FINAL PRESENTATION OF THE MAP OF YOUR GROUP'S PLAN: Your group is to finalize your map in order to present your ideas to your peers in the class. This will be due in a class session the weeks of_______________. Your instructor will announce the specific date. Remember that a map is visual communication and you will need to help your viewers understand the main features of your plan -- which grade level, subject areas, teaching strategies and activities, theme, and classroom arrangement. Keep in mind that if symbols, color-coding, and labeling are not visually obvious to your audience, you'll want to use a key. There will be peer evaluation of your plan, using the following "rubrics" or criteria for evaluation. This map presentation in class is worth up to 10 points. (Please Note: When you give feedback to a group, please make every effort to give concrete, helpful feedback.) RUBRICS FOR CLASSROOM MAP CLARITY OF VISUAL AND VERBAL COMMUNICATION PEER FEEDBACK -- total of up to 10 points possible Pts. 1. CLARITY IN THE VISUAL MAP/PLAN Comments: 2. COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT OPTIONS ARE EVIDENT IN PLAN 3. ATTENTION TO THE MICHIGAN STANDARDS 4. CREATIVITY IN GROUP EFFORT IS APPARENT 5. OVERALL QUALITY IMPRESSION OF GROUP EFFORT ON THIS PLAN IS REFLECTED IN PRESENTATION (preparation, voice, etc.) KEY: OUTSTANDING OR VERY GOOD 2 POINTS EACH GOOD OR ADEQUATE LITTLE EFFORT 1 POINT EACH 0 POINTS Your Name: ___________________________________ GROUP:_____________________________________ TOTAL POINTS FOR THIS EXAM: 50 POINTS 15 POINTS 25 POINTS 10 POINTS VIDEOTAPING SELF-ASSESSMENT RESOURCE TEAM OBSERVATIONS MAP AND CLASS PRESENTATION GRAND TOTAL -- 100 POINTS FINAL PRESENTATION OF THE MAP OF YOUR GROUP'S PLAN: Your group is to finalize your map in order to present your ideas to your peers in the class. This will be due in a class session the weeks of _________________. Remember that a map is visual communication and you will need to help your viewers understand the main features of your plan -- which grade level, subject areas, teaching strategies and activities, theme, and classroom arrangement. Keep in mind that if symbols, color-coding, and labeling are not visually obvious to your audience, you'll want to use a key. There will be peer evaluation of your plan, using the "rubrics" distributed previously in class. This map presentation in class is worth up to 10 points. (Please Note: When you give feedback to a group, please make every effort to give concrete, helpful feedback.) FINAL PRESENTATION OF THE MAP OF YOUR GROUP'S PLAN: Your group is to finalize your map in order to present your ideas to your peers in the class. This will be due in a class session the weeks of _________________. Remember that a map is visual communication and you will need to help your viewers understand the main features of your plan -- which grade level, subject areas, teaching strategies and activities, theme, and classroom arrangement. Keep in mind that if symbols, color-coding, and labeling are not visually obvious to your audience, you'll want to use a key. There will be peer evaluation of your plan, using the "rubrics" distributed previously in class. This map presentation in class is worth up to 10 points. (Please Note: When you give feedback to a group, please make every effort to give concrete, helpful feedback.) FINAL PRESENTATION OF THE MAP OF YOUR GROUP'S PLAN: Your group is to finalize your map in order to present your ideas to your peers in the class. This will be due in a class session the week of __________________. Remember that a map is visual communication and you will need to help your viewers understand the main features of your plan -- which grade level, subject areas, teaching strategies and activities, theme, and classroom arrangement. Keep in mind that if symbols, color-coding, and labeling are not visually obvious to your audience, you'll want to use a key. There will be peer evaluation of your plan, using the "rubrics" distributed previously in class. This map presentation in class is worth up to 10 points. (Please Note: When you give feedback to a group, please make every effort to give concrete, helpful feedback.)