REGISTRATION F OR CIVIL, ELECTRICAL AND MECHNICAL WORKS BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED R A M A C H A N D R A P U R A M : H Y D E R A B A D - 500 032 GRAMS: 'BHARATELEC', PHONES 23020154 and 23182391 FAX No. 040 - 23020154 FACTORY CIVIL, PROJECTS AND TOWNSHIP ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT No. HY/FCD/PLG/2003-04 Dated : 20.12.2003. REGISTRATION OF CONTRACTORS BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED RAMACHANDRAPURAM, HYDERABAD- 500 032 invites applications for registration of contractors in following categories of works detailed below. (I) CIVIL WORKS: 1. Construction and Maintenance -machine foundations, heavy duty floorings, stanchion foundations, prestressed elements, Misc. masonry, pl astering, flooring, water proofing treatment to bldgs, OH tanks, Reservoirs. 2. Fabrication and erection of structures, construction of factory bldgs., fabrication and erection of MS / Tubular structures, AC/GI sheet roofing, cladding, NL glazing, Misc. fa brication, repairs to rolling shutters /steel doors / windows, cleaning of roofs etc. 3. Laying of water suppl y CI & GI lines, sewer lines, sanitary installations, maintenance of water suppl y, drainage s ystem and sanitary fittings, cleaning of OH tanks, un der ground reservoirs etc. 4. Interior decoration works like aluminium partitions, wall panelling, false ceiling, furniture, carpentry works and repairs to furniture. 5. Horticulture and Landscaping. 6. Maintenance of open areas and storage yards, miscella neous & emergency works, public functions etc. 7. Laying of roads, cause ways & bridges, railway lines, repairs to roads, fencing, play fields, drains. 8. House keeping and public health works. 9. Painting of buildings and structures. (II). MECHANICAL WORK S: 1. IBR: Pipeline works (CS, SS, AS) Laying of pipe lines by edge preparation, Butt welding / Fillet weld, fixing of valves, flanges, instrumentation tapping etc. 2. NON - IBR: Pipe line works (CS, SS, AS) Laying of pipe lines by edge preparation, Butt welding / Fillet weld, fixing of valves, flanges, instrumentation tapping etc. General Structural fabrication & erection works like platforms, supports, canopy, monkey ladders, equipment etc. 3. Erection works of machine tools & equipment. Erection and levelling of Clamping Bars & Floor plates. 4. Thermal insulation works for pipes & equipments. Fabrication of GI / MS Ducting works. (III). ELECTR ICAL WORKS: 1. HT works (Sub -station distribution systems) Erection of HT equipment, HT cabling, cable jojntin g, testing & commissioning and obtaining approvals from appropriate authorities (Central Electrical Authorit y), 2. LT works: Electrification of buildings & blocks / shops inside BHEL factory. 3. Power wiring of machine tools & equipment. Erection of LT equ ipments (MCC, PCC, FBD, RM Baore) cabling, Testing & commissioning. Machine tools & equipments interconnection, control power wiring, testing & commissioning. Contd….2/- :2: The contractors interested shall give requisitions for issue of application forms for registration to the Sr. Dy. General Manager (M&S / Fy.civil & Projects) BHEL by enclosing along with requisition the copies of ESI, Labour Licence, PF, latest Income Tax clearance certificate (PAN), Sales Tax Registration etc. Application forms can be obtained by payments of Rs. 100.00 in cash towards cost of application form at BHEL cash office on all working days from 12.01.2004 between 9.00 hrs. to 14.30 hrs. Incase the applicant wants the forms to be sent by post, a D.D. drawn in favour of BHEL, R.C.Puram, Hyd - 500 032, for Rs. 125.00, may be sent to the undersigned. Separate application form is to be submitted if the contractor wants to register in more than one work under each category. Contractors, who had applied against our earlier advertisement during Nov. 1998, also have to apply now a fresh for registration by purchasing the new application forms for registration. Filled in applications with all relevant documents will be accepted up to 11.02.2004. The contractors who are in the process of getting PF, ESI codes etc. may intimate the undersigned beforehand with all documentary evidence. In such cases the time given is upto 26.02.2004. Applications not submitted in the prescribed form will be rejected. BHEL, reserves its right for registration to specific value / rejection wholly of any application without assigning any reasons there of. SR. DGM (M&S/ PROJECTS & FACTORY CIVIL)