Lab 1-3 Key

Lab 1
KINE 3300
Applied Kinesiology
This lab is to be completed individually. You may use your textbooks and any other
reference material.
When the student completes this lab, he/she should be able to:
1. Define anatomical directional terminology
2. Understand planes of motion
3. Understand axes of rotation
4. Understand various types joints
5. Be able to describe joint movements
C. Which bone is more medial the tibia or fibula? Tibia
D. Which bone is more distal the radius or humerus? Radius
E. the patella is anterior or posterior - Anterior
2. Complete the table using the appropriate Antonym
3. Identify the following planes of motion and complete the sentences describing each
1. Frontal
2. Sagittal
3. Transverse
4. This is a ___Lateral_______ view of the knee; kicking a ball demonstrates movement
in the _____Sagittal_______________ plane.
5. This is image of the hip is shown in the ____Frontal_____________ Plane.
6. This image of the hip is shown in the ____Transverse_________ plane.
Name the type of Diarthrodial joints (synovial joints).
7. Answer the following questions for the above picture.
A. Type of joint?
B. Plane of movement?
C. # of Axes?
D. Degrees of freedom?
8. Answer the following questions for the above picture.
A. Type of joint?
B. Plane of movement?
Sagittal, frontal, transverse
C. # of Axes?
D. Degrees of freedom?
9. Answer the following questions for the above picture.
A. Type of joint?
Ball & Socket
B. Plane of movement?
Sag. & Frontal
C. # of Axes?
D. Degrees of freedom?
10. Answer the following questions for the above picture.
A. Type of joint?
B. Plane of movement?
Sag, Frontal, Transverse
C. # of Axes?
D. Degrees of freedom?
11. Draw a line to match the type of joint on the right to the type of joint on the left.
A. Ball and socket - Hip
B. Hinge - Wrist
C. Pivot - neck
D. Saddle - thumb
E. Condyloid - wrist
F. Gliding - Tarsals
Using terms that describe general movments (extension, flexion, adduction, abduction
etc.) name the movement and the plane that the movement occurs in.
Ext. of knee, Sag.
13. Hip Flexion, Sag.
14. Shoulder Abd., Frontal
15. Hip Add., Frontal
16. Shoulder Circumduction, Sag. & Frontal
17. Shoulder External rotation, Transverse
18. Ankle Eversion, Frontal
19. Ankle Inversion, Frontal
20. Use the space below to draw a picture and describe ankle dorsal flexion and plantar
Lab 2
KINE 3300
Applied Kinesiology
This lab is to be completed individually. You may use your textbooks and any other
reference material.
When the student completes this lab, he/she should be able to:
1. Define muscular arrangements, characteristics and neuromuscular functions
2. Understand different types of muscle contraction
3. Understand neuromuscular concepts
4. Develop an understanding of neural control
Lab activities:
1. Label the muscle fiber arrangement
B. Unipennate
C. Bipennate
2. Name the type of contraction.
A. Force > Resistance = Concentric
B. Force < Resistance = Ecc
C. Force = Resistance = Isometric
3. Matching
Deltoid - Radiate
Pectoralis Major - Radiate
Brachialis - Fusiform
Rectus Femoris - Bipennate
Sartorius - Strap
Rectus Abdominus – Flat
Biceps Femoris - Unipennate
Obicularis Oris - Sphincter
4. Use each choice once.
A. Coccontraction
B. Concentric Contraction
C. Contralateral muscles
D. Eccentric Contraction
E. Inhibition F. Isokinetic
G. Isometric Contraction
H. Isotonic contraction
I. Neutralizing muscles
J. Reciprocal innervation
K. Stabilizing
L. Synergist
1. Surround the joint or body part and contact to fixate the area in order to enable
another limb or body segment to exert force and move - Stabilizers
2. Shortening and/or lengthening of muscle fibers under varying degrees of tension –
Isotonic Contaction
3. Occurs when the muscle tissue is lengthened under tension. – Eccentric
4. Times when muscle tension cannot be found in either muscle group due to
extremely quick repetition of the same movements. - - Inhibition
5. Static contraction tension is developed in the muscles but the length does not
change. - Isometric
6. When the muscle is contracted and shortening occurs within the muscle fibers.
Concentric Contaction
7. When both muscle groups on either side of a joint are under tension performing a
joint action at a very slow speed against resistance. - Cocontraction
8. Located on the opposite side of the joint from the prime movers. - Contralateral
9. When the stretch reflex of a lengthening antagonistic muscle is dampened due to
the concentric contraction of the agonists. – Reciprocal innervation
10. Main function is to rule out undesired motion and aid in refined movement. Synergist
11. Counteract or neutralize the action of another muscle to prevent undesirable
movements. - Neutralizing muscles
5. Use each choice once.
A. Aggregate muscle action B. Agonists
E. Contractility
I. Insertion
F. Elasticity
C. Amplitude D. Biarticular muscles
G. Extensibility
H. Gaster
J. Irritability K. Origin
1. Range through which a muscle can change length. - C
2. Muscles work in groups rather than independently to achieve a given joint
motion. - A
3. Ability of muscle to return to its original length following stretching. - F
4. Ability of muscle to contract and develop tension or internal force against
resistance when stimulated. – E
5. Proximal attachment of a muscle. - K
6. Distal attachment of a muscle. - I
7. Muscles which cause or control joint motion through a specified plane of motion.
8. Ability of muscle to be stretched back to its original length following contraction.
9. Central, fleshy portion to the muscle. - H
10. Two joint, muscles have attachments which cross joints at their proximal & distal
ends. - D
Lab 3
KINE 3300
Applied Kinesiology
When the student completes this lab, he/she should be able to:
1. Understand how levers can help physical performance
2. Understand the relationship between lever arm lengths and physical performance
Lab activities:
1. Use each choice once.
A. Acceleration
B. Angular Motion
C. Balance
D. Center of Gravity
E. Dynamic Equilibrium
F. Equilibrium
I. Inertia
J. Linear Motion
M. Stability
N. Static Equilibrium
G. Force
K. Momentum
H. Force Arm
L. Resistance Arm
O. Torque
1. Distance between the axis and the point of force application. - H
2. Ability to control equilibrium, either static or dynamic. - C
3. State of zero acceleration in which there is no change in the speed or direction of
the body. - F
4. Point at which all of the body’s mass and weight are equally balanced or equally
distributed in all direction. - D
5. Distance between the axis and the point of resistance application. - L
6. Moment of force. - K
7. Motion along a line. - J
8. Motion involving rotation around an axis. - B
9. Rate of change in velocity. - A
10. Resistance to a change in the body’s acceleration; the resistance to a disturbance
of the body’s equilibrium. - I
11. Body at rest or completely motionless. - N
12. All of the applied or inertial forces acting on the moving body are in balance,
resulting in movement with unchanging speed or direction. - E
13. Resistance to action or change. -I
14. Quality of motion equal to mass x velocity. - O
15. Mass x Acceleration. - G
2. Label the type of lever
A. 1
B. 3
C. 2
D. 1
E. 2
F. 2
3. F x FA = R x RA
(force) x (force arm) = (resistance) x (resistance arm)