
17 MARCH 2011
Queen Anne House, Woodcote Road, Epsom
Part demolition, alteration and extensions to Queen Anne House (Amended drawings received
in February).
5 January 2011
PERMIT subject to the following conditions:(1)
The development for which Conservation Area Consent
is hereby permitted shall be begun before the
expiration of three years from the date of this consent.
Reason: To comply with Section 18(1) (a) of the Planning
(Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as
amended by Section 52 (4) of the Planning and Compulsory
Purchase Act 2005
The Conservation Area Consent hereby granted for the
proposed demolition works to Queen Anne House shall
not be implemented until a contract has been let and
signed for the construction of the development
permitted under reference 10/00912/FUL.
Such a
contract shall be copied and submitted to the Local
Planning Authority prior to the demolition of the
buildings the subject of this consent.
Reason: In order to ensure that the demolished buildings have
every prospect of being replaced in the interests of the
appearance of the conservation area in which the site is
located in accordance with policy BE2 of the Epsom and Ewell
District Wide Local Plan 2000.
This permission is granted on the basis that the
development either meets or does not significantly
conflict with the relevant policies of the Epsom and
Ewell District Wide Local Plan 2000, Local Development
Framework Core Strategy 2007 and does not cause
demonstrable harm to interests of acknowledged
importance. The application was considered having
taken account of all material considerations and all
representations.The specific policies of the Local Plan
and Local Development Framework Core Strategy
taken into account were BE2, BE7, BE8 and CS5
Conservation Area Consent is sought for the demolition of the contemporary additions to the
Grade II* listed Queen Anne House. The demolition would facilitate the erection of a new two
storey flank extension and a detached garage.
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It is considered that the additions do not make a positive contribution to the character and
appearance of the conservation area and their removal would accordingly not harm the
character and appearance of the Chalk Lane Conservation Area.
As Queen Anne House is a Grade II* listed building any resolution to approve this application
would need to be referred to the Secretary of State (SoS) who may decide to determine the
application under call-in powers
The application has been submitted to committee at the request of Councillors Mike Richardson
and Sean Sullivan.
Community Consultation
Consultation comprised letters dated 3.12.2010 sent to 42 neighbouring properties, a site
notice, and a newspaper advertisement in The Sutton Guardian. Amended drawings were
received and were the subject of a re-consultation .Consultation letters were sent out on
25.02.2011 and consultees were requested to respond within 14 days.
To date (4.02.201) 6 letters of objection have been received regarding:
The demolition of the projecting wing would be aesthetically damaging to Woodcote End
House and the wider conservation area;
Statutory and Other External Consultation
Woodcote Road Residents Association: No comments
English Heritage: No objections. The proposed design has broad congruence with the existing
listed building.
Epsom Protection Society: The application is welcomed as it involves the demolition of a late
(c1950’s) extension of little merit and has fallen into a state of considerable disrepair.
Victorian Society: No comments
Georgian Group: No comments
The Nonsuch Society: No objections. A detailed report should be of the property prior to any
works on site.
Epsom and Ewell History and Archaeological Society: A condition should be imposed requiring
the existing building to be recorded prior to demolition; and an archaeological monitoring
Internal Consultations
Design and Conservation Officer: Detailed discussions have taken place over a considerable
period of time to arrive at this Application. The removal of both of the 19th Century additions
has received full support due to the fact that they were considered to have little architectural
value & positively detract from the character & appearance of the conservation area.
Site Details
The application site is approximately 0.1ha in extent, comprises the Grade II* listed Queen
Anne House , a two storey red brick dwelling with a later c1900’s two storey flank addition and a
single storey wing; and Queen Anne Cottage, a former coach house.
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The site is bounded to the west by Woodcote Road, with the Epsom cricket ground beyond, to
the north by residential development, and to the south and east by the grounds to the Grade II*
listed Woodcote End House. Queen Anne House was originally part of the larger property,
Woodcote End House and is partly co-joined along the eastern common boundary of the
application site.
The two storey flank extension and the single storey wing are in a very poor state of repair and
a scaffolding system supporting a temporary roof has been erected over the two storey
extension in order to slow the rate of decay.
Pedestrian access off Woodcote Road is via a single gateway in the 2m high brick boundary
wall, whilst vehicular access in the north west corner of the site serves a parking area and
garage located in the c1900 single storey wing, which projects at right angles to the main
building. This access also serves Queen Anne Cottage.
The northern section of the site, beyond the single storey wing, contains a number of trees
which are proposed to be felled. The trees are not subject to Preservation Orders.
The site falls within the Chalk Lane Conservation Area.
Parallel applications for a detailed Planning Application (10/00912/FUL) and Listed
Building Consent (09/00887/LBD) have been submitted.
Relevant Planning History
None relevant
The Proposal
The application seeks consent for the demolition of the two storey flank extension and the
single storey wing to Queen Anne House, to enable the erection of a two storey flank extension
and a detached garage and to open up views of the original façade.
This can only take place following a grant of planning permission, if Conservation Area Consent
is granted.
(The proposed demolition of part of Queen Anne Cottage would not require consent as the
element to be demolished has a volume of less than 115m³.)
Planning Policy
Epsom and Ewell District Wide Local Plan 2000
Conservation Areas
Historic Buildings
Historic Buildings
LDF Core Strategy Plan May 2007
Policy CS5
Built Environment
Chalk Lane Conservation Area: Character Appraisal and Management Proposals - August 2010
South East Plan 2009
Policy CC6
Sustainable Communities and Character of The Environment
Impact on Character and Appearance
The creation of the single storey wing in the early 1900’s has clearly separated the application
site into two distinct parts and Officers feel that this wing detracts from the main elevation of the
listed Queen Anne house. The two storey addition has also had various inappropriate additions
and alterations (including the addition of an ugly veranda styled dormer) to its façade during the
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1960’s, which further detracts from the importance of the original listed building and harms its
setting within the Chalk Lane Conservation Area.
The two storey flank extension and the single storey wing are now in a very poor state of repair
and a scaffolding system supporting a temporary roof has been erected over the two storey
extension in order to slow the rate of decay.
The later 20th century additions, which are of no historical importance, do not make a positive
contribution to the character and appearance of the conservation area. Their removal would restate the importance of Queen House in the context of the conservation area, and would
therefore not harm but significantly improve the character and appearance of the conservation
In view of the above it is concluded that the demolition of the existing structures would not be in
conflict with Policies BE2, and accordingly the granting of Conservation Area Consent is
Contact: John Robinson
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