LINN-MAR WIND ENSEMBLE SYLLABUS The emphasis for the Wind Ensemble during the 1st quarter will be to improve sight reading, chamber music, individual technique, and the ensemble concepts of intonation, balance and blend. The Wind Ensemble during quarters 2-4 will focus on the preparation and performance of college level literature for the wind band and percussion. Students are expected to perform in 3-4 school concerts, State Large Group Contest, and possible state or regional music festivals. Students are encouraged to seek out lessons either at school or with a private teacher. DAILY REHEARSAL EXPECTATIONS 1. PUNCTUALITY! You should be in your chair ready to warm-up and tune no later than 8:30 a.m. Unexcused absences or tardiness from regular rehearsals may result in the lowering of grades, and/or communication with parents. 2. Tuning: It is everyone’s responsibility at all times 3. Take care of your folder and music. Please put them away after each rehearsal in the music cabinet. 4. You are members of one of the finest high school music programs in the state. All rehearsals will be conducted in a professional work atmosphere. You will be expected to come to class everyday prepared and ready to work to the best of your ability on the music. Anything less is unacceptable! PERFORMANCES Public performances are class requirements just like final examinations in other academic subjects, except they cannot be made up. The band director must be given two weeks notice prior to the performance to be missed. The exceptions are if the student is participating in a band or school related activity, has an illness, or has a death in the family. Unexcused missed performances may result in the lowering of the student’s grade. GRADING (There are five major factors in grade determination) 1. 30% based on performance level (2-4 quarters only), attendance and punctuality Students with an unexcused absence from a scheduled performance or activity may have their grade reduced for the semester in question. 2. 30% based on band rehearsals (see Employability Skill Proficiency Scale on website) and written tests - Conduct during rehearsals, preparation of music, following established guidelines, attendance 3. 30 % based on individual lessons (see Lesson Proficiency Scale on website) and/or playing assessments. Students are encouraged to take lessons on a regular basis either at school or privately. Students taking regular school or private lessons will only be required to perform major scales for their playing assessment. Students not take lessons will be required to demonstrate proficiency on their band music and major scales. Percussion assessments will include a snare and mallet selection along with scales. 4. 10% based on Semester Exam 5. Since performances (quarters 2-4) comprise 30% of the grade and can not be duplicated, unexcused absences during any performance, concert, or contest can not be made up. Examples of unexcused absences are: “I forgot”, “I have to work” 6. To receive an excused absence, the student must complete the “Request for excused absence” form and turn it in two weeks prior to the performance date. An individual performance may be required before or after an excused absence. Directors will determine if an absence is excused.