Nomenclature and Formula Stoichiometry

Unit Design
Developed by
Tammy Hansen
Grattan Academy High School
Understanding by Design
Unit Design Worksheet
Unit Title: Nomenclature and Formula Stoichiometry
Subject/Course: Chemistry
Topic: Identifying Compounds
Staff Name: Tammy Hansen
Grade(s): 10/11
Stage 1 - Desired Results
Established Goals (HSCE’s, etc.):
C4.1a Calculate the percent by weight of each element in a compound based on the compound formula.
2. C4.1b Calculate the empirical formula of a compound based on the percent by weight of each element in the
3. C4.1c Use the empirical formula and molecular weight of a compound to determine the molecular formula.
4. C4.2a Name simple binary compounds using their formula.
5. C4.2b Given the name, write the formula of simple binary compounds.
6. C4.2c Given a formula, name the compound.
7. C4.2d Given the name, write the formula of ionic and molecular compounds.
8. C4.2e Given the formula for a simple hydrocarbon, draw and name the isomers.
9. C4.6a Calculate the number of moles of any compound or element given the mass of the substance.
10. C4.6b Calculate the number of particles of any compound or element given the mass of the substance.
Students will understand that…
Essential Questions:
1. the percent by weight of any given element in a
compound can be found when given the formula
for that compound.
1. How do you calculate the weight of an element
within a compound?
2. you can determine the empirical formula of a
compound if given the percent weight of its
3. you can take the empirical formula and the
molecular weight of a compound and from that
information determine the molecular formula.
4. there are rules for naming binary compounds and
will be able apply those rules to give proper
5. you can write formulas when given the names of
binary compounds
6. there are many types of compounds with different
rules for naming. Students will be able to
determine the proper name when given the
7. you can write formulas when given the names of
2. How do you calculate the empirical formula of a
3. How do you calculate the molecular formula of a
4. How would you apply what you have learned
regarding naming simple binary compounds?
5. How would you write the formula of a
6. When given the formula of a compound, how
would you know what the name is?
7. When you are given the name, how would you
write the formula of a compound?
8. If you are given the formula for a hydrocarbon,
how do you draw and name the isomers?
9. How do you calculate the number of moles of a
compound when given its mass?
8. hydrocarbon’s names are based on the structural
formula and that compounds can have the same
molecular formula but different structural formulas
(isomers) and will therefore be named differently.
10. How do you calculate the number of particles in a
compound when given the mass?
9. when given the mass of a substance, they can use
unit conversion to determine the number of moles
in that substance.
10. you can convert between mass, moles, and number
of particles of a compound or element when given
one of the above.
Students will know…
Students will be able to…
how to find the molar mass of elements.
1. calculate the molar mass of elements.
how to use the molar mass of each element in a
compound and the number of each element in that
compound to find the mass of the entire
1. calculate the mass of a compound by using the
molar mass of each element and the number of
atoms of each element.
how to find the percent mass of each element in a
how to convert from percent weight of an element
in a compound to moles of that element in a
how to determine a whole number molar ratio of
all elements in a compound when given the
percent weight of those elements in a compound.
that the whole number ratio molar ratio determines
the empirical formula.
how to determine the molecular formula of a
compound when given the empirical formula and
the mass of the compound.
determine the percent mass of each element in a
compound by dividing the mass of the element
by the mass of the compound and converting
from decimal to percent.
2. convert percent weight of an element in a
compound to moles of that element in that
compound by dividing the percent weight by the
molar mass of the element.
2. determine a whole number molar ratio of all
elements in a compound when given the percent
weight of those elements in the compound.
2. determine the empirical formula of a compound
from the whole number molar ratio.
3. determine the molecular formula of a compound
by using the mass of the compound and the mass
of the empirical formula.
the rules for naming binary compounds – both
ionic and covalent.
how to write balanced formulas from the names of
binary compounds.
4. apply rules and correctly name both ionic and
covalent binary compounds.
how to properly apply Greek prefixes and –ide
endings to name covalent compounds when given
the formula.
how to properly use Roman numerals, polyatomic
ion names, and –ide endings to name ionic
compounds when given the formula.
5. compose a balanced formula for binary
compounds using oxidation numbers, roman
numerals (ionic) and Greek prefixes (covalent)
to determine proper subscripts for each element
in the compound.
how to write balanced chemical formulas from the
6. determine the proper name of a covalent
compound when given the formula.
6. determine the proper name of an ionic compound
names of ionic compounds by using oxidation
numbers to assure a net charge of zero.
how to write balanced chemical formulas from the
names of molecular (covalent) compounds by
using Greek prefixes to determine subscripts for
each element.
how to draw isomers of hydrocarbons when given
the formula for that hydrocarbon.
how to name the different isomers of
how to convert from a known mass of a compound
or element to the number of moles of that
compound or element by using the Gram Formula
Mass/Gram Molecular Mass/Gram Atomic Mass
of that compound or element and unit conversion.
10. how to convert from a known mass of a substance
to the number of particles of that compound or
element by using unit conversion to determine
moles and then using Avogadro’s number to
determine particles.
when given the formula.
7. determine the balanced chemical formula of an
ionic compound when given its name by using
oxidation numbers and subscripts to assure a net
charge of zero on the formula.
7. determine the balanced chemical formula of
molecular (covalent) compounds by using the
Greek prefixes to determine the number of
subscripts for each element.
8. draw isomers of hydrocarbons when given the
formula of a hydrocarbon.
8. determine the name of the different isomers of
9. calculate the number of moles of any compound
or element by using unit conversion when given
the mass of that substance.
10. calculate the number of particles of any
substance when given the mass of that substance
by converting to moles and then particles.
Unit Enduring Understanding:
Unit Question:
Students will understand that there are rules for naming
What are the rules for naming chemical compounds?
Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks:
Present 5 new compounds to the IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry)
Chemist on the committee for nomenclature and symbols
Members of the IUPAC
You are a member of a team of chemists with the responsibility of presenting 5 new compounds to
the IUPAC. As part of this presentation, you must describe the percent by mass, empirical
formulas, and the rules by which you have named these new compounds. You must present a
“sample” of this compound to the assembly, and must be able to tell how many moles and
molecules are present in your samples.
In-class presentation to classmates/IUPAC members – this presentation must convince the
audience that proper nomenclature procedures have been followed, and that you understand the
physical characteristics of the new compounds. Visual aids and technology may be used during
this presentation.
Standards: Your presentation will be judged based on a Rubric on nomenclature.
Key Criteria:
Building A Structure: IUPAC Convention
Teacher Name: Tammy Hansen
Student Name: _____________________________
Explanations by all
group members
indicate a clear and
understanding of
scientific principles
underlying the
naming of
The student uses all
proper terminology.
Explanations by all
group members
indicate a relatively
understanding of
scientific principles
underlying the
naming of
The student uses
mostly proper
Explanations by
most group
members indicate
relatively accurate
understanding of
scientific principles
underlying the
naming of
The student makes
several mistakes in
Explanations by
several members of
the group do not
illustrate much
understanding of
scientific principles
underlying the
naming of
The student makes
many mistakes in
The student's
explanations are all
The student's
explanations are
mostly accurate.
The student's
explanations are
rarely accurate.
The student's
explanations are
The students use
visual aids or
technology to
enhance the
presentation and to
help explain the
Student was able to
present and explain
without assistance
from other group
The students use
visual aids or
technology to
enhance the
presentation but
they do not help
explain the concept.
Student participated
and needed little
assistance from
other group
The students use
visual aids or
technology which do
not enhance the
presentation or help
explain the concept.
The students do not
use visual aids or
technology during
the presentation.
Student needed
assistance often
from other group
participation during
the presentation.
Student had little to
no participation in
the group
Other Evidence:
Discussion About Prior
Knowledge – Teachers need to
know that students have the
background necessary to
understand naming.
Journal – What does a “name”
mean? What are some difficulties
with names?
Brainstorm – Come up with ways
to have uniform naming practices
using other cultures such as Brazil
or Spain as examples.
KWL – Students will list what they
know and what they want to know
about naming compounds.
Think/Pair/Share – Students will
work in pairs to practice and
reinforce rules as they are
Conferences – Check for
understanding by meeting with
students during work time.
Quizzes – Give short quizzes to
show mastery of concepts needed
before moving to the next concept.
MBWA (Manage By Walking
Around) – Have students
demonstrate knowledge by
observing them during work time.
Exit Cards – Exit cards will be
used to show mastery at the end of
a daily lesson.
Daily Assignment – Daily work is
used to show mastery at the end of
a daily lesson – C Level activities.
Unit Test – Students will take a
cumulative test covering all aspects
of the unit.
Reflections – Students will journal
about their perceptions regarding
what they have learned after the
Unit Test.
KWL – Students will list what
they know, what they want to
know, and what they have learned
about naming compounds.
Describe the assessment/s and state the prompt if
xF xS
What type of scoring tools will be used for evaluation?
□ Analytic rubric
□ Holistic rubric
x Criterion rubric
□ Checklist
x Answer Key
□ Other
Student Self-Assessment and Reflection:
Students will have multiple opportunities for self-assessment through daily assignments and exit cards. The
think-pair-share time of the instruction will allow a stronger basis for that self-assessment through peer
interaction. Conferences, exit slips, and daily work will allow for instructor input to assure students understand
concepts. During the unit, the students will work together to present “new” compounds to the IUPAC
Nomenclature Committee which will allow them the opportunity to reflect on learning and apply that
knowledge to a new situation. Following the Unit Test, students will be reflecting on the content learned
during the unit and how it can be applied to real-life applications.
Stage 3 - Learning Plan
Differentiated Instruction:
C Level: 25 points (Students must choose 4, with number 5 being mandatory)
1. Naming Covalent Compounds worksheet (5 points)
2. Writing and Naming Binary Formulas worksheet (5 points)
3. Naming Binary Compounds worksheet (5 points)
4. Naming Non-Binary Compounds worksheet (5 points)
5. Naming Mixed Compounds worksheet (5 points)
6. Naming Acids and Hydrates worksheet (5 points)
7. Writing Formulas From Names worksheet (5 points)
8. Determining Empirical Formulas and Percent Composition worksheet (5 points)
9. Determining Molecular Formulas worksheet (5 points)
10. Composition of Hydrates worksheet (5 points)
11. Mole conversion worksheet (5 points)
B Level: 30 points (Students must complete ONE lab within activity 1 & must choose 2 activities from
numbers 2, 3, 4, 5)
1. Mole Lab: Differentiated According to Ability – Activity 1: Who’s Counting? Higher math abilities
(10 points); Activity 2: A mole of pennies, medium math abilities (10 points); Activity 3: The mole,
lower math abilities (10 points).
2. Develop a flow chart to be used in naming compounds. (10 points)
3. Research different ways to name compounds containing metals with multiple oxidation states; Create an
editorial for a newspaper comparing and contrasting the systems that you found. (10 points)
4. Research a popular hydrocarbon used as a fossil fuel. Make a poster of all isomers, with the isomers
labeled correctly. (10 points)
5. Create a skit or make a video demonstrating possible ways to convert between the number of moles,
grams, and particles of a compound or element. (10 points)
A Level: 45 points (Students must do 1 & 2, may choose between 3 & 4)
1. IUPAC Convention – working in groups of 4 or 5, develop your individual and group portions of the
presentation. (20 points)
2. Unit Test (20 points)
3. Reflection – answer the question “Do you think having a uniform naming system is necessary?”
Defend your opinion. (5 points)
4. Reflection – answer the questions “Which IUPAC Convention group made the most convincing
argument? Why did you choose that group?”
Learning Activities:
W Where are we going? To understand the intricacies involved in the identification of compounds through
naming compounds, writing formulas, determining percent weights, and establishing empirical formulas.
Why? To gain an understanding of how and why compounds form and the ways in which scientists
identify them. What is expected? Students will become fluent in the identification of compounds.
H I will Hook student attention by discussing naming practices of people; in the USA we identify people by
3 names: first, middle, and last. In Spain, people are often identified by 4 names: first, middle, father’s
last, and mother’s maiden. In Thailand, people can be identified by only 1 name. Our school has a large
international exchange population which will provide significance to the discussion. In addition, we will
discuss common versus scientific names of some popular plants and animals, which will show the
importance of having a common naming system. I will hold student interest by having naming
competitions throughout the lessons.
Students will be equipped to do well on this unit through a wide variety of practice assignments
(individual and group), feedback through exit cards, conferences and sharing with both teacher and other
students, and classroom lectures and discussions.
Students will be able to rethink and revise their work through think/pair/share, KWL, daily assignments,
and class competitions. This allows for individual reflection as well as group collaboration.
Students will self-evaluate through KWL during the unit and journal reflections after the unit test and their
group presentation.
Learning will be tailored by using differentiated instruction, including the activities listed above, flexible
grouping, addressing student readiness through multiple content sources, and providing both oral and
written practice based on learning styles.
O The unit will be organized so that students recognize reverse processes and can practice both at the same
time (for example, writing names from formulas and writing formulas from names). See daily sequencing
Essential Vocabulary
Percent: One part in a hundred. For example, 62 percent (also written 62%) means 62 parts out of 100.
Weight: The amount or quantity of heaviness or mass; amount a thing weighs.
Element: One of a class of substances that cannot be separated into simpler substances by chemical means.
Compound: A pure substance composed of two or more elements whose composition is constant.
Formula: An expression of the constituents of a compound by symbols and figures.
Empirical formula: A chemical formula indicating the elements of a compound and their relative proportions,
as (CH2O)n.
Molecular formula: A chemical formula that indicates the kinds of atoms and the number of each kind in a
molecule of a compound.
Molecular weight: The average weight of a molecule of an element or compound; the sum of the atomic
weights of all the atoms in a molecule.
Binary compound: Chemical compound composed of only two elements.
Ionic compound: A chemical compound of cations and anions which are held together by ionic bonds in a
lattice structure.
Molecular compound: A chemical compound made up of molecules having covalently bonded atoms.
Hydrocarbon: Any of a class of compounds containing only hydrogen and carbon.
Isomer: A compound displaying isomerism with one or more other compounds.
Isomerism: The relation of two or more compounds that are composed of the same kinds and numbers of atoms
but differ from each other in structural arrangement or in the arrangement of their atoms in space and therefore
in one or more properties.
Mole: The amount of an element, compound, or other substance that has the same number of basic particles as
12 grams of Carbon-12. The number of particles making up a mole is Avogadro’s number. For elements and
compounds, the mass of one mole, in grams, is roughly equal to the atomic or molecular weight of the substance.
Mass: A measure of the amount of matter contained in or constituting a physical body.
Substance: A specific type of matter, a homogeneous material with a definite composition.
Particles: A minute portion, piece, fragment, or amount.
Sequencing the Learning
KWL – Naming
Naming Binary
Covalent Compounds
Naming Binary Ionic
Naming Ternary
Ionic Compounds,
acids, and hydrates
Quiz – Naming
Intro to Naming and
prior knowledge
Think, Pair, Share
Think, Pair, Share
Brainstorm Naming
Level C activities
Level C activities
Exit Card – Naming
Covalent Compounds
Exit Card – Naming
Ionic Compounds
Journal Writing
Think, Pair, Share
Writing Formulas
From Names
Level C activities
Think, Pair, Share
Exit Card – Naming
Ternary Compounds
Level C activities
Empirical Formulas
and Percent
Quiz – Emp.
Formulas and %
The Mole
The Mole
Quiz – The Mole
Brainstorm measurements
Think, Pair, Share –
Lab activities
Group Practice
Hydrocarbons and
Level A activity IUPAC Convention
Day 1
Level B activity –
Mole Lab
Level B activity –
Mole Lab
Level C activities
Level B activities
MBWA and
Create New
Compounds, Assign
Roles, Individual
Exit Card conversions
Level A activity IUPAC Convention
Day 2
Level A activity IUPAC Convention
Day 3
Test Review
Unit Test
Reflections – Post
Test and IUPAC
Combine Individual
Research, Develop
Group Presentations