Flash Floods

Flash Floods
What is a flash flood? A flash flood is a dangerous, rapid rise of water. Flash
flooding occurs within six hours of a significant rain event and is usually caused by
intense storms that produce heavy rainfalls in a short amount of time.
How tall can floods get? They can get to a height of nearly twenty-three feet off
the ground. This can pass even the second story of a house!
Where is the best place to hide from floods? The best place to hide is a very high
stable tree or on the roof of your house. I would rather be on the roof of a house
if you want my opinion.
What is flooding? Flooding is an overflow of water that breaks levies and
destroys anything in its path. Flooding can happen with just a few inches of water
or it can cover a house.
Why is a flash flood so dangerous? Flash floods can occur with little or no
warning. Flash floods can destroy buildings, bridges, and they can reach thirty
feet off of the ground.
Where do most people die in floods? They usually die when the wall of water
hits because of the impact. Unfortunately, people can also die by drowning.
A-to Z sheet
A mazing
C ool
D angerous
E normus
F astanating
G inourmus
H ide
I inside
K eep safe
L ots of liters
M onstrous
N ervis
O ver flow of water
P owerful
Q uite dangerus
R rappid
S uper
T errible
U nbelievable
V olatile
W ater
EX hausted
Y acht
fra zle