Curriculum Vitae - The Catholic University of America

Elizabeth Hawkins-Walsh, PhD, CPNP
Director, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Program
The Catholic University of America
Clinical Assistant Professor; School of Nursing
Washington, D.C. 20064
(202) 319-6482;
F.N.P. Family Nurse Practitioner, Post-Master’s Certificate
The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.
Ph.D. The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. 20064
Behavioral Pediatrics
P.N.P. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Post-Master’s Certificate.
The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.
M.S.N. Maternal/Infant Nursing, The Catholic University of America
Minor: Counseling
B.S.N. Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. 20007
R.N.; C.R.N.P. Washington, D.C.; Maryland;
Pediatric Nursing Certification Board, 1988-present
(formerly National Certification Board of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners/Nurses)
1989- present
Director and Clinical Assistant Professor,
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Program
The Catholic University of America, School of Nursing
1994 –present
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Faculty Practice
The Washington Free Clinic, Washington, D.C. and
Broad Acres Elementary School, Montgomery County, Md.
Primary Investigator, School-Based Health Partnership/Montgomery
County/Dept Health Human Services
Co-Primary Investigator, Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health Grant
Dept Health Human Services, Division of Nursing
Co-Director, School Nurse Practitioner Training Grant
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Visiting Nurses of Northern Virginia
Family Liaison/Research Associate, Georgetown University Department
of Pediatrics/Neonatology, Washington, D.C.
Staff Nurse, Intensive Care Nursery, Georgetown University Hospital
Sisters’ Hospital School of Nursing, Instructor, Buffalo, New York
Staff Nurse, Intensive Care Nursery, Bridgeport Hospital. Bpt, Ct.
Psychiatric Nurse, L’hopital de Malevoz, Monthey, Suisse
National Training Institute on Child Care Health Consultants; National Advisory Board, 2006present.
Faculty Leadership Team, Model Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Curriculum, Commonwealth Fund,
September, 2004 – 5.
NAPNAP Advisory Group on Mental Health Issues in Pediatrics, 2005-present
Advanced Practice Nursing Consensus Process, Alliance for Nursing Accreditation, 2004.
Chairman of KYSS Task Force on Parenting, Summit, Rochester, NY, 2003- present.
Co-Chair, National Certification Board Pediatric Nurse Practitioners/Nurses
Program Review Committee, Gaithersburg, Maryland, 1999-present
Curriculum Co-Chair – Development of an On-line Interdisciplinary Curriculum for Health
Professionals; D.C. AHEC, 2001-2003
Panel, National Nurse Practitioner Data Base, Washington, DC, 2003-04
Nurse Practitioner Advisory Board, Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 2002-04
Member, Expert Panel on Child and Family Health, American Assoc. Colleges of Nursing, 2001
Site Visitor, Consortium on Quality Nurse Practitioner Education and NLNAC. 2001
Peer Reviewer, Advanced Education Nursing Grant Application Review. Bureau of
Health Professions, Department of Health and Human Services, April 2000.
Founding Member, Consortium on Quality in Nurse Practitioner Education, 1999-present
President’s Strategic Planning Council, The Catholic University of America. 2000-01.
Search Committee, Dean of School of Nursing, The Catholic University of America, 2000.
Executive Committee, D.C. AHEC Committee, 2000 - present
Alliance on Nursing Accreditation, 2000-present
Faculty Advisor, Olivian Society, The Catholic University of America School of Nursing 200204
Counselor, Sigma Theta Tau, Kappa Chapter, Washington, D.C., 1999 - 2001
Co-Chair, District of Columbia AHEC Curriculum Committee April 2000 –2001.
Founding Member, D.C. Primary Care Assoc. Health Professions Committee, 1998
Reviewer, Program Review Committee, National Certification Board Pediatric Nurse
Practitioners/Nurses, 1992-1998
Northwestern High School Health Center Advisory Board, Hyattsville, Md., 1993-1996
Advisory Committee, D.C. School Health Bureau for Certification of School Nurses,
Board Member, National Association of Faculties of Pediatric Nurse
Practitioner/Associate Programs, 1999-2001
Editor, Association of Faculties of Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and Associates Program
Newsletter, 1991-1993
Fellow, The National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates and Practitioners,
1988 - present
Co-Founder, Parents of Preemies, Inc., Washington, D.C.
Hawkins-Walsh (2006). Self-injurious behaviors in adolescents. Medscape Today
Hawkins-Walsh, E. (2006). New mental health concerns in pediatrics. Medscape Today
Hawkins-Walsh (2006). The Big Secret about Well-Child Visits for Parents. In The Kyss
Guide to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Screening, 45-48. Cherry Hill,
Hawkins-Walsh, E. (2004). The Practice doctorate-What’s it all about? The Pediatric
Nurse Practitioner, 31 (4), 18.
Hawkins-Walsh, E. (2004). Commentary: On call paediatricians were not better than
advice nurses for after hours medical advice in a general paediatric population.
Evidence-Based Nursing, 7 (1), 27.
Hawkins-Walsh, E & Stone, C. (2004). National survey of pediatric nurse practitioner
curriculum: preparing to meet the mental health needs of children. Pediatric Nursing,
30 (1), 72-78.
Hawkins-Walsh, E., Herendeen, N., Melnyk, B. and Alpert-Gillis. (2003). Parenting and
marital transitions/family conflict. In Improving the mental/psychosocial health of
US children and adolescents: Outcomes and implementation strategies from the
National KYSS Summit. Journal of Pediatric Health Care Supplement, 17 (6),
Hawkins-Walsh, E. (2003). Case study of young man with tremor. Journal American Academy of
Nurse Practitioners, 15 (5), 220-223.
Hawkins-Walsh, E. (2003). Commentary: A behavioral infant sleep intervention resolved
sleep problems. Evidence-Based Nursing, 6 (1), 10.
Hawkins-Walsh, E. (2002).Katie’s Premature Brother. Omaha, Nebraska: Centering
Jackson, P., Kennedy, C., Lindenke, L., Sadler, L., Kenney, K., Lindeke, L., Sperhac, A.,
and Hawkins-Walsh, E. (2001). Professional practice of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners:
Implications for education and training of PNP’s. Journal of Pediatric Health Care,
15, 291-298.
Hawkins-Walsh, E. (2001). Turning pediatric health care providers’ attention
to behavior. Journal of Pediatric Health Care. 15, 115-122.
Hawkins-Walsh, E. (2001). Commentary on Review: Alarm interventions reduce
nocturnal enuresis in children. Evidence-Based Nursing, 4 (4), 110.
Hawkins-Walsh, E. (2001). Contributing author. Ask A Nurse. Allentown, Pa.: People’s
Medical Society.
Hawkins-Walsh, E. (2000). Commentary: Effectiveness of glucocorticoids in treating croup.
Evidence-Based Nursing 3 (3), 74.
Hawkins-Walsh, E. (October, 2000). Reflections on listening. The American Journal of
Hawkins-Walsh, E. (1999). Parental attitudes toward utilization of pediatric primary care
providers as resources for behavioral concerns. Dissertation Abstracts.
Hawkins-Walsh, E. (1994). Neurological disorders; Musculoskeletal disorders;
Gastrointestinal tract disorders; Genitourinary disorders. In V. L. Millonig, Ed.
The Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Review Guide (2nd ed.). Potomac, Md: Health
Leadership Associates, Inc.
Hawkins-Walsh, E. (1990). Neurological disorders; Musculoskeletal disorders;
Gastrointestinal tract disorders; Genitourinary disorders. In V. L. Millonig, Ed.
The pediatric nurse practitioner review guide (1st ed.). Potomac, Md: Health
Leadership Associates, Inc.
Hawkins-Walsh, E. (1988). Breastfeeding the premature infant. Pediatric Nursing Forum,
III (4).
Hawkins-Walsh, E. (1980). Diminishing anxiety in parents of sick newborns. Maternal
Child Nursing, 5 (1), 30-34.
Hawkins-Walsh, E. (1980). Drowning. In Fox, J. ed. Primary Care Manual ( vol.1). New
York: McGraw - Hill, 828-830.
Kemp, M., Simpson, E., Hawkins-Walsh, E. et al. (1988). The Preemie Parents Booklet.
Washington, D.C.: Parents of Preemies, Inc.
Hawkins-Walsh, E. (1977). Drugs used in the treatment of pediatric allergy and asthma.
Pediatric Nursing, 3 (2), 12-15.
Screening for Early Childhood Caries, AFPNP, 4/03
USDHHS Training Grant Child/Adolescent Behavioral and Mental Health , 7/01-6/04
USDHHS Training Grant School Nurse Practitioner Option, 7/94-6/97
Montgomery County HHS Linkages to Learning, 1997-1998; 1998-1999;1999-2000; 20012002; 2003-2004; 2004-5; 2005-6; 2006-7.
CCI School Health Grant, Maryland, 1997
Hospital for Sick Children “Health Assessment Training for Pediatric Nurses in a Chronic Care
Setting”, 1998
Research Grant-In-Aid, The Catholic University of America, 1998
Current Application Pending:
Co-Primary Investigator, NIH Investigative-Initiated Interactive Research Project Grant
Families Matter in the Lives of Youth Program
2007. Tools to Teach: Screening for Mental Health Concerns in Children. National Organization
of Nurse Practitioner Faculties Annual Conference, Denver, April 13.
2006. Meeting Behavioral Concerns of Parents of Young Children in Pediatric Primary Care.
Arizona State University, Phoenix, January.
2006. Training Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Students in Primary Mental Health Care. CHADD,
Washington, DC, April.
2005. A National Survey of Mental Health Content in PNP Curriculi. University of Rochester,
New York, Nov, 30.
2005. Screening for Early Oral Health in School. The National Assembly of School Based
Health Care, Providence, Rhode Island, June 19, National Conference.
2004. Early Childhood Caries. National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty Conference.
San Diego, Ca.
2003. Mental Health Screening of Children in Primary Care. Summer Institute: Integrating
Mental/Behavioral Health Care into Pediatric Primary Care, Washington, D.C. July 19.
2003. Changes in Review of PNP Programs. NAPNAP Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida .
2002. Critical Criteria for Approval of PNP Programs.NAPNAP Annual Meeting, Reno,
2002. Child and Adolescent Mental Health. AACN Master’s Essentials. Amelia Island, Florida,
Feb. 2002.
2001. The Consortium on Quality in Nurse Practitioner Education; What is it all about?
Training the Reviewer; Workshop for National Certification Board Reviewers.
The National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners Annual Meeting,
Chicago; March, 15, 2001.
2000. Assessing Development with Children of Adolescent Parents. The American Academy of
Nurse Practitioners Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. June 30, 2000.
2000. Challenging Issues in Program Review for Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Programs.
Seizing Clinical Opportunities for Service-Learning. The National Association Pediatric
Nurse Practitioners’ Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.
1999. Oral Rehydration and Diarrhea. Operation Smile Mission Training, Georgetown
University, Washington, D.C.
1999. Behavioral Issues and the Well-Child Visit. National Nurse Practitioner Conference,
Baltimore, Md.
1999. Essentials of Review for PNP Programs.NAPNAP, San Antonio, Texas.
1999. A Service-Learning Project: The Use of the DDST to Promote Knowledge of Development
in Adolescent Mothers. The National Assembly for School Health, San Diego,
1997. Abdominal Assessment Workshop. School Nurse Association, Harrisburg, Pa.
1995. The Nurse Practitioner. The Washington Post Forum for Health Professionals,
Washington, D.C.