, Int. J. of Wildland Fire (submitted). Beeson, P.C., Martens, S.N. and Breshears, D. (2001), Simulating overland flow following wildfire: mapping vulnerability and landscape disturbance. Hydrol. Process. 15, 2917-2930. Bergström, S. (1995), The HBV model, Computer Models of Watershed Hydrology, Singh, V.P., Ed., Water Resources Publications, Colorado, USA, pp. 443-476. Chen, F., Warner, T. and Manning, K. (2001), Sensitivity of Orographic Moist Convection to Landscape Variability. A Study of the Buffalo Creek, Colorado, Flash Flood Case of 1996. J. Atmos. Sci. 58, 3204-3223. 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