HORSINGTON CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY SCHOOL ENGLISH: A POLICY STATEMENT - SPELLING In addressing the issue of spelling and how it is taught and learnt, the teaching staff of Horsington Church of England Primary School have decided to adopt the practices detailed below: SPELLING SKILLS AND STRATEGIES Staff will use the hierarchy of spelling skills and the range of strategies set out in the National Literacy Strategy Framework of Teaching Objectives and also in the school’s supplementary spelling list which accompanies this policy, Nelson Spelling, Starspell and other computer generated spelling tools. SPELLING HOMEWORK Some pupils in Key Stage 2 will receive weekly spelling homework appropriate to their ability. These spellings will be given to each individual child. (See Homework Policy) Pupils will be taught to use the following method when writing spellings into their spelling books: L Look S Say C Cover S Say W Write C Check SPELLING LISTS These will be provided by teachers for pupils to learn. At Key Stage Two sometimes pupils will also select personal spellings from their own work to be learnt as part of their spelling homework, in addition to the spellings set by the class teacher. Pupils will also learn spellings from the High Frequency Word Lists from the National Literacy Strategy. Reviewed: March 2006 SPELLING TARGETS Whole School spelling targets have been set up and these are broken down into smaller year group targets. Daily spelling activities will be given to reach these targets. ASSESSMENT DICTATION Periodically targeted dictation is given to monitor progress. This form of assessment commenced Spring 2006 and will be reviewed for effectiveness. YOUNG’S PARALLEL SPELLING TEST Pupils in Years 1 - 6 inclusive will be tested in November and June each year using the Young’s Parallel Spelling Test. (See Annual Cycle of Assessment). PERSONAL SPELLING DICTIONARIES Year 2 to Year Six Some pupils in these Year groups will have a personal dictionary in which to record spellings that they require during the course of their work. These pupils will be decided upon by the class teacher according to their spelling needs. These can be used in a range of curricular areas. USE OF COMMERCIALLY PRODUCED DICTIONARIES/SPELL CHECKERS A range of dictionaries is available in each classroom to cater for differing abilities within that class. Once children have begun to spell three and four letter words with confidence and reasonable accuracy, they should be encouraged to use a commercially produced dictionary as a first point of reference when seeking to confirm an attempted spelling. Spell checkers require a higher level of spelling accuracy and should as such be used only by pupils who have a solid spelling base i.e. children who have a secure knowledge of initial consonants, simple vowel sounds, beginning and final consonant blends and vowel digraphs. Whilst they often appeal to weaker spellers, spell checkers are generally inappropriate for their needs. These will be used by pupils in Years 5 and 6. SPECIAL ADDITIONAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS Some pupils with additional educational needs may need to learn spellings from earlier year groups and over learn to reinforce sound blends. Reviewed: November 2000 Adopted: November 2000 Reviewed: March 2006 Reviewed: July 2001 Reviewed: March 2006 2 Reviewed: March 2006