Marine Biology Quarterly Project Assignments

Marine Biology Quarterly Project Assignments
Each quarter you are required to complete a quarterly project. You may
pick any project to complete but once you choose one, you may not
choose that one again for another quarter. Each assignment may only be
done once throughout the school year.
The following is a list of the assignments you can chose from and
complete throughout the school year each quarter.
Marine Organism Research Paper
Marine Organism Poster w/ Presentation
Make a model & presentation
Travel Brochure & presentation
Marine Region Presentation
Make a regional recipe booklet
Regional – Environmental Research Portfolio
Each assignment will count as 2 (two) test grades for that quarter. Not
doing the assignment will greatly affect your quarterly grade.
Each assignment has specific guidelines that you must follow to receive
full credit for the completed work.
The requirement for each assignment is attached.
The due dates for each project will be assigned for each quarter
Each day the project is late 10 points will be deducted, no excuses. If
you happen to be absent on the due date you should email me your
assignment so that points will not be deducted. Computer problems are
no excuse for lateness; if I do not receive the project it will be marked
Research Paper Project
You will pick any marine organism from any oceanic region as long as it is
approved by your teacher and that no one else has picked it. Animals are on a
first come first serve basis. If there are two people who want the same animal
the teacher will pick a name out of a hat.
You must include in your research the following aspects:
1- The organism’s complete classification (from Kingdom to Species).
If you choose to write about a group of organisms in general make
sure that you give at least (2) two individual organism’s
classifications from that group.
2- The environment in which the organism lives: temperature, range
of distribution within the body or bodies of water, migratory
patterns if any, how deep in the water the organism lives, habitat.
3- The physical appearance of the organism: how do we distinguish
this organism from other organisms? Size range from young to
adulthood? What does it look like?
4- How the organism survives: what it eats, what it hunts, who is it
hunted by?
5- Reproductive strategies: How often does it reproduce? Type of
reproduction? Gestation period? Oviparous or viviparous?
6- Special features that make to organism unique: ex. Echolocation in
sperm whales, sea otters using tools to get food.
7- Information on survivability of the organism: Is it endangered? Is
it extinct? Why is it hunted and by whom? Measures being taken
to protect the organism, if any?
 The project should be no less than 4 typed pages (8 pages,
one side, handwritten) and no more than 6 pages typed (12
pages, one side, handwritten). *Times New Roman font and
12 font size, 1” margins, double spaced
 You should include diagrams and/or photographs BUT they
are NOT to be counted in the total number of pages required.
Make sure that any photographs you include are copies of
the originals not the originals themselves.
 You must include a works cited page (does NOT count in
total pages) and have a minimum of 3 references (only one
reference may be an encyclopedia). Information can be
obtained from textbooks, reference books, notes, magazine
articles, newspaper articles, pamphlets, and the internet.
Name ____________________
Rubric for Research Paper
_____ Neatness (0-8)
Grammar/writing Style
_____ Pictures/Diagrams (0-8)
_____ Bibliography (0-8)
_____ Minimum 4 pages (0-8)
_____ Classification (0-8)
_____ Habitat (0-8)
____ Physical Appearance (0-8)
_____ Nutrition (0-8)
_____ Reproduction (0-8)
_____ Unique features (0-8)
_____ Survivability (0-8)
_____ Other insights (0-4)
Total _______ (100)
Marine Organism Poster w/ Presentation
You can pick any marine animal as long as it is approved by your teacher and
that no one else has picked it. Animals are on a first come first serve basis. If
there are two people who want the same animal the teacher will pick a name
out of a hat.
You must include in your presentation the following aspects:
1- The organism’s complete classification (from Kingdom to Species).
If you choose to present about a group of organisms in general
make sure that you give at least two individual organism’s
classifications from that group.
2- The environment in which the organism lives: temperature, body or
bodies of water, migratory patterns if any, how deep in the water
the organism lives.
3- The physical appearance of the organism: how do we distinguish
this organism from other organisms? How big is it? What does it
look like?
4- How the organism survives: what it eats, what it hunts, who is it
hunted by?
5- Reproductive strategies: How often does it reproduce? Type of
reproduction? Gestation period?
6- Special features that make to organism unique: ex. Echolocation in
sperm whales, sea otters using tools to get food.
7- Information on survivability of the organism: Is it endangered? Is
it extinct? Why is it hunted and by whom? Measures being taken
to protect the organism, if any?
a. The poster should not be any smaller than 2 feet by 3 feet.
b. The poster should include the animal in its environment.
Along with representations of organisms in which the
organism interacts with (e.g. predators and/or prey).
c. You must include a bibliography attached to the back of the
poster (only one reference may be an encyclopedia).
Information can be obtained from textbooks, reference
books, notes, magazine articles, newspaper articles,
pamphlets, and the internet.
d. The presentation should be at least 3 minutes in length.
e. The organism and parts therein must be the original
work of the student. Cut out pictures of the organism
are not acceptable. It must be an artistic rendering of
the organism.
f. Captions should be clearly written out or should be typed.
Name _____________________________________
Marine Organism Presentation & Poster Rubric
3 minute length
Required size
Required drawing included
Environment included
Interacting Organisms
Clearly Exhibits Organism
Drawings/Captions etc.
Bibliography included
Clear speaking
Exhibits Knowledge of organism
Answered Questions
Required Information for Presentation
None stated
Partial info.
Physical Appearance
Unique features
Other insights
Model & Presentation Project
In this assignment you must make a model of an organism that resides
in the region(s) we have covered in the quarter of the completion of the
assignment. You must also prepare a presentation of the organism, to be
given to the class. You may use note cards, but a higher grade will be
given to those who memorize the information.
You may use clay, paper maché, wood etc.
(Media used must be approved by teacher)
*the model CANNOT be a stuffed animal that you purchased.
The model must be at least 18” L X 10 W X 6” H.
If using food as a medium it must be an original work of the student.
Uniqueness is a plus.
Your presentation must include the following:
(3 minutes in length)
The environment in which the organism lives: temperature,
body or bodies of water, migratory patterns if any, how deep in
the water the organism lives.
The physical appearance of the organism: how do we
distinguish this organism from other organisms? How big is it?
What does it look like?
How the organism survives: what it eats, what it hunts, who is
it hunted by?
Reproductive strategies: How often does it reproduce? Type of
reproduction? Gestation period?
Special features that make to organism unique: ex.
Echolocation in sperm whales, sea otters using tools to get food.
Information on survivability of the organism: Is it endangered?
Is it extinct? Why is it hunted and by whom? Measures being
taken to protect the organism, if any?
Bibliography to be handed in to the teacher at the due date of project
*Note: If the organism has already been done it can not be chosen again
Name _______________________
Model & Presentation Rubric
_____ Clearly Exhibits Organism (0-15 points)
_____ Accurate Anatomical Representation (0-20 points)
_____ Adequate Size (0-5 points)
_____ Neat (0-5 points)
_____ Creative (0-10 points)
_____ Original work of the student (0-2 points)
_____ 3 Minutes in Length (0-3 points)
_____ Clear speaking (0-5 points)
_____ Provides Required Facts (0-20 points)
_____ Exhibits Knowledge of the Organism (0-5 points)
_____ Answered Questions (0-5 points)
_____ Bibliography (0-5 points)
Travel Brochure
Your company, the Seven Continents Ad Agency, has been hired as a
travel consultant to design a luxury marine tour through the World’s
Oceans. Before you can collect your fee from the Oceanographic Travel
Bureau, you must produce a travel brochure. Your bosses, Mr. & Mrs.
Jet Setter, has left it up to you to decide where in the world you want to
travel to, BUT keep in mind if a travel brochure has already been
designed for a specific area already we do not need another one for that
place. In order to be successful in this assignment you must highlight
the trendy spots, the exciting activities, and the types of organisms you
may encounter. For insurance considerations, you must also discreetly
mention any possible dangers or special precautions that tourists might
come across when visiting these areas.
8” X 8 1/2” (Brochure style)
You may use drawings, computer graphics, photographs of
actual areas, pictures from magazines, pictures from the
Please re-type any information included on brochure
References must be handed to teacher at due date
 Region of the world (include a map)
 Name of ocean or body of water associated with that region
of the world
 Average temperature of the coastal water
 Types of water sports or water activities to do at location
 Description of coastal region
 Significant regional topographic features along the coastline
 Organisms to be encountered along the coastline within body
of water
 Climate of region
 Hotel information
 Places to visit while at chosen location (tourist spots)
o Tours available
 Dangers or special precautions must be mentioned
 PICTURES MUST BE INCLUDED throughout the brochure
 Bibliography required
*Note: If the region already has had a travel brochure made for
it you may not choose that area
Name _______________________
Travel Brochure Rubric
_____ Water Activities included (0-5 points)
_____ Region of the World clearly stated (0-5 points)
_____ Ocean/Body of Water indicated (0-5 points)
_____ Oceanic Topographic features included (0-10 points)
_____ Land (Coast) Topographic Features included (0-10 points)
_____ Temperature of Water included (0-5 points)
_____ Coastal Organisms stated (0-5 points)
_____ Climate of Region included (0-5 points)
_____ Hotel information provided (0-10 points)
_____ Places to visit at location (0-10 points)
o Tours available
_____ Dangers & special precautions included (0-5 points)
_____ Neat (0-5 points)
_____ Creative (0-5 points)
_____ All information typed out (0-4 points)
_____ Proper format (0-5 points)
_____ Bibliography included (0-6 points)
Marine Region Presentation
You have just discovered a new marine region and need to share this
information with the scientific community. In order for the World
Oceanographers Society (WOS) to consider your discovery significant you
need to provide them with accurate and complete information about this
new found area. In order for the region to be of value to the Society it
must be located at least 2 miles away from any major coastline. You will
then need to present your findings to a representative group of the WOS.
The required information needed:
A map of the newly discovered region
Topography of the ocean floor
Salinity ranges
Major ocean currents found in the area
Temperature range of the region
Types of organisms found in the region
Significant natural topographic features (pictures required
representative of these features)
 Hotspots
 Trenches
 Atolls
 Plate boundaries
 Ridges
 Vents
 Reefs
 Etc.
o Make note of any unnatural features
Ex. shipwrecks
Presentation requirements:
o All of the above information is to be arranged neatly on a poster
board for review
o Poster board must be at least 22” X 28”
o All captions must be typed
o Pictures must be photos or images from the computer &/or
reference materials (pictures should be used to show
representation of required material)
o Poster must be neatly arranged
o Bibliography must accompany poster (attached to the back of the
*Note: If region was already chosen obviously it is not a new discovery
and therefore cannot be done again
Name _________________________
Marine Region Presentation Rubric
Presentation requirements:
_____ Map included (0-5 points)
_____ Topography of region included (1-10 points)
_____ Salinity range included (0-5 points)
_____ Currents included (0-5 points)
_____ Temperature range included (0-5 points)
_____ Organisms included (0-5 points)
_____ Significant natural topo. features included (0-15 points)
______Significant unnatural topo. features included (0-15 points)
Poster requirements:
_____ ALL Information on board (0-7 points)
_____ Poster size adequate (0-5 points)
_____ All captions typed (0-5 points)
_____ Pictures included (0-5 points)
_____ Neat and well organized (0-5 points)
_____ Bibliography included (0-5 points)
_____ 3 minutes in length (0-3 points)
Regional Recipe Booklet Project
Welcome to World’s Table, a new restaurant that just opened up and in
need of new recipes, it is up to your culinary discretion on how you want
to approach this assignment. The executive chef of this new restaurant
is searching for a theme to its cooking style.
o You will need to come up with five (5) recipes and cooking
directions of which whose main ingredient is in the form of a sea
life. *It could be an animal or plant
o You must describe your regional theme and recipe styles of the
booklet on the first page or inner cover
o You will create a booklet of recipes for the restaurant’s executive
chef to use in the restaurant. Pictures of main and unusual
ingredients used within the dish should accompany the recipes;
this is highly recommended.
o All five recipes should have a common regional location
o The booklet should include background information about the
regional ingredients only available and/or used in that part of the
 Discuss why the ingredients are indigenous only to
that area
o Also include if the region uses specific types of equipment to cook
its type of food
 Include a picture of equipment
o The booklet should be no smaller than 8 ½ X 11 and be properly
bound together, staples are not acceptable.
o Everything should be re-typed (NOT printed from a website)
o Booklet cover and its contents should be visually appealing
o A map of the region should be included within booklet
Bibliography must be attached to booklet
*Note: If recipes have already been done for a specific region, that region
cannot be chosen again
Name ____________________________
Regional Recipe Booklet Project Rubric
_____ Regional theme and recipe styles included (0-8 points)
_____ 5 recipes and cooking directions included (0-25 points)
_____ Main ingredient is a marine organism (0-5 points)
_____ Picture of main dish included (0-5 points)
_____ Pictures of ingredients included (0-5 points)
_____ Recipes have a common region (0-3 points)
_____ Information of regional ingredients included (0-10 points)
_____ Picture(s) of cooking equipment included (0-3 points)
_____ Adequate Size (0-5 points)
_____ Bound properly (0-3 points)
_____ All contents are re-typed out (0-10 points)
_____ Cover and contents visually appealing (0-5 points)
_____ Map included (0-3 points)
_____ Neat and creative (0-5 points)
_____ Bibliography (0-5 points)
Regional – Environmental Research Portfolio
You will either choose a specific region of the world’s oceans or you may
choose to discuss a topographical area of a specific region (i.e. abyssal
plains, coral reefs, Mid Ocean ridge etc.) where there are environmental
problems that plague that area. Once the area has been decided you will
provide the following research in your portfolio for that area.
Your portfolio must include:
o Paper which must include the following 7 sections
 State the chosen region
 Geographic location of region
 Physical description of the characteristics of the region
 Topography
 Hotspots
 Trenches
 Atolls
 Plate boundaries
 Ridges
 Vents
 Reefs
 Etc.
 Negative environmental impact(s) affecting that region
 Discuss animals and plant life affected by the environmental
 Characteristics of the water within chosen region
 Density
 Salinity
 Temperature
 Pressure
o 10 articles relating to the environmental problems that affect the
chosen region.
o A brief summary (4-6 sentences) must accompany each article.
o Each article MUST be a news article NOT research type articles. If
unsure check with the teacher before assembling
o Bibliography
When typing up your paper, be sure to use a heading for each of the
seven (7) sections followed by the information found.
Project must be put into a presentation report cover upon handing it
in to the teacher.
Environmental Portfolio Rubric
_____ Region clearly stated (0-3 points)
_____ Geographic location stated (0-3 points)
_____ Physical characteristics stated (0-10 points)
 Tectonic plate boundaries (4)
 Natural topographic features (4)
 Un-natural topographic features (2)
_____ Negative environmental impact(s) stated (0-15 points)
_____ Animals and plant life affected by the
environmental change stated (0-10 points)
_____ Characteristics of the water stated (0-20 points)
Density (5)
Salinity (5)
Temperature (5)
Pressure (5)
_____ 10 articles included (minimum) (0-20 points)
_____ Summary of each article included (0-10 points)
_____ Portfolio in report cover (0-5 points)
_____ ALL information neatly typed (0-4 points)