MGH Pediatric ER Clinical Experience The following are some clinical objectives for the students and staff nurse to use as a guide for the observational clinical experience: - To observe many different children in the ER and become familiar with the various illnesses/treatments encountered. - To observe provider discussions, treatment plans and teaching (as applicable) and witness what the various providers contribute to this team approach. - To observe one child/family in particular during the student’s observational stay and explore the pertinent nursing diagnoses for the child and the family. - To witness a care provider in a physical assessment of a child; strive to understand why certain assessments are within normal limits or not (either during the experience or afterwards during journal writing). - To witness a procedure, admission or discharge whenever possible, as the day allows. - To share the above experiences with their peers during clinical conference. Within one week after the ER experience, the student is to submit a short (1-2pg) journal addressing the above objectives as well as a summary of how this experience enhanced individual learning. If the ER has a low census the day of the observation, it may be possible to seek out learning experiences elsewhere in the ER at the discretion of the RN;s. This has already been discussed with the nurse manager and she was supportive of this alternative. When there is a pediatric patient in the ER, the student should return to that area to continue the pediatric experience. Donna Hills