THE MARCHIN’ CATS HIGH SCHOOL BAND HANDBOOK Dear Parents: Enclosed is information regarding the Littlefield High School Band Program. You will find in this handbook information regarding the district’s requirements to participate in this program. Please read the information on our band program, and sign the signature page indicating that you have read and understand the rules and guidelines set forth for participation in this instrumental music program. After signing the signature page, please return it to me immediately. This signed document will last the 4 years your child is in the high school band. During summer band or on the 1st day of school, your child will be given a calendar with all of our music events on it. Please put this up and check it monthly to see what is scheduled for that month. Please ask your child for this calendar. Hopefully they will get it home to you. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Littlefield High School Band Handbook, please feel free to contact me at school. That number is 385-4170. Sincerely, Bonnie F. Anderson Director of Bands Littlefield ISD Littlefield ISD LITTLEFIELD ISD H. S. BAND HANDBOOK 2010-2011 No student is required to take part in the instrumental music program or University Interscholastic League contests. Therefore, participation should be considered a PRIVILEGE. It is imperative that students and parents understand the following code and the rules therein. A. General Rules and Regulations All students are to conduct themselves properly at all times. Display of temper, profanity, flagrant violation of rules, etc. will not be tolerated. All school district rules and regulations will be enforced. Any behavior, which is not conducive to good citizenship, will subject the student to “due process” that may result in dismissal from the organization. “Due process” shall be defined as the student’s right to discuss with the instructor and principal any decision regarding action that would result in the student’s loss of grade, suspension from activities, or expulsion from the organization. Band members are required to attend all activities and rehearsals. Those who must miss a rehearsal, activity, or performance must consult with Miss Anderson WELL IN ADVANCE of the function. Failure to attend a rehearsal, activity, or performance without prior permission or good cause may/will result in suspension from future activities or performances. Students will be required to attend all section rehearsals as well as all full band rehearsals. Section rehearsals shall be no more than one hour in length and no more than one in a seven day period. All rehearsals shall be during the school day with the exception of section rehearsals and 7:30am practices designed to equal one 2 hour night practice a week. Students MUST attend all performances. Failure to attend a performance without the director’s prior approval, is cause for a schedule change. An unexcused absence is one that the director has no prior knowledge of and/or is based on a reason that is unacceptable to the director. An excused absence is one that the director has prior knowledge of and/or is based on an acceptable reason. It should be understood by both parents and students that this band will be involved in out of district traveling and that students participating in these organizations must also participate in the travel. This may include a limited number of overnight trips for some competitive events. (This does not include our every other year band spring trip. Your child may choose to go or to stay home. It is not a required trip.) If the parent does not want the student to travel, the student should register for an organization that does not travel so extensively. All members represent the school and community and are expected to conduct themselves in a manner in keeping with the following relations when traveling in or out of the district. All LISD school rules are in effect. Be on time for all trips. Dress as directed by your director. Be respectful and mannerly. Avoid excessive noise on the bus (ex: screaming). No jam boxes on any school bus. Leave and return on the same bus. Return equipment to its proper storage place on returning to school. If a student is required to leave from an event or activity, the parent/guardian of the student must provide written notification to the band director 24 hours prior to the student leaving. This note must be signed by parent and one of the high school principals. STUDENTS MAY NOT LEAVE WITH ANYONE EXCEPT A PARENT/GUARDIAN. A telephone call confirming the written notification is appreciated. B. Rules Relating to U. I. L. Competition No school may issue and no student may receive an award for participation in inter-school competition in excess of $50.00 (or the equivalent in value) during his/her high school enrollment in the same high school. Additional symbolic awards not to exceed $8 each may be presented for each additional inter-school activity each year. C. Grading Learning objectives are based on performance skills, responsibility, and participation. Therefore, students are expected to fulfill individual as well as group responsibilities. Six week grades will be based on 100%. 25% citizenship/responsibility 50% performance skills (on their level) Objectives 25% test/6weeks/finals(sectionals fall in this category) Since band is a performance based course and team activity, all students are required to attend all performances and rehearsals. Therefore, students will have points deducted from their six weeks grade for the following: Unexcused absence from a co-curricular rehearsal. These are rehearsals that are extensions of classroom activity such as section rehearsals. Unexcused absence from a co-curricular activity/performance. These are performances that are extensions of classroom activities such as school concerts which do not meet the definition of extracurricular. Any deviation must have the approval of the band director. D. School-Owned Equipment Each member is financially responsible for all equipment and/or Materials checked out to him/her for their personal use. Equipment is to be used, not abused. A charge of $30 will be made to the student to help pay for any repair. If the horn is sent to the repair shop and repairs exceed the amount of $30, you as parents will be responsible for the rest unless it is caused by normal wear and tear. However, damages caused by fire, theft, or abuse will be charged to the student. All equipment and materials must be kept in their proper storage location when not in use. School owned instruments are furnished by the school for the purpose of avoiding large expenditures to the parent, and to promote a well rounded instrumentation for the performing organization. Students who use a school owned instrument will be expected to practice this instrument a reasonable amount of time. Failure to do so may result in the instrument taken up and re-issued to a student who will make better use of it. E. Individual Equipment Students will be required to purchase some materials for their uniform such as black band shoes, t-shirts, as well as all materials necessary to perform their instrument (ex: reed players are expected to have 3 GOOD REEDS AT ALL TIMES; CONCERT SNARE DRUM STICKS, 1 PR. OF MALLETS, 1 MALLET BAG; VALVE OIL, ROTOR OIL, FLUTE TUNING ROD, AND A PENCIL). Littlefield ISD does not provide insurance for individually owned equipment. F. Tryout Procedures for Auxiliary (ex: Drum Major & Flag) Prior to the academic school year, all students interested in this area must attend practices for the Tryout. They must be a member of the band program and march with their instrument their ninth grade year. Littlefield band program does not have twirlers. Before tryouts, these students must turn in a contract signed by your parents and yourself to the director. G. Summer Rehearsals/Early Marching Practices There will be a series of summer rehearsals prior to the beginning of the school year. All students participating in the band MUST attend these practices. These rehearsals will begin approximately 2 weeks prior to the start of school. These practices will be held daily, (Monday-Friday) until school begins. Marching spots are determined by summer band attendance and one’s ability to march in step. Because we do not rehearse in the evenings, early morning practices are a necessity. Any absence, whether excused or unexcused, will result in the loss of one’s marching spot. H. Awards Certificates will be presented to any student that excels in band. (ex: medals in uil solo/ensemble, all region, all state) Awards (Cont.) Band Jackets my be earned by: 1. Earning a 1st division on an instrumental solo @ UIL State Solo and Ensemble Contest in May. 2. Earning a seat in the all state band (TMEA/ATSSB) in February. 3. Senior band members that have not earned a jacket in any other area.