NOUN CLAUSES as SUBJECTS and OBJECTS * Kahvaltıda yediklerim midemi ağrıttı. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………ache. * Hocamızın her söylediğine saygı duysam da bazen kendisiyle hemfikir olmuyorum. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Noun clauses usually start with “what, (the fact) that, who, whom, where, whatever, whichever (one), wherever, whomever, however …………………” Just like regular nouns, they can function as the subject or object of a sentence. - What I had for breakfast made my stomach ache. noun clause as the subject - MAIN VERB OBJECT Although I respect whatever the teacher says, I sometimes disagree with him. SUBJECT VERB noun clause as the object * Her kim en iyi hizmeti yapacaksa ben ona oyumu vereceğim. I……………………………………………………………………………………………… * Seçilen aday tam da senin tahmin ettiğindi. ................................................................exactly......................... Within a specific noun clause; “who / whoever” function as the subject of that noun clause, and “whom / whomever” function as its object. THE NOUN CLAUSE - I will vote for whoever will offer the best service. SUBJECT VERB OBJECT THE NOUN CLAUSE - The candidate chosen was exactly whom you predicted. OBJECT SUBJECT VERB * Billy’nin ne kadar harcamış olduğundan Mary sorumlu değil. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… * Söylediklerimi dikkate almıyor. …………………………no notice……………………………………… (dikkate almak: take notice of) A noun clause can also come after a preposition (to, of, about, for ………………) as its object. - I always paid attention to what my father said. - Mary is not responsible for how much Billy spent. - She takes no notice of what I say. * Bunun iyi bir karar olup olmadığı şu an için belli değil. …………………………………………………………………clear………… Embedded questions starting with “if / whether (or not) and question words like which, when, how, where, how much etc.” are also noun clauses. Like most noun clauses, embedded questions can be the SUBJECT or OBJECT of the whole sentence. - I don't know if they are coming to the party. SUBJECT VERB embedded question with “if” as the OBJECT - Please tell me whether it is expensive. VERB - embedded question with “whether” as the DIRECT OBJECT I can't remember where we are going. SUBJECT - INDIRECT OBJECT VERB embedded question with “where” as the OBJECT When they will return is a mystery for everyone. embedded question with “when” as the SUBJECT BUT, between “whether” and “if”, always prefer “whether” at the beginning of a sentence! - If this is a good decision is not clear for now. = WRONG Whether (or not) this is a good decision is not clear for now. = CORRECT NOTE: About using «or not» with «whether», see NOUN CLAUSES as COMPLEMENTS * İngilizce’de iyi bir ilerleme kaydetmiş olman memnuniyet verici. …………………………………………………………………………………………………is………… (pleasing: memnun edici) Noun Clauses as ADJECTIVE COMPLEMENTS Subj. + be / appear / seem / feel / smell / look / taste etc . + ADJECTIVE + (that) NOUN CLAUSE It is pleasing (that) you’ve made good progress in English. The noun clause “(that) you’ve made good …………………………” explains and completes the adjective “pleasing”. “That” can be omitted in this case! - THE SAME MEANING CAN ALSO BE GIVEN AS BELOW!!! (The fact) That you’ve made good progress in English is pleasing. In this case, “the fact” can be omitted but “that” can never be omitted!!!!!! * Bunu yapması mecburiydi. ……………mandatory……………………………… * Oğlunuzun derslere geç kalmamasını rica ediyorum. ……………………………………………………………… Noun clauses that follow adjectives and verbs of urgency, necessity or advice require the base form of the verb regardless of tense!!!!!!!!!!! ADJECTIVES of urgency, necessity or advice desirable essential necessary important mandatory crucial advisable required . . . + (that) noun clause with base form verb It was mandatory (that) he do it. The sentence as a whole is about the past but the verb in the noun clause is in base form as it follows the adjective “essential.” - It can be restated also as below!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (The fact) That he do it was mandatory. In this case, “the fact” can be omitted but “that” can never be omitted! VERBS of urgency, necessity or advice demand ask insist suggest recommend + (that) noun clause with base form verb order prefer request urge . . . - I request (that) your son not be late for classes. NOT “isn’t” or “won’t be” !!!!!!!!!!!!!! The sentence “I request (that) your son not be late for classes” can be restated also as below with “should / shouldn’t + V1” I request (that) your son should not be late for classes. * Billy’nin hatası verilen tavsiyeleri dinlememesiydi. ………………………………………………………………………………………………mistake. Noun Clauses as NOUN COMPLEMENTS Billy’s mistake was (that) he did not follow the advice given. The noun clause “(that) he did not follow the advice given” explains and completes the noun “mistake”. “That” can be omitted in this case! - THE SAME MEANING CAN ALSO BE GIVEN AS BELOW!!! (The fact) that he did not follow the advice given was Billy’s mistake. In this case, “the fact” can be omitted but “that” can never be omitted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ÜÇ ERKEK KARDEŞ * Bir zamanlar üç oğlu olan bir hanımefendi vardı. Bu oğulların hepsi hali vakti yerinde, ve genel anlamda hayranlık uyandırıcı kişilerdi. …………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………… well-off financially, and …………………………………………………………………overall. * Fakat pek de hayranlık uyandırıcı olmayan üçü arasındaki çekişmeydi. But what ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… three. (çekişme: rivalry) * Tek istedikleri, annelerinin gönlündeki en özel yerdi. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… heart. * Oğlanların aşırı derecede rekabetçi olması anneyi her zaman üzmüştü ve artık nasıl davranması gerektiğini bilemiyordu. ……………………………………… excessively ………………………………………………………………........... ………………………………………………………………………….. (rekabetçi: competitive) * Yıllar hızla akıp geçti, zavallı kadının gözleri artık neredeyse hiç görmüyordu ve oğlanlar onun son günlerinin yaklaşmakta olduğunu anlamışlardı. The years flew by, ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. * Her biri kendisini tartışmasız en iyi oğul yapacak şeyin peşinde koşmaya başladı. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………unarguably …………………… * Moe annesine 15 odalı bir malikâne aldı, tabii ki de annesinin söz konusu olduğu yerde paranın lafı olmazdı. ……………………………………… mansion, ……………………………… no object where…………………………………… * Joe çok güzel lüks bir otomobil aldı ve 24 saat hazırda bekleyecek bir şoför kiraladı. Bu hediyeyle annesinin takdirini kesin olarak kazanacağına inanıyordu. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………to be on call for.. ……………………………………………………………………appreciation……………………………… * Curly ise diğer iki kardeşin hediyelerini aşmak için ne yapabileceğini düşünmekteydi. Bir gün şehir merkezinde gezinirken, bir evcil hayvan dükkânının vitrinindeki güzel papağan gözüne çarptı. …………………considering……………………………………………………………………………………… …………………… …………………………………………………………………, ………………………………………………….... ……………………in the window………………………… (to top: do better than) (stroll: gezinmek) (happen to see: see by chance) * Papağanı daha da özel kılan Encyclopedia Brittanica’nın tümünü ezberlemiş olmasıydı. Curly artık emindi, kendisini bir numaralı oğul yapacak olan buydu. ………………………………………………………………………………………………the entire…………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… * Birkaç hafta sonra anne çocuklarını evine çağırdı ve aynen şu sözleri söyledi: “Çocuklar, size bir şeye ihtiyacım yok dediğim zaman bana inanıp inanmadığınızı bilmiyorum ama yine de bütün bu harika hediyeler için teşekkür ederim.” ………………………………………………………………………………………exactly………………………: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… * “Moe, ev harikulade ama onu temizleyecek ne zamanım ne de enerjim var. İki oda bana yeter de artar bile.” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… * “Ve Joe, bana aldığın araba çok güzel ama artık araba kullanmıyorum. Ayrıca, şoforün İngilizce bilmemesi bir sorun. Bence evi de arabayı da satın” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… * “Ve Curly, bana alınanların içinde en iyi hediye seninkiydi! Sana ne kadar teşekkür etsem az” ……………………………………………………………………………………… I just can’t thank you enough.” * Curly, artık bir numara olduğunu herkese kanıtladığını biliyordu ve heyecanla sordu: “Bu harika! … Ondan neler öğrendin anne?” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… * Annesi şaşkınlık içinde şöyle yanıt verdi: “Ne demek istediğini anlamadım evlat. Bütün bildiğim bana verdiğin tavuğun çok leziz olduğu.” …………………………………… as follows: “………………………………………………………………… THE THREE BROTHERS There was once a lady who had three sons. The sons were all well-off financially, and admirable people overall. But what was not so admirable was the rivalry between the three. What they only wanted was the most special place in their mother’s heart. That the boys were excessively competitive had always bothered the mother and she did not know how she was supposed to act anymore. The years flew by, the poor woman was almost blind now and the boys realized that her final days were approaching. Each began to run after the thing that would make him unarguably the best son. OR Each began to run after what would make him unarguably the best son. Moe bought her mother a 15-room mansion; money was of course no object where his mother was concerned. Joe bought a very beautiful, luxury car and hired a chauffeur to be on call for 24 hours. He believed that he would definitely win his mother’s appreciation with that gift. Curly was considering what he could buy to top the other two brothers’ gifts. While strolling downtown one day, he happened to see the beautiful parrot in the window of a pet shop. What made the parrot even more special was that he had memorized the entire Encyclopedia Brittanica. Curly was sure now, that was what would make him the best son. A few weeks later, the mother invited her sons to her house and said exactly the following words: “Boys, I don’t know if you believed me when I said I didn’t need anything, but I still thank you for all these wonderful gifts.” “Moe, it is a gorgeous house but I have neither time nor energy to clean it. Two rooms are more than enough for me.” And Joe, the car you bought me is really beautiful but I don’t drive anymore. What is more, that the chauffeur cannot speak English is a problem. I’d suggest selling the house and the car both. “And Curly, yours was the best among what was bought for me. I just can’t thank you enough.” Curly now knew that he proved to everybody that he was number one and asked in excitement: “That’s great! … What have you learned from him mom?” Puzzled, the mother replied as follows: “I don’t understand what you mean boy. All I know is that the chicken you gave me was delicious!”