1 Supplementary Information Below are additional methods, results, and discussion that further document the details of our analyses and interpretations. Included are three tables: samples included in the study, special primers designed for amplification and sequencing from museum study skins, and details of the weighted ancestral area analysis. Supplementary Methods Taxon sampling: Our analysis omitted genera previously considered monarchs, such as Elminia and Erythrocercus, but which recently were shown to belong to other clades of birds far removed from the monarchs (Pasquet et al. 2002, Beresford et al. 2005). We lacked samples of the monotypic genus Lamprolia, endemic to Fiji. Relationships of this taxon are uncertain, but all possible placements within the Monarchinae would not change the interpretation of our results. All continental genera of Monarchs were included in our sampling. Taxon sampling for the ingroup was directed by results from a previous study of the relationships of the genus Monarcha, which sampled broadly across the pied and chestnut-bellied clades (Filardi and Smith in press). We included representatives from all major sub-clades within Monarcha. Within some of the endemic Pacific island genera we sampled only a single taxon. Although much denser sampling will be required to reveal finer details of biogeographic history within archipelagos, these genera constitute geographically and morphologically cohesive units. Cibois et al. (2004) sampled all extant and recently extinct taxa of Pomarea, and found strong support for monophyly of the genus. Clytorhynchus is the most geographically variable 2 taxon within the island monarchs. We sampled two of the four named species, and they were recovered as sister taxa. Given these results and the relative lack of geographic variation in other island monarch genera, radical departures from current generic assignments, of the magnitude that could cause new interpretations of our results, are extremely unlikely. Molecular clock analysis: As is the case for most avian groups, fossil and geological calibration points are unavailable for monarch flycatchers. Several avian mitochondrial DNA divergence rates have been published and they generally cluster around 2% per million years, but the vast majority of these calibrations are not applicable to the current data because they derive from distant taxa (Shields & Wilson 1987) or different genes (Fleischer et al. 1998). Furthermore, recent studies have cast considerable doubt on the reality of the 2% per million year rate (e.g., Arbogast & Slowinski 1998, Garcia-Moreno 2004). Analyses using data from recent speciation events, or otherwise corrected to account for saturation effects, have tended to yield much higher divergence rates for mitochondrial DNA. These studies underscore the importance of using a rate derived from the same gene from closely related taxa, under similar evolutionary circumstances, and using appropriate models to account for multiple superimposed substitutions. A rate recently published for ND2 in birds fulfils all of these requirements for our study taxa. The divergence rate was calculated for the ND2 gene in other passerine birds and used island ages as calibration points (Drovetski et al. 2004). Not only does the use of island ages provide reliable maximum age estimates, it also presents similar evolutionary circumstances to those that produced our data set, including small effective population 3 sizes and potential founder effects. To produce a range of estimates, we also employed the widely used avian mtDNA rate of 2% per million years (see Garcia-Moreno 2004) as a minimum estimate and the ND2 specific rate (Drovetski et al. 2004) as a maximum. Supplementary Results The combined data set contained 1717 bp, of which 454 were parsimony informative (61 Myo, 393 ND2). Base composition in the ND2 data was biased (A = 0.30, C = 0.33, G = 0.12, T = 0.25) but homogeneous across taxa (p = 0.99) and typical of this gene in other birds (e.g., Moyle 2005). Base composition in the intron data was less biased (A = 0.27, C = 0.23, G = 0.24, T = 0.26), and homogeneous across taxa (p = 1.0). The partition homogeneity test did not indicate incongruence between the two genes (p = 0.24). For the combined data, parsimony analysis (results not shown) recovered the same topology as model-based methods. Phylogenetic analysis of each gene separately (Supplemental Figure 2) produced differences in topology, but no differences received high support (0.95 bayesian posterior probability). For example, the ND2 data alone placed Chasiempis sandwichensis basally in the clade containing Metabolus and the island Monarcha species, rather than the clade containing the endemic island genera, but this placement received low support (posterior probability = 0.56). 4 Supplementary Table 1. Samples included in the study, including source, voucher numerber, and GenBank accession numers. Name Monarcha manadensis Monarcha guttula Monarcha castaneiventris Monarcha chrysomela Monarcha frater Monarcha melanopsis Monarcha cinerascens Monarcha barbatus Monarcha axillaris Monarcha leucotis Monarcha takatsukasae* Monarcha godefroyi* Monarcha mundus* Monarcha rubiensis* Mayrornis lessoni* Metabolus rugensis* Clytorhynchus hamlini C. pachycephaloides Hypothymis azurea Chasiempis sandwichensis Neolalage banksiana Machaerirynchus flaviventer Arses telescopthalmus Pomarea iphis Myiagra alecto Rhipidura rufifrons Grallina cyanoleuca Terpsiphone viridis Locality Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea Solomon Islands Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea Queensland, Australia Solomon Islands Solomon Islands Papua New Guinea Queensland, Australia Tinian Island Yap Island Lesser Sundas Papua New Guinea Fiji Truk Island Rennell Island Vanuatu Indonesia Oahu Sourcea UWBM UWBM UWBM KU VM UWBM UWBM UWBM KU VM AMNH AMNH AMNH AMNH AMNH AMNH UWBM LSUMNS UWBM UHH Voucher 67928 67904 63168 AM1021 Eo34 62890 60238 58767 AM838 C526 332278 348863 655386 835580 251270 608465 69806 B45762 67496 Mohi1 ND2 DQ084090 DQ084084 DQ084085 DQ084081 DQ084082 DQ084083 DQ084087 DQ084086 DQ084094 DQ084093 DQ084089 DQ084088 DQ084091 DQ084092 DQ084098 DQ084095 DQ084079 DQ084080 DQ084075 DQ084096 Myo DQ084115 DQ084111 DQ084112 DQ084108 DQ084109 DQ084110 DQ084114 DQ084113 DQ084117 DQ084116 DQ084106 DQ084107 DQ084102 DQ084118 Vanuatu Papua New Guinea LSUMNS KU b45765 AM949 DQ084076 DQ084072 DQ084103 DQ084099 Papua New Guinea Marquesas Papua New Guinea Solomon Islands Australia KU MNHN UWBM UWBM AMNH Genbank AM910 D42 68058 CEF239 LAB1144 DQ084077 DQ084097 DQ084078 DQ084073 DQ084074 AF407058 DQ084104 DQ084119 DQ084105 DQ084100 DQ084101 AY529939 * denotes taxa for which DNA was extracted from a museum study skin. a Abbreviations of sample sources: American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), University of Washington Burke Museum (UWBM), University of Kansas Museum of Natural History (KU), Museum of Victoria, Australia (VM), University of Michigan Museum of Zoology (UMMZ), Louisiana State University Museum of Natural Science (LSUMNS), Field Museum of Natural History (FMNH), University of Hawaii, Honolulu (UHH), Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris (MNHN). Thanks to Andy Mack (KU), Les Christidis (VM), Jean-Claude Thibault and Société d'Orthologie de la Polynésie (MNHN), Sarah Burgess (UHH), and Andy Kratter (Florida Museum of Natural History and LSUMNS). 5 Supplementary Table 2. Primers for amplification and sequencing of ND2 and Myoglobin intron-2. Primer name ND2: L5215 MonND2-150L MonND2-350L ND2-500L MonND2-572L MonND2-776L MonND2-900L ND2-160H MonND2-385H ND2-H5766 MonND2-590H MonND2-780H MonND2-925H H6313 Myoglobin intron-2: Myo2 Myo3f Sequence (5’ – 3’) Source TATCGGGCCCATACCCCGAAAAT TAATCTCAAAATCTCACCACCC CCATTCCAYTTYTGATTYCCAG GAATAGGACTAAACCAAACAC TCACAYCTRGGYTGAATGGC GCCGGCCTGCCCCCCYTRACAGG GCATACTGCGCAACAATCAC TTGGTTGCMGCTTCAATGGC TTTTATGGCTGTTGANAGGTG GGATGAGAAGGCTAGGATTTTKCG TTRAGTARAGTRAGTTTTGGG ATAATGAGTCACTTYGGGAGG CATTGTTTTATGTGGTTTGT CTCTTATTTAAGGCTTTGAAGGC Hackett 1996 this study this study AMNH lab primer this study this study this study AMNH lab primer this study Johnson and Sorenson 1998 this study this study this study Johnson and Sorenson 1998 GCCACCAAGCACAAGATCCC GCAAGGACCTTGATAATGACTT Heslewood et al. 1998 Slade et al. 1993 6 Supplementary Table 3. Divergence times and ancestral areas for nodes of interest. Agea Node Grallina/M. axillaris Neolalage/M. axillaris M. guttula/M. axillaris Neolalage/M. chrysomela Neolalage/Metabolus M. frater/Metabolus M. frater/M. cinerascens M. frater/M. castaneiventris M. frater/M. melanopsis Metabolus/M. takatsukae Metabolus/M. godefroyi Clytorhynchus/Chasiempis Clytorhynchus/Pomarea Clytorhynchus/Neolalage Clytorhynchus/Mayrornis Clytorhynchus/Clytorhynchus 4.98-13.74 3.86-10.65 2.83-8.08 3.01-8.32 2.05-5.65 1.15-2.98 0.66-1.82 0.55-1.53 0.38-1.05 1.08-3.19 1.01-2.79 1.85-5.65 1.79-4.94 1.54-4.26 1.13-3.12 1.01-2.80 Ancestral stateb C (0.53) C (0.53) C (0.58) I (0.53) I (0.96) I (0.97) I (0.98) I (0.96) C (0.87) I (0.97) I (0.97) I (0.95) I (0.95) I (0.95) I (0.96) I (0.96) WAAA (GSW/LSW = PI)c Island Continent 0.66/1.80 = 0.37 2.20/0.75 = 2.93 1.00/1.17 = 0.85 1.83/1.00 = 1.83 1.00/1.00 = 1.00 1.50/0.50 = 3.00 1.20/1.20 = 1.00 1.33/1.20 = 1.11 2.00/0.25 = 8.00 0.75/1.75 = 0.43 2.33/0.33 =7.06 0.33/2.33 = 0.14 1.50/0.50 = 3.00 0.50/1.50 = 0.33 1.00/1.00 = 1.00 1.00/1.00 = 1.00 0.00/2.00 = -2.00/0.00 = ∞ 2.00/0.00 = ∞ 0.00/2.00 = -2.00/0.00 = ∞ 0.00/2.00 = -2.00/0.00 = ∞ 0.00/2.00 = -2.00/0.00 = ∞ 0.00/2.00 = -2.00/0.00 = ∞ 0.00/2.00 = -2.00/0.00 = ∞ 0.00/2.00 = -2.00/0.00 = ∞ 0.00/2.00 = -- Ancestral aread Continent Continent Continent Equivocal Island Island Island Equivocal Continent Island Island Island Island Island Island Island a Node age estimates in millions of years. The minimum age is calculated with an ND2 specific rate from Drovetski et al. (2004). The maximum rate is a “universal” avian mitochondrial rate of 2% per million years (see Garcia-Moreno 2004 for discussion). b Ancestral state reconstruction using Discrete (Pagel 1994). Inferred states (C = continental, I = island), and probability of that ancestral state in parenthesis. c Weighted ancestral area analysis (WAAA, Hausdorf 1998). Abbreviations: weighted gain steps (GSW), weighted loss steps (LSW), probability index (PI). d Ancestral area inferred from WAAA. 7 Supplementary References Arbogast, B. S. & Slowinski, J. B. Pleistocene speciation and the mitochondrial DNA clock. Science 282, 1955a (1998). Beresford, P., Barker, F. K., Ryan, P. G. & Crowe, T. M. African endemics span the tree of songbirds (Passeri): molecular systematics of several evolutionary ‘enigmas’. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 272, 1471-2954 (2005). Cibois, A., Thibault, J. & Pasquet, E. 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Numbers by nodes indicate Bayesian posterior probability.