SOCIETY OF ARCHIVISTS, SCOTLAND Minutes of the Meeting held at the National Archives of Scotland Wednesday, 16th January, 2002 ATTENDEES: Irene O’Brien (Glasgow City Archives), Helen Taylor (West Lothian Archives and Records Management Service), Alison Rosie (NAS), Frank Rankin (South Lanarkshire Council), Fiona Flett (Scottish Borders Council), Richard Hunter (City of Edinburgh Council), Tristram Clarke (NAS), Linda Ramsay (NAS), Audrey Wilson (NAS), Frances Shaw (NAS), Steve Connolly (Perth and Knross Council), Laura Mitchell (NAS), Dagmar Hinz (SCAN), Andrew Jackson (SCAN), Jan Merchant (Dundee University Archives), Jennifer Tait (Dundee University Archives), John McLintock (NAS), Peter Anderson (NAS), Alison Horsburgh (NAS), Jan Jamieson (NAS, Alan Borthwick (SCAN), Vicki Wilkinson (Royal Bank of Scotland), Pat Whatley (Dundee University Archives), Virginia Russell (NAS), Helen RedmondCooper (HBOS), Ann Jones (Heriot-Watt University), Susan Corrigall (NAS), Seonaid McDonald (HBOS), Grant Buttars (NAHSTE), Alan Bell (National Library of Scotland), Rachael Third (NAHSTE), Jenny Cutts (SCAN), Gillian Mapstone (NAS), Kirstene Lang (Glasgow City Archives), Alison Lindsay (NAS), Bruno Longmore (NAS), Rachael Watson, Patrick Cadell, Claire Johnson (University of Glasgow), David Powell (University of Glasgow), Victoria Peters (University of Glasgow), Robert Urquhart (SCAN), Caroline Brown (SCAN), Margaret Fox (SCAN), Hazel Robertson (NAS), Fiona Watson (Northern Health Services Archives), Richard Cullen (Dundee City Archives), Alan Simpson (Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art Archives), Arnott Wilson (Edinburgh University Library), Alison Gardiner (Edinburgh University Library), Jenny McDermott (Edinburgh University Library), Lynda Smart (Glasgow University Library), Moira Rankin (Glasgow University Archives), Margaret McBryde (NAS), Elspeth Reid (Falkirk Council), Olive Geddes (National Library of Scotland), Pam Cranston (St Andrews University Library), Alice Stewart (Strathclyde Police), Cathlin Macaulay (School of Scottish Studies), Caroline Scharfenberg (NAS), Ruaraidh Wishart (NAS), Fiona O’Brien (Royal College of Nursing Archives), Andrew Thomson (Edinburgh University Library), Ishbel MacKinnon (Aberdeen University), Kirsty Forbes (NAS), George Mackenzie (NAS). APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Sarah Chubb, Michael Bolik, Lesley Richmond, Lisa Strachan, Pamela McIntyre, Brian Kelvin, Alan Cameron, Bob Steward, Martin Tyson, Marion Stewart, Craig Geddes, Helen Chavez, Rab Jackson, Huw Pritchard, Siobhan Convery, Iain Gray, Judith Cripps, Rosalyn Rennie, Jean Crawford, Johanna King, Andrew Dowsey, Maggie McDonald, Iain McIver, Karl Magee, Fergus Harris, Jan Hill, Alison Diamond, Joanna Baird, Carol Parry, Phil Astley, Allison Cunningham, Iain Flett, Norman Reid, Rachael Hart, Meic Pierce Owen, Sian Yates, Ruth Smith, John Brimms, Christine Lodge, David Iredale, Andrew Fisher, Jo Peattie, Stefanie Davidson, Pam McNicol, Alison Fraser, Charles Kelham, Kevin Wilbraham, Andrew Broom SRM 547 PRESENATION BY FIONA FLETT Fiona Flett, Records Manager with Scottish Borders Council gave a presentation on the impending Scottish Freedom of Information legislation and the implications for public authorities and the archives profession. SRM 548 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the previous meeting were approved by Laura Mitchell and seconded by Claire Johnson subject to the following amendments: Under Item 537 should read the meeting was held on 20th September. The last sentence in the third paragraph should read “that there was a shortfall of 40 newly qualified staff for each year…”. The last sentence in the fourth paragraph should read “It had also been agreed to recommend to Council …” SRM 549 MATTERS ARISING FROM THESE MINUTES 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) SRM 533.1 It was agreed that the issues raised by Alex Murdoch of the Scottish Local History Forum regarding archaeology should be pursued. SRM 533.2 Richard Hunter reported that he received some nineteenth century plans from East of Scotland Water, but overall they had not shown an interest in looking after their historical records. Frances Shaw noted that there was a growing awareness within the Scottish Executive about problems with record keeping in QUANGOs. It was agreed that this issue should be raised at the next ASLAWG meeting. SRM 533.3 Vicki Wilkinson, Royal Bank of Scotland Archives offered to serve as the business archives representative. It was agreed to have a ballot between Judith Cripps and Marion Stewart for the local authority representative. SRM 534.1 It was noted that SCAN had suggested to scan one volume for each participating archive and place this on the SCAN website. SRM 534.2 The agenda had been posted both electronically and in hard copy. An electronic mailing was cheaper and faster, but not all members had e-mail access. SRM 550 NAS UPDATE Dave Brownlee, who had originally been with GRO, had recently been appointed as Deputy Keeper. The NAS had been restructured with a Records Services Department under Peter Anderson and a Corporate Services Department under Dave Brownlee. A summary of the consultants’ report on the NAS was available to members on request. Negotiations were ongoing with DS on purchasing CALM 2000. A retrospective conversion project for the existing paper lists was planned. The backlog in cataloguing was also being tackled. The issue of external recruitment was being discussed with Personnel and the Unions. Although further external recruitment was supported by the NAS, this was a sensitive issue. The SRAC was planning a promotional event on DPA and FOI. An education project was also being developed where a teacher would be recruited for a year to help develop education packs, in both hard copy and web-based, for secondary schools. SRM 551 SCAN UPDATE Only 22 archives had taken up the offer for a CALM license. The HLF had agreed to provide money for this and Irene O’Brien agreed to contact participating archives to clarify interest. It was noted that some archives had already purchased CALM, or had committed to other software packages. Training would still be available for those archives which had already bought CALM. SCAN could also offer help on any technical enquiries which should reduce annual maintenance costs. A timetable had been set up for the completion of the collection descriptions. The HLF could extend the money for an additional three months after the set completion date. The HLF were also interested in using teachers to develop the educational aspect of the Knowledge Base and getting more input from participating archives. SRM 552 SECRETARY’S BUSINESS A request had been received for the anticipated budget requirements for 2002-2003. It was agreed to contact the SoA,S Officers regarding anticipated projects for the next financial year. SRM 553 COUNCILLOR’S REPORT Concern was raised over the decision not to continue with the Diploma correspondence course. In particular, this had been made without consultation with the Regions, the decision had not yet been posted in the Newsletter and many tutors had not yet been officially told the course was to cease. It was agreed to write to the Society expressing concern over the way this decision had been reached. SRM 554 COMMITTEE FOR THE REGIONS There had not been a meeting since October. However, it was agreed that the issue of the Diploma course should be raised at the forthcoming meeting. SRM 555 TRAINING COMMITTEE REPORT Alice Stewart reported that the recent events on Good Housekeeping and EAD had been very well received. Forthcoming events on electronic records, photographs and para-professional training had been set up. Also, future possible topics for training events were social inclusion, copyright, EAD and FOI. It would be helpful to have feedback on what would be popular to help prioritise. The SoA,S recorded its thanks to SCAN for supporting the EAD workshop. SRM 556 PUBLICITY OFFICER’S REPORT Nicholas Kingsley had been contacted regarding Scottish input into the planned publicity event in Westminster. He was still interested in receiving any “archives changed my life” stories. Fiona Scharlau, Angus Archives and Alma Topen, Scottish Brewing Archive had recently appeared on TV documentaries. SRM 557 SCOTTISH ARCHIVES FORUM/SCOTTISH COUNCIL ON ARCHIVES The Scottish Council on Archives would be launched on 2nd May hopefully by Glasgow City Council Director of Culture and Leisure. The NAS had provided funding for publicity leaflets, and it was anticipated that a webpage would be hosted by the Society. SRM 558 ELECTRONIC RECORDS A report from the group was circulated. The main findings were that electronic records should be managed according to the same principles as paper records. Although there were guidelines on electronic records management on the PRO website, no advice had been issued from the Society. The group had agreed to contact the RMG about this and compile a list of useful websites and publications. A questionnaire was also being compiled for use by any organisation that was contemplating setting up Electronic Document Management Systems. SRM 559 RE:SOURCE Both SoA,S and the KRS had contacted the Scottish Executive regarding establishing a concordat with Re:source. Meetings with SLIC and SMC were also ongoing. SRM 560 A2A The A2A project in England had been very successful, and extending this to Scotland would build on the work begun by SCAN. It was noted that SUSCAG had already discussed this issue. The KRS suggested setting up a brainstorming session convened by the NAS. SRM 561 SCOTTISH POSTGRADUATE ARCHIVAL TRAINING PROJECT Frank Rankin reported on the progress to date. An interim report had been presented on 6th December, 2001 to Higher Education institutions. This could be made available on request. The findings were positive, that there is a shortage of archivists and records manager. However, there is a shortfall in the UK training offered and many potential students were lost to the profession as a result. There was a debate over the delivery model, whether a traditional course or incorporating distance learning options. The next meeting would be held in February. SRM 562 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION It was agreed that the SoA,S needed to lobby the Scottish Parliament regarding amendments. A group of Frances Shaw, Irene O’Brien and Frank Rankin was set up to assist the Publicity Officer in this. SRM 563 DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting would be the AGM in April/May, date and venue to be agreed.