(Submission to GONW + Reported to Strategic Partnership Executive 7 December 2006- Item 4 Part 4) 2.11 Teenage Pregnancy Position RED We have some way to go to reducing teenage conceptions in Salford. The latest figures we have are for 2004, which shows 57.0 conceptions per 1000 female population aged 15-17. This represents a reduction of –7.3% between 1998 and 2004. This is smaller than the corresponding reduction of –11% in England and shows a long way from achieving the 50% reduction target by 2010. Progress towards targets: The rate is falling, but not as quickly as we would have liked. The teenage pregnancy rate was 55.8 per 1000 female population aged 15-17, in 2001-2003, 54.3 in 2000-2002 and 57.4 in 1999-2001. Salford has experienced a decrease in under 18 conception rates from 2003to 2004. This represents a 7.3% reduction from baseline (1998). Salford’s under 16 conception rate (2004) has increased 4.3% from baseline (1998). Live birth’s to all young women under 18 in 2005 have decreased by 15.6% from baseline and by 53.8% for those aged 15 and under. However in 2004 and 2005 live births have begun to increase for those young women aged 16-17. Terminations of pregnancy have increased 17.6% from baseline (1998). Sexually Transmitted Infections continue to increase amongst young people. Analysis of Performance The forecast is an accurate reflection of the trend in under 18 conception rates. Please note that the under 16 conception rate (2004) for Salford has increased 4.3% from 1998 baseline. The limited reduction in Teenage Pregnancy rates in Salford is historical. Progress towards targets: (Source: ONS, 2006) Under 18 Conception Data No of U18 Conceptions % of conception leading to abortion 26.4 Conception rate/1000 young women aged 1517 61.5 % increase (+)/decrease (-) in rate since 1998 N/A 1998 (Baseline) 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 interim 250 252 219 236 216 238 232 214 36.7 40.2 36.4 36.1 40.8 44.0 N/a 62.1 53.5 56.7 52.6 58.2 57.0 52.2 1.0 -12.9 -7.8 -14.4 -5.3 -7.3 -15 - 37 - target 2010 Target 125 N/a 30.73 -50 Concern over under 16s rate Under 16 Conception Data No of U16 Conceptions Conception rate/1000 young women aged 13-15 1998 (Baseline) 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 48 44 46 40 37 42 51 11.6 10.5 11.2 9.7 9.1 10.1 12.1 % increase (+)/decrease (-) in rate since 1998 N/A -9.5 -3.4 -16.3 -21.6 -12.9 +4.3 Three year averages more reliable. Salford under 18 conception rates, with 95% CI 1994-2004 80.0 70.0 u18 conception rate 60.0 50.0 lower confidence limit 40.0 actual rate upper confidence limit 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 19941996 19951997 19961998 19971999 19982000 19992001 20002002 20012003 20022004 Data with confidence intervals Change in under 18 conception rate 1998-04 % change Salford MCD -7.3 North West -9.4 England -11.1 Upper limit Lower limit 11.3 -22.8 -6.2 -12.5 -9.8 -12.3 - 38 - % change -7.3 -9.4 -11.1 Under 18 conceptions per 1000 2004 conception rate with 95% confidence interval 2004 Upper Lower 2004 Difference from England limit limit rate rate rate Salford MCD 57.0 50.3 64.5 57.0 Significantly higher North West 45.6 44.5 46.7 45.6 Significantly higher England 41.5 41.1 41.9 41.5 n/a 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Salford MCD North West England Barriers to improving performance – the Deep dive factors, educational attainment and attendance at school, deprivation and cultures of low aspiration amongst young people. Deep dive 2005 Indicators for success for Local Authority conception rate reduction (Teenage Pregnancy Unit Deep Dive Exercise 2005) Key issues, which were identified : 1. Active engagement of all of the key mainstream delivery partners who have a role in reducing teenage pregnancies - Health, education, Social Services and Youth Support Services – and the voluntary sector; 2. A strong senior champion who was accountable for and took the lead in driving the local strategy; 3. The existence of a discrete, credible, highly visible, young-people friendly sexual health/contraceptive advice service, with a focus on health promotion as well as reactive services 4. Strong delivery of SRE/PSHE by schools 5. Targeted work with at risk groups of young people, in particular Looked After Children 6. Training on sex and relationship issues within mainstream partner agencies 7. A well resourced Youth Service, with a clear remit to tackle big social issues, such as young people’s sexual health - 39 - Ward based data suggests large areas of Salford have above average rates of under 18 conception & hotspot wards (above 60/1000 rate of under 18 conception) in the central locality, with 5 of these wards, (1 each in West and South), is a key area to focus effort. Hotspot wards Note: Irwell Riverside is included as Pendleton and Blackfriars were hotspot wards before re-organisation. Ward level under 18 conception and deprivation data 2001-2003 120 100 Number of under 18 conceptions 2001-03 Under 18 conception rate 2001-03 Estimated deprivation score 2004 80 60 40 20 La ng w o Li ttl rth y e H ul to O n rd Pe sa nd l l B leto W lack n al kd fria en rs N Br ort ou h gh to E n Pe ccle nd s le bu r Ba y rto n W Sw W in ea s t i n to to n e n an N o d Se rth ed le y I C rlam la re C mo W adi nt s al k d he en ad So W ut or h S sl ey win Ker an to sal n d S Bo o ot uth hs to w n 0 - 40 - Trajectory for recovery Teenage conception rate - performance and recovery trajectory Number of conceptions 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 98 19 99 19 00 20 01 20 02 20 03 20 Target/trajectory 04 20 05 20 06 20 07 20 08 20 09 20 Performance to-date 10 20 Recovery trajectory Recovery conception numbers 1998 Target/trajector y Performance todate 250 1999 252 2000 219 2001 236 2002 216 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 220 217 208 195 180 161 143 125 238 232 214 196 178 160 142 124 Recovery trajectory 232 Quarterly rates – rolling data All tables Source: ONS Under 18 conception data has a 2 year time lag although live birth data for 2005 suggests the under 18 conception numbers are not decreasing at the required accelerated rate to meet the target of 50% reduction by 2010. Interventions being embedded now with the NRF sexual health funding, will be unlikely to impact on figures for the next year, at least - 41 - Live Birth data Live Births Salford 1998-2005 120 Live Birth no. 100 total live births under 18 80 60 live births under 16 years 40 20 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 live births 16 and 17 years Source: PCT Child Health Data Year Next Steps in the Teenage Pregnancy Strategy Guidance document (July 2006) suggests deprivation, educational attainment and school attendance are important factors in reducing the under 18 conception rate. Factor of deprivation Salford's rate is below the expected rate given deprivation levels. Note corresponding local authorities are our statistical neighbours. - 42 - What are you doing now Current Action Action Predicted Effect Development of KISS young people’s Increased uptake of sexual health sexual health services in teenage services. pregnancy hotspots. Increased identification and treatment of Sexually transmitted infections. Decrease in teenage conception rate Audit and extension of condom Increased uptake of sexual health distribution scheme. services. Increased identification and treatment of Sexually transmitted infections. Decrease in teenage conception rate Funding for Voluntary and community Increased uptake of sexual health sector groups to deliver sexual health services. projects in hotspot wards (March Increased identification and treatment 2007, 2008) of Sexually transmitted infections. Decrease in teenage conception rate Enhanced publicity for Sexual health Increased uptake of sexual health services (March 2007, 2008) services. Increased identification and treatment of Sexually transmitted infections. Decrease in teenage conception rate Employment of Youth Worker – Increased uptake of sexual health Sexual Health Development (in post services. Jan 2007) Increased identification and treatment of Sexually transmitted infections. Decrease in teenage conception rate Employment of additional capacity Decrease in teenage conception rate SRE for schools (in post) Employment of additional Young Increased uptake of sexual health Persons Sexual health Nurse (in post) services. Increased identification and treatment of Sexually transmitted infections. Decrease in teenage conception rate A Deep dive self-assessment will be High impact actions identified – carried out in the next quarter, with added to plan stakeholders in the Teenage Increased uptake of sexual health pregnancy strategy in Salford. This services. self-assessment document is being Increased identification and treatment provided by the Teenage Pregnancy of Sexually transmitted infections. unit and will provide further insight Decrease in teenage conception rate into areas for targeted development (by Dec 2006) Teenage Pregnancy being scrutinised Raise profile of teenage pregnancy in City Council Health Scrutiny amongst elected members and process secure services to deliver decrease in teenage conception rate, based on published recommendations Introduction of national Chlamydia Increased uptake of sexual health - 43 - Screening Programme services. Increased identification and treatment of Chlamydia and other sexually transmitted infections. Decrease in teenage conception rate Insufficient to meet the target Additional Action Action Additional action (target driven) is required from schools and local education authority to increase educational attainment and school attendance. (Action by LEA) The introduction of the social and emotional aspects of learning programme in Primary schools should impact on children’s aspirations. A similar approach is to be adopted for high schools addressing the issue of low staying on rates in post 16 education. Workforce training on sex and relationships and sexual health issues also requires further development, with the introduction of NVQ level 2 equivalent course, Certificate in Sexual Health and Young People, to be delivered in 2007. Increased support for the strategy from the voluntary and community sectors, e.g. Bumps to Babies Project, run by Duchy Youth Project, and Youth Service need to be built on and developed further (beyond March 2007). Development of new young people’s sexual health services , in 2007. Predicted Effect Decrease in teenage conception rate, by increased participation in education, employment and training of young people. This would also impact on raising aspiration. Increased uptake of sexual health services. Increased identification and treatment of Sexually transmitted infections. Decrease in teenage conception rate Decrease in teenage conception rate Increased uptake of sexual health services. Increased identification and treatment of Sexually transmitted infections. Decrease in teenage conception rate Securing the funding for support To impact on reducing repeat services for teenage parents and their conceptions (20% of all under 18 children (Teenage Pregnancy Team) conceptions are repeat conceptions) (decisions by March 2007) Development of a network of young To impact on reducing repeat parents groups across the city. conceptions (20% of all under 18 conceptions are repeat conceptions) Reduce risk of social exclusion - 44 - Young people to develop their own quality standards for sexual health services and benchmark against them. Increased uptake of sexual health services. Increased identification and treatment of Sexually transmitted infections. Decrease in teenage conception rate Challenge and Support from Decrease in teenage conception rate Government Office North West including twinning high and low performing areas Ensure that internal ring fence is Decrease in teenage conception rate maintained around the Teenage Pregnancy Local Implementation Grant (in 2008). Aspirational Action Action Secure funding and implement Teens and Toddlers project Secure funding and continue Young Mums to be Course Development of sexual health services in high schools via extended schools Development of sexual services in FE colleges health All teenage parents to be able to access appropriate supported accommodation. Reduce number of young people, including teenage parents and pregnant teenagers, (Connexions, Salford City Council PSA target) Predicted Effect Decrease in teenage conception rate Reduction in repeat conceptions Decrease in teenage conception rate, by increased participation in education, employment and training of young people. Increased uptake of sexual health services. Increased identification and treatment of Sexually transmitted infections. Decrease in teenage conception rate Increased uptake of sexual health services. Increased identification and treatment of Sexually transmitted infections. Decrease in teenage conception rate Reduction in repeat conceptions Decrease in teenage conception rate Reduce risk of social exclusion Reduction in repeat conceptions, decrease in teenage conception rate And reduction in risk of social exclusion by increased participation in education, employment and training of young people. - 45 -