July 20, 2015 - University of Toledo

The University of Toledo Board of Trustees
Clinical Affairs Committee Meeting
July 20, 2015
Committee Chair Mr. Gary P. Thieman was present with Committee members
Dr. S. Amjad Hussain, and Mr. Joseph H. Zerbey, IV. Student Trustees Ms.
Anna L. Crisp and Mr. Daniel D. Arendt were present. Other Trustees attending
included Mr. Steven M. Cavanaugh, Mr. Jeffrey C. Cole and Ms. Sharon Speyer.
Faculty Representative Ms. Kandace Williams was present. Chair of the Board
Speyer appointed all trustees present as voting trustees for this meeting. Others
in attendance were Mr. Dan Barbee, Mr. John Barrett, Dr. Changhu Chen, Dr.
Christopher Cooper, Ms. Meghan Cunningham, Dr. Sharon Gaber, Mr. Ronald
Goedde, Dr. Christopher Ingersoll, Dr. Kristen Keith, Mr. Chuck Lehnert, Dr.
Bryan Moloney, Mr. David Morlock, Mr. Peter Papadimos, Dr. Thomas
Schwann, Mr. Allen Seifert, Dr. Carl Sirio, and Ms. Joan Stasa.
The meeting was called to order at 10:30 a.m. by Trustee Thieman at the Driscoll CALL TO ORDER
Alumni Center in the Schmakel room.
Mr. Thieman requested a motion to waive the reading of the minutes from the
June 15, 2015 Committee meeting and approve them as written. A motion for
approval was received from Trustee Zerbey, seconded by Trustee Cole, and
approved by the Committee.
Committee Chair Thieman welcomed new Student Trustee Ms. Anna Crisp to
the meeting, as well as Faculty Representative Dr. Kandace Williams.
Mr. David Morlock, Executive VP Finance and Administration/CEO UTMC,
prefaced today’s presentations by saying that they would be updating the
Committee on a couple of strategic investments that the Board authorized 18-20
months ago. Overall, he mentioned that both are going well.
Mr. Allen Seifert, Director of the Dana Cancer Center, was introduced to the
Committee. He reminded the Committee that he presented a concept for
expansion of radiation oncology a couple years ago. A photo of the Varian Edge
radiosurgery machine located at UTMC was displayed for the Committee and the
surgery with this machine was described as high-intensity beams of radiation
with great precision and accuracy. This treatment can destroy cancer cells within
1-5 treatments and is considered “cancer surgery without a knife.” Mr. Seifert
explained that cancer cells die when hit by intense doses of radiation while the
surrounding normal cells are spared by precise targeting of just the tumor. The
Varian Edge system at UTMC is only one of five systems worldwide and places
UTMC on the map with the most advanced technology in the region. This
technology is designed to effectively treat a wide range of cancers of the lung,
brain and spine and the advanced mobility enables Radiation Oncologists to
deliver high-intensity treatments to tumors typically difficult to reach surgically.
Treatment time is typically less than 15 minutes and is minimally invasive to a
patient’s body and daily life. Volume and revenue for year one, which both
exceeded expectations, were reviewed with the Committee.
Mr. Seifert introduced Dr. Changhu Chen, Professor and Chair of Radiation
Oncology at the Dana Cancer Center, to provide remarks. Dr. Chen stated that
this treatment is a unique clinical service in our community and explained
Stereotactic Radiosurgery in simple terms. He discussed this radiation therapy
for early stage breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, brain metastases, and
spine metastases. Dr. Chen also reviewed academic and clinical research goals
to develop a Radiation Oncology Residency Program, develop a Clinical
Research Program and become THE Radiosurgery Center in the region.
Chairman Thieman thanked Mr. Seifert and Dr. Chen and their staffs for the
tremendous work they are doing with this new treatment for cancer.
Dr. Bryan Moloney, Assistant Professor and Director Senior Behavioral
Director, provided the Committee with reasons for Senior Behavioral Health
(SBH) as community service, an increasing need for geriatric behavioral health,
and to extend the reach of the UTMC footprint. He reviewed admissions within
an 80+ mile radius from June 2014 through May 2015. Program characteristics,
patient satisfaction, and patient outcomes (admission to discharge) were
discussed with the Committee for the third and fourth quarter 2014, as well as
the first quarter of 2015 both for regional and national levels. Dr. Moloney
reported that the data is heading in the right direction, but they are not yet where
they want to be. Patient outcomes strategies for improvement were identified as
well as program challenges. Dr. Moloney reported that a lot of progress is being
made in these areas and they are becoming more stabilized. SBH average daily
census, patient volume, and financial performance were also reviewed. Dr.
Moloney indicated future directions for this program include Electronic
Convulsive Therapy (ECT), addition of a Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit
(PICU), intensive outpatient programs, and follow-up/rounding in nursing
Trustee Thieman requested a motion to enter Executive Session to discuss
privileged information related to the evaluation of medical staff personnel
appointments and quality reporting. The motion was received by Trustee Cole,
seconded by Trustee Zerbey, and a roll call of the Committee was taken by Ms.
Stasa: Mr. Cavanaugh, yes; Mr. Cole, yes; Dr. Hussain, yes; Ms. Speyer, yes;
Mr. Thieman, yes; and, Mr. Zerbey, yes. After all discussions were complete,
the Committee exited Executive Session.
Mr. Thieman requested a motion to approve the Chief of Staff Report and the
Adverse Events Report as presented in Executive Session. The Chief of Staff
Report included: 5 new medical staff applications; 2 new Allied Health
professional staff applications; 1 request for additional privileges; and, 1 medical
staff resignation. A motion for approval of both reports was received from
Trustee Hussain, seconded by Trustee Speyer and approved by the Committee.
With no further business before the Committee, Trustee Thieman adjourned the
meeting at 11:50 a.m.
July 20, 2015
New Medical Staff Applications
Michael Ellis, MD
Medicine / Infectious Diseases
Internal Medicine and Moderate Sedation privileges
Active Staff Status
Wissam Hoteit, MD
General / Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Privileges
Active Staff Status
Sean Machanda, MD
Family Medicine
Family Medicine and Moderate Sedation Privileges
Active Staff Status
Christopher Phillips, MD
General Surgery / Thoracic Surgery and Moderate Sedation privileges
Courtesy Staff Status
Karl Luketic, MD
Ophthalmology privileges
Courtesy Staff Status
New Allied Health Professional Staff Applications
Ibsitu Ahmed, PA-C
Family Medicine
Allied Health Professional Status
Physician Assistant privileges
Sponsoring Physician: Linda Speer, MD
Amber Thomas, NP
Family Medicine
Allied Health Professional Status
Physician Assistant privileges
Sponsoring Physician: Linda Speer, MD
Radha M. Gokula, MD
Request for Additional Privileges
Svitlana Zhukivska, MD
Family Medicine
Emergency Medicine/Urgent Care privileges
Medical Staff and Allied Health Professional Staff Resignations
Gerald Zelenok, MD
Effective 6/30/2015