GA Habitats Study Guide


Georgia Habitats Study Guide

Review the vocabulary and facts for your Science test. Making note cards is a good way to study the information.

Vocabulary Words:

* habitat – the place in an ecosystem where a plant or animals lives

* wetland – land that is covered with water most of the time and the soil is often wet and spongy

* mountain - land that rises to a high point

* environment – everything that surrounds a living thing

* ecosystem- all the living and nonliving things that interact in one place

* Piedmont - region of Georgia that contains rolling hills and is located between the coastal plain the mountains

* hibernate – to go into a kind of deep sleep

* migrate – to travel from one place to another and back again

* trait -a feature of a plant or an animal

* survive – to stay alive

* adaptation –a feature that helps a living thing survive

* reproduce - to produce more living things

* balance – not having too many or too few of any kind of living thing

Things to Know:

 Factors that can change an environment include: fire, plants, rain, drought, and climate.

 If there is not enough rain, some living things may not survive and will die. This is called a drought.

 Cattails live in wetlands.

 Live oaks, longleaf pines, indigo snakes, and woodpeckers live in the coastal plain.

 Some animals that would live in a wooded area/forest habitat would include raccoons, deer, black bears, and red squirrels.

 Habitats provide all the things plants and animals need to survive

(food, water, oxygen, sometimes shelter).

 Northern Georgia has higher land and has many mountains

(including the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Appalachian Plateau)

 Georgia’s wetlands can be found in all parts of Georgia. The bogs are in the mountains, ponds in the piedmont, swamps in the coastal plain, and marshes near the barrier islands and reefs.

 Certain changes to a habitat might cause animals to move to another location or to die. Example: If a pond dried up, the fish would not be able to survive. Animals could move to another habitat similar to the one they originally lived in or die.

 Seed color can help a seed survive. If brown seeds fall onto brown soil, they are less likely to be seen by animals that might eat those seeds.

 Getting enough water is one problem for plants that live in dry areas, like a desert. Some living things may die without enough water.

 Some moths have an unusual wing pattern that looks like an owl’s eyes. This adaptation provides protection for the moth by scaring away predators.

 Some animals hibernate during winter. During hibernation, an animal’s heartbeat rate would be lower because they are not active during this time. Animals hibernate in habitats that are cold in the winter.

 Animals with bright colors may use their colors to warn other animals that they are poisonous.

 Camouflage allows an animal to blend in with its environment.

Example: A green bug that lives on green leaves.

 An adaptation that helps humans survive is the thumb. Thumbs help people pick up and hold objects.

** Bonus: Label the 5 regions of Georgia and label the habitats of

Georgia (Use maps made in class to review/study).

Regions (2 nd Grade Review):

Blue Ridge

Ridge and Valleys

Appalachian Plateau


Coastal Plain




Coastal Plain

Wetlands- Swamps and Marshes

Barrier Islands and Reefs

Atlantic Ocean (off Georgia’s coast)

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