Einladung/Invitation zum DBG-Workshop: “Innovative methods in soil phosphorus research”- Rostock, September 2012 Datum/Date: Thursday, 27.09. 2012 Ort/Location: Faculty for Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 6, 18059 Rostock, Seminar room 4 Leitung & Moderation/Local Organisers: Prof. Peter Leinweber Dr. Jens Kruse Teilnahmegebühr/Fees: 30 € Abstract: Phosphorus (P) is essential for all forms of life and has a crucial role in environmental systems. P is essential for food production as it is a major nutrient element limiting plant growth. Agriculture depends on P derived from phosphate rock which is a depleting non-renewable resource and often contaminated by heavy metals (cadmium & uraium). Thus, the expected future P-fertilizer production from noncontaminated phosphate rock cannot meet the demands of a sustainable worldwide food production. In consequence strategies are needed to facilitate the usage of alternative P sources and to close the agricultural P cycle. These strategies essentially are based on knowledge of P species cycling in agro-ecosystems because distinct P species exhibit unique fates in the environmental. The workshop intends bringing together experts and young reseachers applying innovative methods for P speciation in soil and soil-related samples (1D & 2D NMR, XANES/EXAFS, Nano-SIMS, isotope ratios, DGT). Programm/Program: 08:00 Registration 09:00 Welcome and introduction Prof. Peter Leinweber (University of Rostock) 09:15 Methods for analyses of soil microbial biomass phosphorus and microbial P turnover PD. Dr Christel Baum (University of Rostock) 09:45 Mass spectrometry-based analytical techniques for P in environmental samples Dr. Martin Sklorz (University of Rostock) 10:15 Diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) to track the two-dimensional Pdistribution in soils Dr. Jakob Santner (University of Natural Resources and Live Sciences, Vienna) 10:45 Coffee break 11:15 Potential and limitations of Nano SIMS in environmental P research Dr. Angela Vogts (Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Warnemünde) 11:45 Oxygen isotope ratios in phosphates: a promising tool to trace biogeochemical cycles in soil Prof. Yvonne Oelmann (University of Tübingen) 12:15 Identification of organic P in environmental samples using 2-D NMR Spectroscopy, Johan Vestergren (Umeå University) 12:45 Lunch break 14:00 Poster Session 15:00 The potential of synchrotron based X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy for P-speciation in soils and related samples Dr. Kruse (University of Rostock) 15:30 Use of extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy to determine bonding configurations at the goethite/water-interface Dalton Abdala (University of Delaware) 16:00 Summarising discussion 19:00 Joint diner in a local restaurant (For all participants arriving Wednesday, 26.09., we will have a “get together” that evening). Anmeldung/Registration (please as soon as possible to support organization): Email: jens.kruse@uni-rostock.de