Unit 1: Cells, Cell Reproduction, and Development

Genetics Final Review
Unit 1: Cells, Cell Reproduction, and Development
What are the four major macromolecules, and what are their functions?
What is the order of phases in interphase, and what occurs during each
In what type of cells does mitosis occur in, and what it is purpose?
What are the four phases of mitosis, and in what order do they occur in?
What happens during each phase of mitosis?
In what type of cells does meiosis occur in, and what it is purpose?
What happens during each division of meiosis?
What happens during each phase of meiosis?
When is a developing baby called a zygote? When is it an embryo? When is
it a fetus?
How long does pregnancy last?
What are teratogens?
How does a stem cell differentiate into a mature cell type?
What are the sources of stem cells?
Unit 2: Mendelian Inheritance and Beyond
What organism did Mendel perform his experiments on?
What is a gene, and what is an allele?
What is the difference between genotype and phenotype?
What is the difference between homozygous dominant, heterozygous, and
homozygous recessive?
Be able to do singe Punnett squares to determine inheritance of single traits.
Be able to use probability rules to determine inheritance of traits with
multiple genes.
Be able to read a pedigree and track inheritance patterns.
What is:
o incomplete dominance?
o codominance?
o multiple alleles?
o epistasis?
o expressivity?
o penetrance?
o mitochondrial inheritance?
o linkage?
Be able to do blood type problems.
Be able to determine map units in linkage.
Unit 3: Sex Inheritance
What chromosomes does a boy or a girl have?
What is the probability of having a boy or a girl?
What gene on the Y chromosome creates a male?
What is unique about a person with androgen insensitivity?
How are X-linked dominant and recessive disorders inherited?
What is a Barr body, and what cells will they occur in?
Unit 4: Multifactorial Inheritance
What is the difference between Mendelian, polygenic, and multifactorial
If a set of parents have the genes AABbcc and AaBbCc for height (each loci
contributes 3” and the base height is 4’9”),
o How many loci code for height in this problem?
o What is the height of each parent?
o What is the minimum and maximum height that their children can
o What would the genotype be for a child with the minimum height?
o What is the probability that these parents will create this child?
What relatives are considered 1, and how many genes do you share in
common with these relatives? What about 2 and 3?
What does a heritability number mean?
What does a concordance study look at?
Unit 5: DNA, Protein Synthesis, and Gene Expression
What are the three parts of a DNA nucleotide (be specific)?
Which bases are purine, and which are pyrimidine?
Why is DNA called a double helix?
What is in the DNA backbone, and why are they considered antiparallel?
What are the base pairing rules for DNA?
Order these words from least coiled to most coiled: chromosome,
nucleosome, 30 nm fiber, double helix.
What is the difference between chromatin and chromosomes? When during
the cell cycle is the DNA found in each form?
When does DNA replication occur?
What are the three parts of a RNA nucleotide (be specific)?
What are the base pairing rules between RNA and DNA?
What are the three main types of RNA that we studied?
What is the function of mRNA?
What are every three bases on mRNA called?
What is the function of tRNA?
What is the three letter base on one end of a tRNA called?
What makes different cell types different?
Unit 6: Mutations
What are the possible effects of a mutation?
What factors in a gene can increase the possibility of a mutation?
What is the difference between a transition and a transversion?
What are the different types of mutations?
Unit 7: Chromosome
Draw a chromosome and label the telomeres.
What is a karyotype, and what information can it tell you?
How is a karyotype arranged?
During what phase are chromosomes used for karyotypes?
What is the difference between polyploidy and aneuploidy?
What is the differency between the aneuploids monosomy and trisomy?
What is nondisjunction?
What is the chromosomal abnormality in each of the following chromosomal
o Down syndrome
o Kleinfelter syndrome
o Turner syndrome
o Triplo X syndrome