CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS Spanish I Señor Echeverría ¡Bienvenidos a la clase de Español! Welcome to the language and world of Spanish. Your experiences in this class should be interesting, enjoyable, and rewarding. To help you be successful, your teacher will do his best to organize and prepare the material to be covered. Of course, you will have to do your part by actively participating in Spanish in order to enhance the learning situation. ABOUT THE TEACHER: I was born in Michoacán, México. At the age of twelve, my parents brought me to the United States. I was raised in Firebaugh, Ca. where I completed my high school. Upon completion of high school, I went to CSU Fresno where I received my B.A. degree in Spanish and my Single Subject Credential in Spanish. I did my initial student teaching at Edison Computech Middle School and my final student teaching at Edison High School in Fresno. This is my 12th year teaching Spanish in Dinuba High School and I am sure this is going to be a great experience for everybody. OBJECTIVE: By the end of this course, students in Spanish I will be able to express themselves in Spanish, holding simple conversation in several areas using the present and one past tense. The goals and objectives of this course focus on communicative competency. They are based on the National and State Standards of Foreign Language Learning which consist of five goal areas: (1) Communications, (2) Cultures, (3) Connections, (4) Comparisons, and (5) Communities. TARGET STANDARDS, LEVEL I: STANDARD 1--Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. STANDARD 2--Students demonstrate an understanding of and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. STANDARD 3--Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the cultures. STANDARD 4--Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between products and perspectives of the cultures studied. STANDARD 5--Students demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. 2 LANGUAGE USE: The spoken language in this class will be in Spanish. You will learn how to communicate without using English. Please make a true effort to use as much Spanish as possible. After all, that is what you are here to learn! You will find useful expressions for obtaining information, such as: ¿Cómo se dice……………? (How do you say…………?) ¿Qué quiere decir………...? (What does ………………?) You will not be able to express yourself in Spanish the way you usually do in English. Do not let that frustrate you. Simplify what you want to say. You can do it! It is essential to always listen to whoever is speaking to the group, student or teacher. Show courtesy and respect to others by giving them your undivided attention. Not only will you learn more, but you will helping to create a much more positive environment for learning. GRADING: Your grade will be determined by (1) oral classroom participation, (2) quizzes, exams and projects (3) written assignments in class and Homework. The grade you earn will be determined by your effort and based on a combination of points. The approximate percentages in the various areas will be based on the following. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Oral class participation …………………..20% Evaluations and Projects………………….60% Written Assignments and Homework……10% Mid-Term Exam……………………………5% Final Exam………………………………….5% A…………90-100 B…………80-89 C…………70-79 D…………60-69 F………….59 * Oral class participation means PARTICIPATION IN SPANISH. Remember, you must be in class to be able to participate. Because individual and group participation are the keys to a successful class of this nature, you will earn points for contributing and listening. Since attendance is extremely important, you will earn points for coming to class on time, volunteering, and participating in a positive manner. You will be docked points for excessive tardiness, disrupting class, talking when you should be listening, and not being on task. HOMEWORK: All homework assignments must be completed when the bell rings or no credit will be given. Students are expected to review and practice the class work at home every day. The types of assignments will vary daily. Since the focus of class is on oral communication and participation, you may not have much written work in the “traditional” sense. However, it is essential that you study the 3 vocabulary, handouts, and grammatical structures we have practiced during class in order to be well prepared. QUIZZES & EXAMS: Tests will consist of both written and oral evaluations. The oral fluency exams will be conducted during class activities every two weeks. Students will be graded unbeknownst to them, so it is extremely important that they stay in the target language at all times. Not only will they be graded on fluency, but also being on task. MAKE-UP WORK: It is the student’s responsibility to make- up work missed as soon as possible. If no effort is made to make- up missing work, no credit will be given and zero will be recorded. If the student has an unexcused absent on the day of a quiz, s/he will not be able to make up that test. Students can use the tutorial time to do make up work. PROJECTS: All projects must be handed in on or before the due date. A one day grace period will be in effect; however, the project will receive one grade lower than the actual grade. AFTER THE GRACE PERIOD, ABSOLUTELY NO PROJECTS WILL BE ACCEPTED. CLASSROOM RULES: Use only Spanish. Absolutely no food or drinks in the classroom. (only water) NO GUM Be considerate to the teacher and fellow students. Disruptive behavior cannot be tolerated. In a language class it is very important that all students are able to hear. Idle chatter with friends and classmates during class is inappropriate and will not be permitted. Writing on your desk will result in the “ privilege: of cleaning off all of the desk top. A tardy policy will be in effect ( see following page). The student must come to class prepared with textbook, pen or pencil, binder or notebook, and given assignment completed BEFORE class begins. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO DISRUPT THE LEARNING PROCESS! Students not following these rules will be warned. If the disruptive behavior persists, the school wide Discipline Program will be in effect and the necessary “step” will be taken accordingly. 4 MATERIALS: 1. Dictionary: You may purchase a small paperback dictionary of your own, but it is not required. 2. Binder: You must have a section in your binder for this class or a separated binder for Spanish. 3. Pen or Pencil:You may use one or the other, whichever you prefer, but HAVE SOMETHING TO WRITE WITH otherwise you are unprepared for class. Please sharpen pencils BEFORE class. Please DO NOT USE RED INK on exams. PARTICIPATION EXPECTATIONS (A) *You always pay attention and are well prepared. *You volunteer to participate on a daily basis during individual or group activities throughout the entire lesson. *You contribute positively to the class by always being enthusiastic. *You try to limit yourself almost entirely to using only Spanish in class. (B) *You are attentive and well prepared. *When called upon, you usually have the correct answer. *You volunteer and respond often, but not always daily. *You try to limit yourself to Spanish during class. (C ) *You are attentive and usually well prepared. *You participate from time to time but usually have to be called upon. *When called upon, you sometimes don’t have an appropriate response, indicating that perhaps you had not studied the material or completed the assignment. *You frequently use English when it would have been possible to use Spanish. *You sometimes are disruptive, making it difficult for others to learn. (D) *You sometimes are disruptive, making it difficult for others to learn. *You are frequently poorly prepared and do not pay attention as you should. *When called upon, you seldom have an appropriate response *You do work for another class while in Spanish class. *You appear to resent using Spanish in class, using English instead. (F) *You generally do the things listed in group “D”. *You frequently shout out questions and inappropriate remarks in English. *You do not follow the lesson, the explanations nor the practices even if they are directed to you personally. *When called upon, you refuse to even try to answer. 5 TARDY POLICY Because tardiness can be disruptive to the classroom environment, it is important to arrive to class on time. I have an established tardy policy effective immediately in order to discourage being late. These rules apply to” unexcused” tardiness only and are in effect on a semester basis. When the bell rings you have to be in your seat and quiet, otherwise you will be marked tardy. 1st TARDY -- Essay and detention during tutorial time. Students will have 2 days to serve their detention. During detention they will write a one-page essay on the following: (1) Why they were late, (2) What they are going to do to correct this behavior, (3) Discuss the importance of being on time for school, class, appointments, work, etc…. Failure to serve detention in the time allocated will result in an automatic “STEP”, plus a phone call home. Excessive tardiness will result in a Teacher/ Parent/Student conference. BATHROOM POLICY Students have three passes during the semester to go to the restroom. If your son or daughter has any health conditions that will not permit them to follow this policy, please indicate so in the space provided for comments and let the school nurse know about it. The nurse will inform me about your son’s/daughter’s health conditions. CONFERENCE PERIOD I will be available every day after school during tutorial, and Wednesdays at lunch. Please feel free to contact me for any reason, such as, make-up, extra help, conferences to check on individual progress, or whatever. I am here to help you. The Phone number is 595-7220 ext: 529 ATTENDANCE POLICY: Please refer to DUSD policy. 6 PLEASE RETURN THIS PAGE TO SR. ECHEVERRRÍA STUDENT AND PARENT SIGNATURES…….. ____________________________ ( print student’s name) and I have read and discussed the classroom expectations for Spanish. As the student, I will do my best to adhere to the standards required in this class. As the parent, I will do my best to help my child to adhere to the standards in the classroom expectations document. _____________________________ (signature of student) ______________________________ ( signature of parents) PHONE CONTACT: Home ____________________ Work _____________________ COMMENTS: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________