Indicator 13 Specific Components of the IEP Checklist

Indicator 13 Specific Components of the IEP Checklist
Teacher_____________________________ Date___________
*** Indicates statement is a required component for Indicator 13 compliance. Other
checkbox statements in italics are additional San Juan BOCES required components.
Attendee Section
“Parent invited” is written next to the name of someone who attended at parent request, or
only school staff, BOCES staff and parents/guardians attended.***
Impact of Disability – section 6
The “Impact of Disability” statement clearly explains the disability and guides the content of
the IEP.
Transition Assessment – section 6
The current assessments are listed with dates and at least one was completed within the
last year. ***
There is an interview and at least one other appropriate assessment completed this year
with the assessor (persons’ name or title) listed.
All transition assessment results are discussed in Section 6 in a comprehensive way that
explains the PSG and transition plan.
All the NWEA, CSAP, ACT and/or other school testing results are explained in Section 6.
The ICAP or the College in Colorado results are explained or attached.
The student has been assessed for self- advocacy skills and the results are explained.
Post Secondary Goals? (PSGs) – section 8
Each PSG is a single, measurable statement that is reasonable for the student. ***
Each PSG is clearly based on current transition assessments. ***
Each PSG is written for after high school. ***
Course of Study – Section 8
There a specific statement that makes it a multi-year plan. ***
The course of study supports the students’ PSGs and it is written specific to the student (not
what all students in school or special education receive, like “classes for graduation”, or “case
manager support”) and includes special education classes, if any. ***
For 11th or 12th grade, most classes until graduation are listed including anything related to
the PSG (welding class at SCCC) For 9th or 10th, the next semester classes are listed, and
interests and course needs (determined by transition assessment) for the future are explained.
Transition Activities- Section 8
At least one activity directly supports the PSGs. ***
At minimum one statement is written as “Who in the school is doing what for the student” ***
If a related service is listed with time (speech, OT, PT) there a statement linking each
related service to the PSGs? ***
Every statement is written as “Who in the school is doing what for the student?”
A transition activity is connected directly to each annual goal?
One statement minimum is written as “Case manager will…… for the student.”
Agency – Section 8 (agency is NOT school personnel)
Was N/A written in this section? If so, nothing else needed. ***
If any other agency (or organization) is named in this section they must have been invited to the
meeting UNLESS there is a complete explanation about why they were not.***
(Agency listed and attended) The parent Consent to Invite (available on Alpine) was
signed before the agency was invited, and is documented in the IEP and in the BOCES
file. Or “Parent Invited” is stated. ***
(Agency listed but didn’t attend) There is proof of parent permission signed AND
invitation documented in the IEP and in the BOCES file. ***
Everything written in this section is written as a complete explanation (including
Annual Goals- Section 9
At least one annual goal directly, specifically, and genuinely links to one PSG. ***
Every annual goal directly, specifically and genuinely links to the PSGs.
There are goals designed to address the ‘gap’ between the current level of performance,
skills, and the PSG.
Overall Content
The IEP is threaded, meaning that the PSG’s are clearly determined by assessment and
linked to the course of study, transition activities, agency needs and annual goals thoughtfully
and directly. The IEP intention is clear.
The accommodations /modifications are appropriate for the IEP and the students’ PSGs. If it
is a senior IEP this is written with the next school or agency in mind. (eg. same wording and
choices as college accommodations if that is the PSG for the student).
Updated Feb. 2011, Lauren Ellison, San Juan BOCES